Trying to describe what’s going on at Mars Hill Baptist Church is as easy as trying to nail jell-o to the wall. It’s IMPOSSIBLE and INDESCRIBABLE. Someone once said, “If you can explain what God’s doing, then God’s not doing it.” An authentic move of God cannot be reduced to a formula, three steps, or packaged and sold as the next great fad to grow churches. However, experience teaches that if you desire God’s presence, authentic praise is your catalyst.

Psalm 22:3, says, “Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.” Ok, so what does that mean? It means God lives, dwells, and manifests Himself in your circumstance when you praise Him. Our praise penetrates Heaven and causes atmospheric disturbances (see 2 Chronicles 22:1-30; Acts 16:16-26). Praise is our weapon of choice when we face circumstances beyond our control.

Praise God “IN” Everything

I notice people have no problem praising God when things go well. It’s standard operating procedure to praise God in good times. However, many forget to praise when the going gets rough. It’s a fact that some default to worry which says, “God, I don’t believe you can fix this.” When do we pump up the volume on our praise? It’s when the circumstance is beyond my control.

Praise God “FOR” Everything

True praisers learn that praise IS NOT conditional. Praise is our default position. We’re ready to praise God for the good, the so-so, and even the bad. God may not send the bad, but He sometimes allows it to come to fulfill His purpose. Consequently, we should praise God for all things, knowing that He works everything together for our good and His glory.

Praise God “WITH” Everything

It amazes me how silent people are when God does something miraculous! If God healed me, delivered me, or saved my life, there’s no one who could stop me from telling it. Personally, I can’t keep quiet about what the Lord’s doing in my life, my family, our members, and Mars Hill. Again, I’m amazed how people can sit in silence and not praise God with everything. He gave you a voice – use it. He gave you hands – clap them. He gave you feet – stomp them. We must show our thanks to God by putting everything we are and own at His disposal.

Did I convince you to adopt praise as a lifestyle?

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