🔥💰 Uncover the Shocking Truth About Racism’s Impact on Health, the Hidden Costs of Poverty, and Secret Tips to Save Money! 📚🌟

🔥💰 Uncover the Shocking Truth About Racism’s Impact on Health, the Hidden Costs of Poverty, and Secret Tips to Save Money! 📚🌟

Welcome to this week’s Get 1% Better Newsletter!

I’ve got a smorgasbord of intriguing topics lined up for you, so buckle up, and let’s dive right in. From the impact of racism on sleep and heart health to the paradoxical high costs of being poor, we’re exploring various issues that affect our society today.

We’ll also look at New Zealand’s approach to reparations and an eye-opening book about African American WWII heroes. Plus, don’t miss my nifty financial tip on curbing impulse buying.

Let’s kick things off with a closer look at Andrew Joseph’s article on how racism affects sleep and heart health among Black Americans.

Fascinating Articles I Read Last Week

Racism leads to troubled sleep — and it’s putting Black Americans’ heart health at risk.

The article by Andrew Joseph discusses the link between sleep disparities, racism, and heart disease, highlighting a study that found Black individuals in the US experience poorer sleep quality than their white counterparts.

These disparities, connected to environmental noise, neighborhood safety, and discrimination-related stress, increase the risk of chronic health conditions, including hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

The article emphasizes the need for healthcare professionals and policymakers to address systemic factors contributing to sleep disparities among different racial and ethnic groups, suggesting policies that reduce environmental noise, improve neighborhood safety, and tackle racism-related stressors to enhance sleep quality and reduce health disparities for marginalized communities.

One key takeaway from the article is that addressing sleep disparities linked to systemic factors like environmental noise, neighborhood safety, and discrimination-related stress could significantly reduce racial disparities in health outcomes, particularly concerning hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

Moving on from the unsettling connection between racism, sleep disparities, and heart disease, we now turn our attention to another pressing issue: the high cost of being poor. In Matthew Desmond’s eye-opening piece, he delves into the paradox of poverty in the US, where living in poverty often comes with steeper expenses than wealthier individuals.

The High Cost of Being Poor

In “The High Cost of Being Poor,” Matthew Desmond examines the paradox of poverty in the US, where the expenses of living in poverty are often higher than for wealthier individuals, exacerbating income inequality.

Examples include high payday loan fees, inability to afford bulk discounts, substandard housing, and discriminatory rental practices. Desmond calls for reevaluating policies that penalize those in poverty and creating more equitable solutions.

Policymakers should focus on reforming fines and fee structures and addressing discriminatory practices in the housing market to alleviate the financial burden on low-income individuals.

The key takeaway from the article is that the expenses associated with living in poverty often perpetuate income inequality, making it crucial for policymakers to address these issues through reforms in fines and fee structures, as well as combating discriminatory practices in the housing market.

As we shift our focus from the challenges faced by low-income individuals in the US, let’s take a global perspective and see what lessons we can learn from New Zealand’s approach to reparations.

This inspiring example could serve as a valuable blueprint for other nations, like the United States, as they work towards redressing historical injustices and healing deep-seated wounds.

Here’s a YouTube Video That Gives Me Hope

What New Zealand can teach us about reparations?

The video discusses how New Zealand’s Māori population experienced colonization, displacement, and loss of land by British colonizers, resulting in a significant decline in their population and culture.

However, recently, the government has initiated a process of reparations, including cash settlements and land restitution, accompanied by formal apologies for past wrongs.

This process offers an example for other countries, particularly the United States, to consider in their efforts towards redress for past injustices, such as slavery and land dispossession of Native Americans.

The key takeaway is that the reparations process starts with acknowledging past wrongs and that the fight for reparations is worth it.

Building on the theme of addressing historical injustices, let’s turn the page and dive into my next reading adventure: “Half American,” which sheds light on the untold stories of African Americans who bravely fought in WWII.

