Do you feel bombarded with change from every direction?

Do you feel stressed, overworked, with too little time to appreciate and enjoy life?  Do you find it difficult to keep up with everything you need to do?  If so, you’re not alone. Our rapidly changing world is rapidly stressing us out.  What can you do to cope?

In Future Shock, Alvin Toffler wrote that when people go through times of rapid change, they need what he calls “islands of stability.” Those are things that do not change in your life—sources of security, safe harbors and anchors for the inevitable storms.

“When the speed of change around you or an organization is faster than the speed of change within you or an organization, they becomes irrelevant,” according to Rick Warren.  Staying relevant requires you to take three strategic steps.  Check out Rick’s video and discover the secret to remaining relevant.

[youtube id=”LFdRFhVQwvU”]

What do you do to stay relevant?

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