Quick: Explain Sunday’s message in three sentences to your eight-year-old niece or nephew (scroll down to the end if want to see my explanation).

Why:  The point here is to test your ability to communicate complex ideas in simple language.

In my opinion, the problem with preaching is that most preachers try to be deep instead of being effective.  I know many preachers who are thrilled to spend precious time explaining the syntax and morphology of a word while people are one decision away from moral, financial, relational, & marital ruin.

Additionally, I’ve attended many preaching conferences that’ll declare you’re a heretic if you don’t preach expositionally (and buy their software & books).  Too many preachers are so caught up in trying to impress other preachers or their seminary professors.

PREACHERS: Every single person who sits politely and listens to you on Sunday is one decision away from ruin.  Many are considering options with consequences that will follow them the remainder of their lives.  There they sit.  Waiting.  Hoping.  Doubting.  Anticipating.  What are you going to do?  What are you going to say?  This is the world we have been called to address.

So, what can you do?


Answer the “so why does this matter question” Connect with real life and transform, not just inform.  If it doesn’t help them get through Monday, why preach it?

Let this be the year we decide to direct *SOME* of our messages towards people’s needs. What are they?  I’m glad you asked!

-wounds and shame

This is the world we have been called to address.  These are the issues we have been called to confront.  There is too much at stake and the great news is the pages of Scripture are filled with principles, narratives, and truth that address each of those needs.  The question you must answer: To what extreme are you willing to go to create a delivery system that will connect with the heart of your audience?

Andy Stanley asks:

Are you willing to abandon a style, an approach, a system that was designed in another era for a culture that no longer exists?  Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone in order to step into the lives God has placed in your care?  Will you consider letting go of your alliterations (The Call…The Crisis…The Conclusion) and acrostics and three-point outlines and talk to people in terms they understand.  Will you, as Andy Stanley suggests, communicate for life change?

Here’s me explaining my message to an eight-year-old:

We all make choices & they make life either good or bad.  The choices you make today & tomorrow will make life fun or bad.  One day you will have to explain to your children why you made that choice – choose wisely“Now go and play your X-Box 360 kid!

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From Rubble to Renewal: The Nehemiah Strategy for Modern Times


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