by Clarence E. Stowers | Oct 16, 2008 | Family, Leadership, Money and Finance
Well. Congress voted to bailout the economy. So here are my thoughts. I think you can find biblical basis for most of them.
- This was a much for ML King street as for wall street. the vast majority of Americans caused this mess, not just wall street.
- It's time we once again learned to live within our means.
- It's time for some CEOS and Bank Presidents to go to jail for telling people they can afford a $300,000 house when all they can afford is a $150,000 house.
- It's time to tithe to our church and to our retirement account (or start one if you don't have one).
- It's time to make contributions to our retirement account because the market will go up again some day.
- But in the end its time for the American consumer to wake up to
the fact that you buy things only if you have the money. This seems
like such a simple suggestion but it is the heart of all this mess.
Another word for it is greed on both sides of the street, both Wall
Street and Main Street. Now its time for all of us to get back to what
we do best- be Americans and that means pulling together.
by Clarence E. Stowers | Sep 3, 2008 | Current Affairs, Empowerment, Family, Leadership, Money and Finance, Parenting, Politics
We will continue to push for superior schools for disadvantaged children until the problem is solved!
by Clarence E. Stowers | Aug 27, 2008 | Current Affairs, Empowerment, Events, Family, Politics
Only 6 of 100 Black and Latino high school freshmen males will graduate from a four year college. Source: University of Chicago’s Consortium on Chicago School Research
Between 2003 and 2007, white students' reading scores went up while African American, Hispanic and low-incomes student's scores went down. (Chicago Sun-Times, October 31, 2007)
Money spent in Illinois on:
- Housing an adult prisoner: $21,000
- Educating a child in Chicago: $10,000
(Source: Illinois State Board of Education
Office of Governor Rod Blagojevich)
- Only 9% of African American 4th graders ranked proficient or above in reading, ranking Illinois 38 out of 41 states. (Chicago Sun-Times, November 2, 2006)
- Illinois has the largest unaddressed district-to-district funding gap in the nation. (Source: Education Trust)
2005-2006 School Year Graduation Rates in Chicago
- Black males – 37%
- White males – 62%
(Source: Schott Foundation)
- Illinois ranks 49 out of the 50 states when it comes to funding education from state funds. (Source: Education Trust)
Click Here for more FACTS about the SCHOOL FUNDING CRISIS
by Clarence E. Stowers | Jul 28, 2008 | Family, Leadership, Parenting
You guessed it – It’s PARENTING!!!
I’ve been thinking alot about parenting lately. Maybe it is because we have three kids at home, ages 6, 11, and 13. I think everyone would admit that there is a point in a teen’s life
when the influence of his/her parents becomes less, and the influence
of their friends becomes greater. It seems that the age at which the parents’ influence drops dramatically happens somewhere around 13- to 15-years old.
As I reflected on my life as a child, the influence I perceive that
I have with my own kids, and my informal survey, I charted it like
As a parent, the awareness of loss of influence can be alarming if
you didn’t see it coming. So be warned young parents, I have just given
you a glimpse of the future.
Here is the key learning: Environments matter. Who
my daughter is influenced by as a 15-year old is dependent greatly on
the environments that my wife and I placed her in as a 10- and 12- and
14-year old.
It’s a little early to tell whether we will survive life with
teenagers, but here is the advice I would give parents of pre-teens…
- Get involved in a great church with strong youth leaders.
- As they start middle school, don’t give them the option to stay home from the youth program.
- Find a school that has strong values and where
there is good chance they will be able to find solid friends. That
might mean paying for private school or moving to a better school
- Get them in situations where they are hanging with young adults who are following God.
- Teach them the joy of serving when they are very young.
- Let them participate in events where there is a good chance they might take a step spiritually.
Oh, and one last word of advice for those with teenagers—stop
lecturing and start listening. Stop giving direction and start asking
It’s your turn now…is my chart way off?
by Clarence E. Stowers | Jul 21, 2008 | Family
Oh yea, It’s on today! Me & the boys (Myles, Josh, & a couple of their friends) are on our way to see “The Dark Knight.” Yep, it’s official: It’s guy time: NO WOMEN).
(Joshua Stowers – Top, Myles Stowers – Bottom – They are my legacy)
Growing up, I was a huge fan of “Batman & Robin.” However, when I became a man, I had to put away my “childish” ways 🙂 Gone is the “fake” Batman wearing tights & enter “a MAN’S BATMAN.” I like this version of Batman because he’s not soft. So, for the next 2:30 minutes, I will immerse myself in Gotham City.
Peace yall!
by Clarence E. Stowers | Jul 14, 2008 | Family
What a great time we had yesterday during worship. The Spirit of the Lord was present and the choir ministered with unusual power. God blessed me to be able to preach with power and I believe lives were changed.
Well, today I’m off and sitting @ Six Flaggs Theme Park typing this post on my iPhone. Don’t you just love technology? So, what do you do on your off day?