What's up with Tavis Smiley & Cornell West…

What's up with Tavis Smiley & Cornell West…


T.W., a member of our blog family enlightened me about Tavis’ disparaging remarks regarding Presidential hopeful Barack Obama.  Here’s her post in context.

"Tavis has made several implications that would make a person (if they
didn’t research and know for themselves) think that Barack is not
fighting for justice or for issues concerning our race. He was very upset that Barack didn’t attend his State of the Black
Union this year and made it seem as if Barack was avoiding talking
about “our” issues. I understood and understand that Barack is in a
fight for the candidacy right now and had to be in whatever state at
that time.

The latest remarks were from Dr. Cornell West saying that he was
bothered and disappointed by Barack not going to Memphis for Dr. King’s
memorial on April 4th. Their sentiments were that he was putting his
candidacy above honoring Dr. King. They stated that he remained silent
on that day yet he spoke about Dr. King and his legacy while he was in

On the April 8th segment of the Tom Joyner show Tavis ended his talk by
saying “If the cost to occupy the White House is to be muzzled and to
render black suffering invisible, then for me, it’s too high a cost."  I understand that every black person isn’t going to vote for Barack
just as every woman isn’t going to vote for Hillary but what I don’t
understand is why Tavis thinks that he is the spokesperson for black
people on black issues, especially regarding Barack and his candidacy.
He’s received a lot of backlash from his supporters regarding his

Thanks T.W. – very insightful analysis of the situation. 

In my opinion, I’ve decided to nominate both Tavis and Cornell to the "Hateration Federation."  Both Tavis and Cornell can give the keynote address at the annual Hateration Convocation.  Make sure the servers continuously fill their glasses with "Haterade" while they continue to hinder progress. 

That’s right – I said it!

What’s your take?

What's up with Tavis Smiley & Cornell West…

Easter…The Countdown Begins!

Worship_2Can you believe that Easter is only four and a half weeks away?  Man, crazy, isn’t it?  As I’m sure is the case with many of you, we are well underway preparing and getting ready to host one of the greatest ministry opportunities of the year. 

This year we are planning three services (we normally do 2). We are also shooting out a direct mail piece that will hit thousands of homes in targeted areas.  As of today, we’ve proofed and finalized the artwork. These direct mail pieces have been very successful over the last few years in drawing out first time guests.  We generally target prospects (people who’ve attended our services and/or outreach events), and people living in the near western suburbs of Chicago. Even though the majority of our growth happens via word of mouth, direct mail has proven to be a great piece in introducing people to “The Hill.”  

I’ll share more details on the series we’re launching later.  Man, I can’t wait!

So what about you?  Those of you in church ministry….What is YOUR church doing to prepare for Easter?  I’d LOVE to hear YOUR ideas!  Comment away!