Sunday, February 5, 2012 (8am or 10:30am)

Mars Hill Baptist Church

2012. It’s a new year filled with new and hopeful opportunity!

Yet for many…it will be another year of feeling stuck. Stuck in unhealthy relationships, dead-end careers, faulty finances, and a life filled with frustration. 

Reset. Sometimes you just need a fresh start.

Reset is all about fresh starts and APPLYING our second chances. It’s about opening ourselves to new and better ways of thinking, dreaming, and loving others, ourselves, and God.

This series will transform your life for the better, bringing you guaranteed financial results. But it will do more than that, it will change every area of your life: marriage, family health and relationships.

Why?  When God changes your heart from selfishness to generosity, every part of your life-journey is affected. If all believers followed the practical guidance of God’s Word, every church could be built, every nation would have an abundance of missionaries – and all would reap the benefits of having a generous heart.

With humor, passion and clarity, it’s my goal to share the keys to living a blessed life both financially and spiritually. 

Start well & finish well by joining us at Mars Hill for a new practical, yet hard-hitting series that will challenge us in some of the most important areas of our lives.

Join us & bring a friend on Sunday, February 5, 2012 (8am or 10:30am).

DOWNLOAD Chapter One
From Rubble to Renewal: The Nehemiah Strategy for Modern Times


Are you feeling overwhelmed by the challenges your community is facing? Do you wish there was a blueprint for rebuilding and revitalizing from the ground up, even when resources seem scarce or the task is too daunting?

Sign up for our email list to download:

Chapter 1: Assessing the Ruins:

Contemplating Our Personal Jerusalems


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