When I counsel people, I often ask them, "What's keeping you up at night?"  This question gets right to the heart of the issues that are critical to their life and their careers. 


In order to be more productive in life, leave a pen and paper by your bed.  When the issues of the day start to nag at you, make a note.  The payoff is immediate!  Writing down your concerns will actually help you let go of them so you can sleep.  Then take those pages with you to work.  As you prepare for the day, look them over and sketch out how you can alleviate your concerns.  The key is to identify the issue and determine how you will address.  Create a time frame for carrying out your plan & hold yourself to it.  Not only will you work more effectively, you'll sleep better too!

Go ahead & give it a try and let me know the results!

Chapter One
From Rubble to Renewal: The Nehemiah Strategy for Modern Times


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Chapter 1: Assessing the Ruins: 
Contemplating Our Personal Jerusalems


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