What’s Next on My Reading List…

Half American: The Epic Story of African Americans Fighting World War II at Home and Abroad

One million Black people served in WWII. After serving in segregated forces in Normandy, Iwo Jima, and the Battle of the Bulge, black troops were refused housing and education.

The US would have lost the war without their vital contributions. The “Greatest Generation” myth of the “Good War” has long overshadowed the stories of these Black veterans. “Half American” is new American history.

This painstakingly researched recounting is vitally needed at a time when World War II’s questions about race and democracy in America remain disturbing and unsolved.

While reflecting on the perseverance of African American WWII veterans featured in “Half American,” let’s also consider the wisdom of the quote, “Until It’s Done, Tell None.”

One Quote That Caught My Attention

Until It’s Done, Tell None.


This quote means that when you are working on something important, you should keep it to yourself until you have completed it. Sharing your plans or ideas with others before they are fully developed may lead to distractions, criticism, or discouragement.

As we ponder the wisdom of “Until It’s Done, Tell None” and the importance of staying focused on our goals, let’s also consider a practical financial tip that can help us make better spending decisions: The 1% Rule.


An action step to apply this quote could be to keep your goals or plans to yourself until you have made significant progress toward achieving them.

This could involve setting achievable milestones and only sharing your progress with trusted individuals who can provide constructive feedback or support.

By keeping your plans private, you can avoid unnecessary distractions or negative influences that may prevent you from completing your goal.

Once you have achieved your goal, you can share your success with others and inspire them to pursue their goals.

Quick Financial Tip

The 1% Rule is a method to curb impulse buying.

If the price of an item is over 1% of your annual gross income, wait for three days before purchasing it.

During this time, evaluate whether the item is essential and how it will fit into your life. If, after three days, you still want the item, then you can buy it.

This works because it gives you time to consider the item’s value and whether it is worth spending a significant portion of your income on. After the waiting period, you may realize that you don’t want or need the item, and you can save your money for something more important or valuable to you.

In a Nutshell…

  • Use the 1% Rule to curb impulse buys.
  • If the item is over 1% of your annual gross income, wait 3 days.
  • If you still want the item after 3 days, get it.

It’s a Wrap!

That’s it for this week’s 1% Better Newsletter 🙂

In conclusion, this week’s Get 1% Better Newsletter has explored a diverse range of topics that shed light on pressing societal issues and offer valuable insights on personal growth and financial well-being.

By understanding the complex links between racism, health disparities, and poverty, we can work together toward a more equitable and inclusive society.

Additionally, learning about New Zealand’s reparations model and the inspiring stories of African American WWII heroes gives us a broader perspective on the importance of addressing historical injustices.

Finally, the practical advice of “Until It’s Done, Tell None” and the 1% Rule remind us of the importance of staying focused on our goals and making mindful financial decisions.

We hope these insights inspire you to reflect on your own life, make positive changes, and continue your journey toward getting 1% better every day.

Until next time, stay curious, stay informed, and stay inspired!

Here’s to your success,

Clarence E. Stowers, Jr.

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PO Box 6159, River Forest, IL 60305

🚨COVID-19 devastating older adults 😢 Black real estate agents face challenges 🏠 Racial disparities in healthcare 😷

🚨COVID-19 devastating older adults 😢 Black real estate agents face challenges 🏠 Racial disparities in healthcare 😷

Dear Reader,

We’ve got some crucial topics to cover in this edition, including the devastating impact of COVID-19 on older adults, the challenges that black real estate agents face in their field, and the racial disparities in open-heart surgery outcomes.

We’ll also share some powerful quotes and insightful book recommendations to help you unleash your full potential. As we aim to prioritize the needs of vulnerable populations and create a more equitable and inclusive society, let’s first explore the COVID-19 pandemic’s severe impact on the quality of life of older adults.

Studies show that this population has experienced higher hospitalization rates, death, and long-term COVID-19 symptoms than younger people, along with increased social isolation and mental health challenges.

We must address these issues and prioritize older adults’ mental and physical health during and after the pandemic.

