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I received these questions from "Kitten"

Hey Pastor!

I sent a few questions the other day, but not sure if they went through. So here’s a few more.

Q.  If you has one wish what would it be?

A.  That God would make me as wise as Solomon

Q.  What is your favorite book in the bible? Why?

A.  This is a hard one because I glean from so many books.  The creative/poetic side of me almost picked Song of Solomon because words have a way of framing reality – Solomon & his wife do a great job expressing their love for each other.  The practical side of me almost chose Proverbs since it’s filled with tidbits that are applicable and transferrable.  I almost chose Acts because it chronicles the establishment of the church and the movement of the Holy Spirt. 

I chose Nehemiah because it’s VISIONARY AND STRATEGIC.  Nehemiah receives word the Walls of Jerusalem are down and he gets a burden to rebuild them.  BURDEN PRECEDES VISION.  He devises a strategy to return to Jerusalem.  Furthermore, he faces opposition, dissension, and enemies, but he perserveres, rallies the people, and rebuilds the wall – CLASSIC BOOK ON VISION AND STRATEGY!!!

Q.  What is 3 things that you would like your children’s children’s children to know about you?

A.  I remained faithful to God and my calling…pastor of the Greatest Church in the Universe

I remained faithful to my wife…She makes me better

I remained faithful to my mission – developing and empowering others to lead effectively…

Q.  What is one word to describe each the following?:
Pastor of Mars Hill, teacher of many, husband to your queen, father of three, a black man, and Clarence Stowers Jr

A.  Pastor of Mars Hill: Innovative

Teacher of many: Empowering

Husband to my queen: Fulfillment

Father to three black men: Legacy

Clarence E. Stowers, Jr.: Out-the-box (does this qualify as one word or three)

Thanks Keisha "Kitten" for your questions – you made me think!!!

Chapter One
From Rubble to Renewal: The Nehemiah Strategy for Modern Times


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