Does Dr. Wright hurt or help Barack Obama?
Ok, yall pulled me into this political/religious hot potato. I’ve thought long and hard about this and eventually knew I would have to deal with this situation. So, here we go…
Telisha, to answer your question, Dr. Wright does hurt Obama and it’s unfortunate. Is it fair? Nah. The media, the Clinton camp, and the republicans have been playing the "politics by association" card when it comes to this issue. Clearly, if you’re a rational, critically thinking person and have listened to Dr. Wright’s ENTIRE sermons and put into context the sound bites that have been played continuously, you will determine that what Dr. Wright says and believes is not and does not have to be synonymous with Obama’s views.
However, the problem is simply that everyone does not think critically and scrutinize the information they’re being fed and who’s serving them this media meal. No some, if not many people in this country, are sheep; content to formulate an opinion of a candidate based on a 10-20 second sound bite of "the man, standing next to the man."
I get what Dr. Wright was saying, and for the most part, he was speaking the truth. I understand what he said and where in his psyche his comments originated. But when it comes to this politics game, more often than not, whatever is said by a candidate or a perceived surrogate, is taken at face value by most, and true understanding gets lost in translation.
The problem that you have is that those that take issue with Dr. Wright’s statements – a certain percentage of our Caucasian brothers and sisters simply lack the ability to understand where Dr. Wright is coming from and the impetus for his comments. Culturally, they’re simply not in a position to "get it." And probably won’t ever "get it." In their world, African-Americans exist on TV and possibly at work. That’s it. With such limited exposure, they’re not and have not been intimately exposed to our culture, our norms, values, struggles and the unique variables at play when it comes to being black in America. So there’s gonna be a disconnect. And Obama’s adversaries have played on this disconnect to a tee.
Personally, I have no problem with Dr. Wright defending himself and his life’s work. That’s not my issue. The problem I have is HIS TIMING. I refuse to believe that Dr. Wright is in some way clueless to the fact that Obama, and to a greater extent, African-Americans have a GOLDEN, LEGITIMATE, AND REALISTIC chance to put an African-American face to the most powerful office in the world. Dr. Wright HAS to recognize this. So why is he making his "last stand" now? He HAS to know the political implications of his deeds and words. Furthermore, what really gets me is that if Dr. Wright, in all his years of knowing Obama, CARED about the man, he would stand down and table his retribution for a later date.
Finally, whenever the electorate needs a distraction, the "powers in control" "Wag the Dog." Wag the Dog is film starring Robert De Niro, about a Washington DC spin doctor who distracts the electorate from a U.S. presidential sex scandal by by hiring a Hollywood producer (played by Dustin Hoffman), to construct a fake war with Albania – GET THE DVD.
The media needs this created controversy as a diversion.
1. DIVERSION TACTIC: We’re in a RECESSION – gas prices were "quietly" raised 12 times in a row; foreclosures are @ an all time high; food prices are through the roof; utilities prices have and are going up; college tuition’s rising & they’ve reduced grants & loans; houses are more difficult to purchase; nationally, housing prices have declined 12%; credit card companies are struggling & forcing those w/good credit to pay for those who defaulted. How do you get people’s mind off the REAL ISSUES – DIVERT THEIR ATTENTION.
2. DIVERSION TACTIC: Keep people paying attention to the campaign equals more ad revenues. Without question Barack’s candidacy was so taken as joke by the pundits that they did not feel the masses would take to him at all. So now with the very large amount of especially college educated whites voting for him in high numbers this has scared the crap out of the political establishment. Furthermore, I find it funny that someone can take a speech made several years ago and make it an issue today.
There you go…care to comment…
Interesting…I posted about this same topic earlier. I don’t necessarily think I take issue w/J-Dubb (Dr. Wright) either. I think Rev. J Dubb has great points, a reason to extend his voice, and the right to stand on the platform he’s so wonderfully earned. But you’re right, it’s all about timing. I think Rev. J Dubb needs to be more strategic in what he’s doing and how he’s doing it. I thought he understood this when the scandal broke loose a few weeks ago. He was quiet – really quiet. Doesn’t mean he still wasn’t angry though.
I think he’s gotta understand that what he’s doing is definitely hurting Obama and really the chance to make real history here. We’ve also gotta question too – is Obama really doing enough to stay ahead of the game? I think for the most part he is – but as of the last two weeks or so, it seems he’s riding a wave that’s losing speed.
My suggestion, albeit one that has Blacks potesting against me, is to do something we haven’t done – and that’s unite. I don’t think Hillary would be THAT bad of a President. I think Obama would be a better one – but do we (Obama supporters) bow down slightly for the sake of unity, join forces with Clinton, and lead this nation the way it was intended to be done? Or, do we try to still beat Clinton (who has really become this power house, hasn’t she), barely make it, if we make it at all, and be unsure about the steps we take?
Interesting times…
I’ve never really been as tuned in to politics as I am now that Barack is running but this is a sore subject for me.
I too agree with some of what Pastor Wright said and says but as our Pastor and others have stated, timing is everything. Wright is very intelligent and I’m sure he knew how much of an impact his antics would have on Baracks campaign.
I didn’t have a problem with him defending himself but the way he acted last Monday at the National Press Club was embarrasing. I believe he got caught up emotionally and just reacted.
What I also believe is that this was a personal attack against Barack otherwise why would he come out now and then make a comment to the affect that the only reason Barack made the race speech was because he’s a politican and doing what policitians do. Leading some to believe that he was lying and that he really agrees with Wright but had to ease the publics outcry.
There’s more to this than meets the eye but one thing Wright said that I agree with is that if God’s plan is for Barack to be the President then he will be.
Darius as for uniting around Hillary, I just can’t do it. I do not believe her or in her and I believe she is a true politician and just says things to get elected. Bill has also shown another side of himself that turned me off that I did not see prior to his wife running for President.
Of course I wouldn’t vote for McCain because I certainly don’t believe his plans will benefit the majority but I won’t vote for Hillary just because she’s a Democrat.
LOL! “Darius as for uniting around Hillary, I just can’t do it.” I totally concur with this statement. While we enjoyed great economic times under HER HUSBAND’S administration…she’s as phony as a two dollar bill. If I absolutely had to put up with her…I’m all for a Obama/Clinton ticket, but definitely not one vice versa. As you stated, Rev. Wright is alluding Obama is playing the politic game, the brother (Obama) still gets shot down when he’s being outright honest (i.e., the “cling to guns or religion” statement). While this may have cost him the Penn. vote, it showed me he is willing to take risks. What good leader isn’t!?
Anyhow, it looks as if the fire has been strategically removed from under Hillary’s behind to Obama’s. The media is a big influencer, as a result Hillary can keep her tears (a true woman’s tactic by the way) and dignity by losing a close race!