Dear Beloved Family of Mars Hill Anywhere,

As we navigate this beautiful journey called life, we must remember that we are all part of a divine tapestry intricately woven together by our shared faith and unwavering hope.

This week at Mars Hill Anywhere, we have a treasure trove of spiritual nourishment and communal connection awaiting us, each element carefully crafted to strengthen our bonds and deepen our faith.

Save The Date | March 10, 2024

Hybrid Worship: A Beacon of Unity and Flexibility

In the ever-evolving landscape of our world, Mars Hill Anywhere stands as a testament to adaptability and inclusiveness.

Embracing physical and online gatherings, we heed the Apostle Paul’s exhortation to “become all things to all people, so that by all possible means we might save some” (1 Corinthians 9:22).

Whether you join us in person at 7941 47th Street, McCook, IL 60525, or tune in online, know that your presence is a cherished part of our collective worship. Join us this Sunday, March 10, 2024, at 10:30 AM Central for a service filled with love, learning, and community.

🔍 Explore the Edges: The Outsiders Series Unveiled!


Join Rev. Marcie Stowers-Wilson, Rev. Tim Morris, and me, Pastor Clarence E. Stowers Jr., as we team teach The Outsiders Series, delving into the Bible’s most compelling yet overlooked narratives.

Through the stories of Jonah, Ruth, Naaman, and Rahab, we are reminded that God’s heart beats for everyone, especially those perceived as ‘outsiders.’ Join us as we uncover profound truths about repentance, belief, provision, and faith, inviting us all to extend our hands and hearts beyond familiar boundaries.

Together, we will explore the depths of characters who, though on the periphery, played pivotal roles in God’s plan. From Jonah’s reluctance to Naaman’s humility to Ruth’s steadfastness, each story unfolds layers of wisdom and inspiration.

Whether you join us in person at 7941 47th St, McCook, IL, or online, we gather every Sunday at 10:30 AM Central to explore these transformative stories.

Let’s recap this past Sunday’s Message: “Uncontainable: How God’s Love Shatters Our Expectations”

This Sunday, we embraced the vastness of God’s love in “Uncontainable: How God’s Love Shatters Our Expectations.” Through Jonah’s story, we discovered how divine love exceeds all barriers and expectations, inviting us to experience and share love without limits.

Key Takeaways:

  • Embrace a love beyond understanding.
  • Extend grace and compassion universally.
  • Inspire transformation within and around you.

Don’t miss this impactful sermon, now conveniently cued for direct access, to deepen your understanding and practice of God’s uncontainable love.

Gratitude for Your Support: “From Rubble to Renewal”

Heartfelt thanks to each of you who have embraced my book, “From Rubble to Renewal: The Nehemiah Strategy for Modern Times.”

Your support is not just an encouragement but a vibrant affirmation of our shared journey in faith.

If you found value in its pages, consider leaving a 5-star review on Amazon—your feedback is a beacon for others on their path to renewal. For those yet to discover this resource, it’s just a click away on Amazon.

Your engagement is a gift that extends far beyond the pages.

Copies are available on Amazon if you need one!

Live on Kindle | From Ashes to Grace Short Story

Prepare for those keeping up with my Kindle Vella story, “From Ashes to Grace”!

Dive into the transformative journey of “From Ashes to Grace” on Kindle.

If you haven’t yet embarked on this adventure, now is the perfect time to explore episodes 1 through 4.

Episode 5 is set to inspire on Wednesday, March 6, 2024.

Your engagement with this series is a step towards deeper understanding and personal growth.

We’re Partnering With YouVersion Bible App

Exciting news for our community! Mars Hill is now partnering with YouVersion to introduce YouVersion Connect.

This platform is our new central hub for engaging with the Bible together, sharing insights, and supporting each other in our spiritual journeys.

Joining is simple, and the shared experience of growing in faith is profoundly impactful. Connect with us today, and let’s explore the Word together.

Your Support Means the World

Your prayers and financial contributions have been pivotal.

Planning and executing in-person and online services takes 60-80 hours weekly.

This dedication to excellence is made possible through your generous support. We are deeply thankful for your commitment to our church’s mission.

Your Support is a Blessing 🙏

Look, as you guys know, making ministry happen ain’t cheap!

Through your generosity, we can make this in-person/online community work. If you feel led to give, every bit helps us create impactful messages and keep pushing that mission forward.

Being a part of Mars Hill Anywhere means you’re part of a community dedicated to transformative and inclusive worship experiences.

We encourage you to donate financially to help Mars Hill Anywhere keep doing its good work and grow.

Your donations don’t just help us; they also spread our message of love and forgiveness to people in need, both in our local area and worldwide.

It’s easy to donate. Go to our safe online giving portal or call our hardworking team at 773-287-3535.

Every gift, big or small, helps us move forward with our goal and support people looking for spiritual food.

We appreciate you being a part of the Mars Hill Anywhere group.

We are blessed to be on this trip together, combining the best of in-person and online worship to create a spiritual experience that is transformative and open to everyone.

With warmth and blessings,

Pastor Clarence E. Stowers, Jr.

P.S. Don’t forget to save the event to your calendar! Feel free to bring friends and family—let’s share the joy of this sacred night with our loved ones. Please let us know if you’re interested. Let’s come by replying to this email.

DOWNLOAD Chapter One
From Rubble to Renewal: The Nehemiah Strategy for Modern Times


Are you feeling overwhelmed by the challenges your community is facing? Do you wish there was a blueprint for rebuilding and revitalizing from the ground up, even when resources seem scarce or the task is too daunting?

Sign up for our email list to download:

Chapter 1: Assessing the Ruins:

Contemplating Our Personal Jerusalems


Congratulations, and welcome to our family of subscribers! You've made a fantastic decision to join us on this journey of discovery, excitement, and unparalleled value. We're thrilled to have you on board and can't wait to share all the fantastic benefits that come with being a part of our community. You're now part of a select group of individuals who are the first to know about our latest products, special offers, and exclusive events. We promise to deliver the most engaging and entertaining content right to your inbox. So sit back, relax, and get ready for a world of endless possibilities. Thank you for subscribing, and we can't wait to connect with you soon. Best regards, Clarence E. Stowers, Jr.

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