Fascinating Articles I Read Last Week

COVID-19’s Devastating Effect on Older Adults

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the quality of life of older adults. Studies show older adults have experienced higher hospitalization rates, death, and long-term COVID-19 symptoms than younger people.

The pandemic has also increased social isolation, linked to adverse health outcomes such as cognitive decline and depression. Additionally, older adults are more likely to experience anxiety and depression exacerbated by the pandemic.

It is crucial to prioritize the mental and physical health of older adults during and after the pandemic, and policymakers and healthcare providers must work towards addressing the challenges this vulnerable population faces.

My Key Takeaway: The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected older adults, leading to increased hospitalization rates, long-term COVID-19 symptoms, social isolation, and mental health challenges. It is essential to prioritize the needs of older adults and take steps to address the issues they face.

As we consider the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations, As highlighted in a recent article in The New York Times, we must also address the systemic discrimination black real estate agents face.

Black Real Estate Agents Face Discrimination and Other Challenges in Their Field

The real estate industry discriminates against black real estate agents, making it challenging for them to succeed in their field. Studies show that black homebuyers are shown fewer homes and are more likely to be denied mortgage loans than white homebuyers.

In contrast, black real estate agents are less likely to be hired by white-owned brokerages. Discrimination can lead to feelings of isolation, frustration, and financial struggle, affecting black agents’ mental health and well-being.

The industry also lacks diversity and requires more support and resources for black agents. The article argues that addressing these issues is crucial for creating a more inclusive and equitable real estate industry.

My Key Takeaway: Black real estate agents face discrimination from clients and colleagues, affecting their success and well-being in the industry. Addressing the lack of diversity, providing more support and resources, and tackling discrimination are necessary for creating a more equitable and inclusive real estate industry.

Moving on to another critical topic, black individuals face racial disparities in healthcare that affect their outcomes. A study found that black patients undergoing open-heart surgery have worse outcomes than white patients, with higher risks of complications and death within 30 days of surgery.

Open-Heart Surgery Outcomes Worse for Black Patients

According to a study, black patients undergoing open-heart surgery experience worse outcomes than white patients. Black patients had a 34% higher risk of dying within 30 days of surgery than white patients and were more likely to experience complications.

The article suggests potential reasons for the racial disparity, including differences in access to care, health disparities, and bias in the healthcare system. Developing a program to improve access to care and reduce inequities is highlighted as a promising effort.

It is crucial to address racial disparities in healthcare and ensure that all patients receive high-quality care.

Key takeaway: A study found that black patients undergoing open-heart surgery have worse outcomes than white patients, including a higher risk of complications and death within 30 days of surgery.

Addressing differences in access to care, health disparities, and bias in the healthcare system is necessary for improving outcomes for black patients.

Efforts to reduce disparities, such as improving access to care, are underway. Still, more work is needed to ensure that all patients receive high-quality care regardless of race.

The racial disparities in healthcare and real estate highlight the ongoing need for creating a more equitable and inclusive society. As we work towards this goal, finding inspiration and guidance is crucial to help us navigate our challenges.

That’s why we’re excited to share some powerful quotes and insightful book recommendations that can help you unleash your full potential.

What I’m Reading That’s Blowing My Mind

Burn the Boats: Toss Plan B Overboard and Unleash Your Full Potential by Matt Higgins

The author believes that to succeed truly. Individuals must burn their “boats” or backup plans and fully commit to their goals without any safety nets.

He argues that too often, individuals hold onto their backup plans. As a result, they only partially commit to their goals, ultimately leading to mediocrity.

One action step that readers can take from this book is to identify their backup plans and determine if they hinder their ability to commit to their goals fully.

If so, they should take the necessary steps to let go of those backup plans and fully commit to their goals. This may involve taking calculated risks and stepping outside of their comfort zone. Still, it is ultimately necessary for individuals to achieve their full potential.

Quotes That Caught My Attention

The world is in motion, and you cannot be stationary in your attitude towards something that’s moving.


