I started blogging “unofficially” on MySpace (y’all remember them) as a hobby. Now it’s a vital part of my ministry portfolio. I plan to use it to supplement my weekend messages.

Don’t you wish Blogger or Typepad had been around 2,000 years ago. I wonder if Jesus would have blogged? What an RSS feed that would have been!

I thought I would hit the pause button and share the top ten reasons why I decided to “professionally” blog:

  1. I want to be a good steward of God’s ideas. God has given me so much…He has taught me so much…I would be wrong not to pass along what I’ve learned that might be able to help others. My blog is one way I “take my thoughts captive“—II Corinthians 10:5.
  2. Too often we remember what we should forget and forget what we should remember. My blog helps me remember what God doesn’t want me to forget.
  3. Blogging is therapeutic. Ithelps me process thoughts and emotions. I believe blogging will make me a better leader. It will make me accountable. It will keep me humble. Just as preaching keeps the preacher always learning, I believe blogging will keep me on the learning edge of leadership.
  4. Habakkuk 2:2 says, “Write down the revelation.” Blogging is one way I write down what God is revealing to me.
  5. Blogging is a form of digital discipleship. I can’t disciple a thousand people one-on-one or face-to-face. Blogging is asynchronous discipleship. It’s e-vangelism.
  6. Blogging is marking my trail with breadcrumbs like Hansel and Gretel. Jeremiah 31:21 says, “Set up road signs; put up guideposts. Mark well the path by which you came.”
  7. I blog for my children’s children. Mygrand kids will know what I was doing and thinking on February 19, 2008. They’ll be able to know my heart and read my mind.
  8. Blogging is a form of autobiography. It helps me understand God’s story-line for my life.
  9. Blogging makes Mars Hill Baptist Church an open-source church. For better or for worse, my blog is the way I share what we’re doing at MHBC.
  10. I enjoy blogging. I don’t think it comes natural to everyone. However, since I’ve always wanted to journal, blogging fits the rhythm of my life and ministry.

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From Rubble to Renewal: The Nehemiah Strategy for Modern Times


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