Is it possible to have a two-day hangover?  I’m here to tell you that IT IS!

What an incredible weekend at Mars Hill as we celebrated Mother’s Day in a very special way.  We kicked off our celebration on Friday with thousands attending our “Women’s Only” Worship Empowerment Service.   We reminded women that they are a “Fragrance of Beauty” and gave gift bags to them as they entered our worship center.

Their gift bags contained the following items:

  1. A Compact mirror – to remind them they’re beautifully created in God’s Image
  2. An Emory board – to remind them how God has the ability to file away the rough edges
  3. A packet of Kleenex – to remind them that God can wipe away every tear

Additionally, the service included:

  1. Women’s Praise Team
  2. Women’s Dance Group
  3. An all Women’s Band
  4. A Woman Sound Engineer, & Camera/ Video Operator

In short, women were empowered to DO IT ALL & had fun doing it!

Yvette Williams gave a powerful testimony that had everyone sitting on the edge of their seats.  1st Lady Shauntai Stowers gave a riveting introduction that literally brought the ladies to their feet (maybe she should’ve gave the message).  I preached “As Is” from John 4 which told the story of The Woman at the Well.  The point of the story is how Jesus accepts our condition “as is.”  We don’t have to cover up, make excuses, or hide behind shame. It was truly an inspiring message.

The evening concluded with prizes given to the woman who had the most guests in attendance. The winner’s prize: Dinner for two with my wife & I.  Shauntai and I are looking forward to this special event.

Here are a few of the many comments I received:

“It was indeed AWESOME, the devil tried to keep me home, but I’m glad I came…”

“AWESOME indeed…had a life-transforming experience”

“Pastor thanks for delivering a message from God that encouraged and ministered to women…that we can meet God just as we are…The women in attendance needed that…”

“Pastor thank you for seeing the need & delivering a dose of medication that was so necessary! I am more empowered today than I was on yesterday.”

“I came to the service expecting & ready to receive and I got WAY MORE!”

In closing, I want to publicly thank our staff & the hundreds of volunteers who gave their time & talents!

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