This saying implies that as the world continually transforms and progresses, one must not stay static or unyielding in their convictions or behaviors. It is essential to modify one’s mindset and acclimate to the ongoing shifts in the surrounding environment.


To apply this quote could be regularly seeking new information and perspectives on topics you care about. This could involve reading diverse news sources, seeking out alternative viewpoints, and conversing with people with different opinions than you.

By being open to new information and ideas, you can adjust your attitude and actions to better align with the constantly changing world.

Get and stay out of your comfort zone. Not much happens of any significance when we’re in our comfort zone.
Bob Parsons


This quote means that if you want to achieve something significant in life, you must push yourself outside your comfort zone. Staying within your comfort zone may feel safe and familiar. Still, it also means limiting yourself and not growing or experiencing new things.


An action step to apply this quote could be to set a goal or take on a challenge you have been avoiding because it makes you feel uncomfortable or uncertain. This could be anything from speaking in public to trying a new hobby.

By stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking on new challenges, you can build confidence, learn new skills, and open yourself up to new opportunities you may not have otherwise experienced.

It’s a Wrap!

That’s it for this week’s 1% Better Newsletter 🙂

As we wrap up this month’s newsletter, I hope that the stories and insights we’ve shared have been informative and thought-provoking.

My goal is to engage you in the critical discussions that affect our society and to inspire action in addressing these issues.

This week’s newsletter has shed light on the impact of COVID-19 on older adults, the challenges faced by black real estate agents, and the racial disparities in healthcare outcomes for black patients.

These topics underscore the need for creating a more equitable and inclusive society. Additionally, the powerful quotes and book recommendations shared in this newsletter can help individuals unleash their full potential by pushing themselves out of their comfort zone and fully committing to their goals.

As we move forward, let us prioritize the needs of vulnerable populations and work towards a more equitable future for all.

Until next time, stay curious, stay informed, and stay inspired!

Here’s to your success,

Clarence E. Stowers, Jr.

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PO Box 6159, River Forest, IL 60305

🚨 Shocking Expulsion of Lawmakers 😱🔥 & Secrets to Retirement Savings 💰👵 Don’t Miss Out! 🌟📰

🚨 Shocking Expulsion of Lawmakers 😱🔥 & Secrets to Retirement Savings 💰👵 Don’t Miss Out! 🌟📰

Happy Monday!

Welcome to this week’s edition of “Get 1% Better Newsletter,” where we delve into the intricate maze of life’s challenges and obstacles.

Our lead story discusses the expulsion of two black Democratic lawmakers from the Tennessee legislature, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson after they peacefully protested gun violence.

Meanwhile, a vote to expel a white colleague failed, raising questions about potential racial bias and a lack of democracy in the state.

Additionally, we tackle the alarming issue of millions of Americans nearing retirement age with no savings, discussing expert-recommended strategies for achieving financial security.

Lastly, we share insights from Stephen Marche’s eye-opening book, “The Next Civil War,” which analyzes the current political situation in America and its potential consequences.

In this newsletter, we also share some thought-provoking quotes and the action steps you can take based on their messages. So, buckle up and prepare for an engaging and informative read that will surely leave you eager for more!

Fascinating Articles I Read Last Week

The Tennessee 3: “A Public Lynching”: Justin Jones, Black Tennessee Lawmaker, Responds to Expulsion from State House

Two black Democratic lawmakers, Justin Jones, and Justin Pearson, were expelled from the Tennessee legislature for peacefully protesting gun violence, while a vote to expel a white colleague failed.

The Republican-controlled legislature removed the lawmakers who defended their protest and called for an end to gun violence. Critics argue that the expulsions reveal a lack of democracy in the state and may have been influenced by race.

State representatives Justin Jones and Justin Pearson were expelled after the Republican majority voted along party lines.

Both lawmakers have advocated for gun reform, citing numerous victims of gun violence. Their expulsion has drawn attention to potential racism and absurd policies in the state capital.

Democratic representative Gloria Johnson pledged to work towards reinstating her expelled colleagues, suggesting that race might have played a role in their removal.

