I sat at my desk in my home office, staring at the blinking cursor on my laptop screen. The sermon I'd been working on for Sunday felt flat, lifeless.

I had always prayed over my messages as a pastor, but lately, it felt like I was just going through the motions—disconnected, routine.

"Lord, please help me with this sermon," I whispered, though the words felt hollow even as I said them. A wave of frustration washed over me, the kind that made you wonder if you’re even doing the right thing.

As I searched for inspiration, my eyes wandered to a framed photo on my bookshelf. It was my late father, Rev. Dr. Clarence E. Stowers, Sr.

His wise eyes seemed to meet mine, stirring a distant memory. I recalled a conversation we had many years ago about prayer.

He advised:

"Don’t just ask for help," he had said, his voice steady with experience. "Ask boldly. Expect God to show up in ways that'll knock your socks off."

His words echoed in my mind. Maybe I hadn’t been praying boldly enough.

I took a deep breath, closed my laptop, and knelt beside my desk. This time, my prayer came with new conviction.

“Lord,” I began, my voice firm, “I’m not just asking for help with this sermon. I’m asking You to speak through me in a way I’ve never experienced before. Let this message be filled with Your power. Touch hearts, change lives, and let Your presence be undeniable. Show Your glory in such a way that no one leaves unchanged.”

As I finished praying, a quiet sense of excitement replaced my earlier frustration.

Something felt different. I didn’t know how things would turn out, but I felt a renewed confidence in the God I was serving.

That Sunday, I stepped behind the pulpit with a different energy.

The words flowed from me with a power that I knew wasn’t my own. I watched as people’s faces softened, tears fell, and hands rose in worship. At the end of the service, several people came forward for prayer.

Afterward, a couple approached me, visibly emotional.

“Pastor,” the husband said, his voice choked, “we were on the verge of divorce. But something in your message today… it’s like God was speaking directly to us. We’ve decided to give our marriage another chance.”

That experience transformed the way I approached ministry—and prayer. I learned that bold prayers aren’t about eloquence or volume.

They’re about trusting God fully, with our biggest dreams and deepest needs. Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes no, and often it’s “wait.” But in the end, bold prayers stretch our faith and draw us closer to God, reshaping both our lives and our ministry.

From this personal story, we’re reminded that sometimes our prayers feel flat because we’re praying small.

Maybe you’ve experienced the "Auto-Pilot Amen" or the "Sleepy Head Nod" while trying to connect with God.

We’ve all been there. But the good news is that God hears every word. It’s not about how loud or long we pray—it’s about how deeply we believe that God is listening.

Ephesians 3:20 says that

God "is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." 

This challenges us to reflect on the size of our prayers—and the faith behind them. Are we limiting God with safe, cautious prayers, or are we daring to ask boldly, trusting Him for the impossible?

Why Do We Hesitate to Pray Boldly?

Many of us hesitate to pray boldly because we’re afraid. We worry that if God doesn’t answer the way we hope, it could damage our faith. Sometimes, we feel unworthy of asking for big things. But James 4:2-3 makes it clear:

"You don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it." Our hesitancy reveals a lot about the size of our faith.

Take Abraham in Genesis 18 as an example. When God revealed His plan to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham didn’t simply accept it. He interceded, pleading with God to spare the city if even a few righteous people could be found.

Abraham’s boldness wasn’t rooted in doubt but in trust. He knew God’s mercy and justice, and that allowed him to persist in prayer. His bold prayers teach us that it’s not about pushing God, but about trusting Him to act.

Many of us hesitate to pray boldly because we’re afraid. We worry that if God doesn’t answer the way we hope, it could damage our faith. 

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How Can We Pray Boldly Today?

So how do we shift from cautious prayers to bold ones?

It begins with recognizing the size of our God. If we believe God is truly limitless, our prayers should reflect that. As Genesis 18:14 asks,

"Is anything too hard for the Lord?" 

Of course, nothing is. When we align our prayers with the greatness of God, we start praying for things only He can accomplish.

When you pray, don’t limit your requests to what seems possible. Ask for the impossible. Pray with bold expectations, knowing that God can do more than we can imagine. Matthew 21:22 promises,

"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Do your prayers carry that level of faith?

When you pray, don’t limit your requests to what seems possible. Ask for the impossible. 

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Expecting God to Answer

The key to bold prayer isn’t just asking—it’s expecting. God isn’t intimidated by our big prayers; He’s waiting for us to trust Him with them. Even if His timing doesn’t match ours, we can trust that His plan is perfect. Bold prayers often require patience, but they are always met with God’s faithfulness.

So, are you ready to stop praying safe and start praying audaciously?

God’s power is limitless, His promises are unshakable, and He is ready to do far more than we could ever ask or imagine. Pray big—and expect bigger.

If you want to dive deeper into learning how to pray with boldness and unwavering expectation, I invite you to check out my book, Bold Prayers: How to Pray With Confidence and Expectation.

 It’s available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle formats. This resource will equip you with practical tools and insights to take your prayer life to the next level. 

Don’t settle for safe prayers—pray big and watch God move in ways you never imagined. Available now on Amazon!

The key to bold prayer isn’t just asking—it’s expecting. God isn’t intimidated by our big prayers; He’s waiting for us to trust Him with them. 

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