Dear Mars Hill Anywhere Family,

As we navigate life’s unexpected turns, our faith community remains a beacon of hope and resilience. In light of the prolonged frigid temperatures, we prioritize your safety and well-being. Therefore, we have decided to postpone our in-person worship service initially scheduled for Sunday, January 21, 2024.

While the weather outside may be cold, our hearts continue to burn with faith and fellowship. We invite you to join our Online Church, a vibrant space where we can connect, learn, and grow together in our spiritual journey, undeterred by the elements.

From Rubble to Renewal: The Nehemiah Strategy for Modern Time Launches Monday, January 22, 2024 (Kindle & Paperback)

This week also marks a significant milestone for our community as we celebrate the release of “From Rubble to Renewal: The Nehemiah Strategy for Modern Times.” This insightful book, authored by yours truly, is more than just pages; it’s a blueprint for transformation, mirroring the biblical narrative of Nehemiah. In the face of ruins, vision isn’t just seeing what is but imagining what could be. Nehemiah’s story reminds us that our current reality isn’t our final destination.

We’re Partnering With YouVersion

We are also excited to announce our partnership with YouVersion Connect, an innovative platform designed to enrich your spiritual journey. This collaboration offers new ways to engage with the Scriptures, connect with fellow believers, and explore faith in a dynamic, interactive environment. Dive into this spiritual resource and grow together in wisdom and unity.

As we embrace change, remember that we are not alone. We are a community bound by faith, love, and the shared vision of a world rebuilt, renewed and revived.

Your Support Means the World

Your prayers and financial contributions have been pivotal. Planning and executing in-person and online services takes 60-80 hours weekly. This dedication to excellence is made possible through your generous support. We are deeply thankful for your commitment to our church’s mission.

Your Support is a Blessing 🙏

Being a part of Mars Hill Anywhere means you’re part of a community dedicated to transformative and inclusive worship experiences.

We encourage you to donate financially to help Mars Hill Anywhere keep doing its good work and grow.

Your donations don’t just help us; they also spread our message of love and forgiveness to people in need, both in our local area and worldwide.

It’s easy to donate. Go to our safe online giving portal or call our hardworking team at 773-287-3535.

Every gift, big or small, helps us move forward with our goal and support people looking for spiritual food.

We appreciate you being a part of the Mars Hill Anywhere group.

We are blessed to be on this trip together, combining the best of in-person and online worship to create a spiritual experience that is transformative and open to everyone.

With warmth and blessings,

Pastor Clarence E. Stowers, Jr.

P.S. Don’t forget to save the event to your calendar! Feel free to bring friends and family—let’s share the joy of this sacred night with our loved ones. Please let us know if you’re interested. Let’s come by replying to this email.

DOWNLOAD Chapter One
From Rubble to Renewal: The Nehemiah Strategy for Modern Times


Are you feeling overwhelmed by the challenges your community is facing? Do you wish there was a blueprint for rebuilding and revitalizing from the ground up, even when resources seem scarce or the task is too daunting?

Sign up for our email list to download:

Chapter 1: Assessing the Ruins:

Contemplating Our Personal Jerusalems


Congratulations, and welcome to our family of subscribers! You've made a fantastic decision to join us on this journey of discovery, excitement, and unparalleled value. We're thrilled to have you on board and can't wait to share all the fantastic benefits that come with being a part of our community. You're now part of a select group of individuals who are the first to know about our latest products, special offers, and exclusive events. We promise to deliver the most engaging and entertaining content right to your inbox. So sit back, relax, and get ready for a world of endless possibilities. Thank you for subscribing, and we can't wait to connect with you soon. Best regards, Clarence E. Stowers, Jr.

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