Let’s start with this premise: Most who lead desire to lead effectively – especially if you’re a new leader or haven’t developed your leadership philosophy. Seminaries, colleges, and university leadership programs don’t have a monopoly on advanced leadership skills.  With time, you can teach yourself many leadership principles and skills by attending this Online School of Leadership.

This Online School of Leadership is an experiment which features the Bible, the very best leadership books available, and is based on thousands of hours of research.  If you don’t have the time to drop everything, accumulate student loan debt, and attend college or seminary, tune in for the next few weeks and you’ll learn more about leadership that you can possibly imagine.

Check Out The Leadership Curriculum…

Session 1 – The Best Kept Leadership Secret – Be a Servant

Key thoughts: A good leader serves, listens, empowers and values those he leads. It is not about personal power or position. I’ll share examples from the life of Jesus and the early church and disciples. Additionally, I’ll explain why being a servant makes a good leader. Why the heart attitude of a leader is more important than his or her outward appearance.

Scriptures: John 15vs15 / John 13vs4-5 / Philippians 2vs5-7 / 1 Samuel 16vs7 / Mark 10 vs 43-44

Session 2 – The Power of Being a Servant – leader

Key thoughts – Why is servant leadership so counter intuitive?  Why is servant leadership beneficial?  Biblical examples: Jesus, David, and how that contrasts to leaders who didn’t have a servant heart – Saul and Haman for example.  They sought power and it was really just all about themselves, they weren’t true leaders.

Scriptures: 1 Samuel 15vs24 / Ester 5vs11,13-14 & 7vs6,10

Session 3 – Why Effective Leadership Needs Teamwork

Key thoughts: Team goals come before personal agendas. Have big picture thinking, why is teamwork valuable. What does a leader have to do with teamwork? What is the role of a leader with regards to teamwork? Why teamwork is so powerful.

Scriptures: Numbers 11 vs 14 / Ecclesiastes 4vs9,12

Session 4 – How to be A Leader That Is Energy Giving

Key thoughts: Good leaders draw people to them but they don’t draw energy from them. In being a servant leader they share of themselves and their energy in order to equip and empower others. Pointers of how to decipher your strengths and weaknesses as a leader, how to keep energy levels in check and refreshed, how to ensure the energy you are sharing is positive etc.

Scriptures: Proverbs 16 vs 15 / Romans 12 vs 2 / 1 Samuel 22 vs1-2 /

Session 5 – What is The True Leadership Culture?

Key thoughts: Empowering others, sharing responsibility, training up other leaders to succeed you, being honest and humble, know your talents but also your limits, have a vision, be passionate and purposeful, encourage, inspire etc.

Scriptures: 1 Kings 4vs34 / Acts 9vs27 / Proverbs 16vs13 / Proverbs 28vs10 / Proverbs 29vs18 /  Galatians 6vs7-10

Session 6 – How to Find Next-level Leadership Inspiration

Key thoughts: Take time to understand servant hearted leadership and why it is so powerful. Read resources, books, journals and blog pages. Find leaders who are willing to be mentors. Spend time in the word. Be accountable to people as you grow into your leadership role. Waiting on God’s promotion rather that your own.

Scriptures: Proverbs 25 vs 6-7 / Numbers 27 vs 15-18 / Psalm 32vs8 / Romans 12 vs 10 / Galatians 5vs22-23.

Session 7 – Why Encouragement Is Essential in Leadership?

Key thoughts: A leader is only as strong as the team they lead. An important aspect of leadership is encouraging growth in those you lead so that there remains continuity in what you are doing. Go into ways in which you can encourage others by modeling good leadership practices etc.

Scriptures: Luke 9vs1-2 / Psalm 49vs17 / Proverbs 29vs19 / Luke 10vs1 / 2 Corinthians 1vs3-4 / John 16vs33 /

Session 8 – How Encouraging is your Leadership Style?

Key thoughts: A quick check for leaders and aspiring leaders when it comes to encouraging their team. I’ll share everyday examples from life that show encouraging words or actions that define a good leader. Can you encourage in difficult times as well as when things are going well. That is often defined by the type of leader you are.

Scriptures: Proverbs 31vs8-9 / Acts 18vs 24 & 26-27 / 2 Samuel 21vs3 / Proverbs 11vs30 / Proverbs 4vs20-27.

Session 9 – 5 Tips for Developing a Selfless Leadership Style

Key Thoughts: Examine your heart and your mission. How do your goals fit in with those you lead? What does your lifestyle say about your leadership style? Do you understand what selfless leadership entails? Five main tips are: Self examination, study of selfless leadership principles – scripture and other resources, find a mentor, be accountable to your team, make sure you are saturated in the word.

Scriptures: Proverbs 20vs28 / Isaiah 64vs8 / Deuteronomy 20vs1 / Deuteronomy 15vs7-8 / Ephesians 5vs2 / John 13vs1

Session 10 – 3 Leadership Sacrifices You Need to be Aware Of

Key thoughts: With responsibility comes personal sacrifice, particularly of your resources. Three main sacrifices are time, energy and ego. How the sacrifices develop character and why this is important for effective leadership.

Scriptures: Luke 22 vs 44 / Luke 12 vs 48 / Proverbs 31vs4-5 / John 6vs 60,66 / John 15vs13 / Mark 10vs45

The Online School of Leadership is an experimental project designed to help you educate yourself about leadership principles, skills, and concepts. This experience will show you how to substantially increase your knowledge of leadership on your own time and with little cost, all without setting foot inside a classroom.

Question: Are you ready to elevate your leadership?  Who will join me?

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From Rubble to Renewal: The Nehemiah Strategy for Modern Times


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