Critics argue that expelling opposition voices from the legislative body indicates authoritarianism, not democracy.

The expelled lawmakers represent a future that champions human rights, democracy, and social justice, in contrast to the state’s history of white supremacy, capitalism, and patriarchy.

Millions of Americans are nearing retirement age with no savings.

Maryann O’Connor’s situation highlights the importance of planning for retirement. At 66 years old, she has no savings or 401(k) and works two jobs to make ends meet.

According to data from the US Census Bureau, approximately 50% of women and 47% of men aged between 55 and 66 have no retirement savings. To address this issue, experts suggest several steps.

Firstly, it is recommended to continue working, save when possible, lower the cost of living, delay social security benefits until age 70, and avoid risky investments. Additionally, early retirement savings is advised, and even those without savings can create a plan.

It’s alarming that nearly 57 million Americans work for employers that do not offer retirement savings plans.

This means that many people may have to rely solely on social security benefits, which can be a challenge to maintain a comfortable standard of living in retirement.

To mitigate this issue, it’s essential to take proactive steps such as saving money, reducing expenses, and planning ahead for retirement.

Maryann O’Connor’s situation highlights the importance of planning for retirement. At 66 years old, she has no savings or 401(k) and works two jobs to make ends meet.

This demonstrates the need for individuals to take action early to save for retirement and ensure financial stability in their later years.

In summary, retirement planning is crucial, particularly for those without savings.

Experts recommend a range of steps to help achieve financial security, such as continuing to work, saving when possible, lowering the cost of living, delaying social security benefits, and avoiding risky investments.

Taking proactive steps early on can help individuals achieve a comfortable standard of living in retirement, even if they work for an employer that doesn’t offer a retirement savings plan.

What I’m Reading That’s Blowing My Mind

The Next Civil War by Stephen Marche

The Next Civil War is a book by Stephen Marche that provides an insightful analysis of the current political situation in America and its potential consequences.

Marche’s book is a collection of dispatches from the American future, focusing on the factors that could lead to another civil war. The book warns Americans about the dangers of political polarization and the consequences of ignoring it.

3 Quotes That Caught My Attention

Watch out for people that will put you last but call you first when they have a problem.


It is essential to recognize that relationships should be based on mutual support and reciprocity. When one party consistently takes without giving, it can lead to an unhealthy and imbalanced relationship.

It is important to be mindful of the dynamics within our relationships and take action to address such issues when they arise.

This may involve openly communicating your concerns with the individual or setting boundaries to ensure your own well-being is not compromised due to their one-sided behavior.

Doing so will foster healthier and more balanced relationships, leading to greater overall emotional well-being.


Evaluate your relationships with others and identify those who consistently exhibit this behavior.

Once you have identified them, consider setting boundaries to protect your well-being and ensure that these relationships are more balanced and reciprocal in the future.

This could involve being honest about your feelings and discussing the issue with the person or simply being more mindful of your limits and ensuring you are not overextending yourself for others who may not reciprocate the same level of care and support.

If there’s time, then there’s time to turn things around.


Embracing the notion that there is always an opportunity for change, regardless of the circumstances, can be a powerful motivator.

This quote emphasizes the importance of seizing the moment and not giving up on the potential for progress, even when faced with adversity or unfavorable conditions.

Maintaining a proactive mindset can positively influence their surroundings and strive for better outcomes.


One action step based on this quote would be to identify a situation or aspect of your life that you believe needs improvement and then create a concrete plan to turn things around.

Break the plan down into manageable tasks, and commit to taking consistent action toward achieving your desired outcome.

By actively working towards positive change, you demonstrate the power of perseverance and the belief that there is always time to make a difference.

You have to see it before they do. You have to believe it before they will. You have to be the architect of your plans and goals because no one will build them for you.


To achieve success, you must clearly understand your objectives and be confident to pursue them wholeheartedly.

By visualizing your goals and maintaining faith in your abilities, you create a solid foundation to build your future.

This quote serves as a reminder that the responsibility for designing and executing your plans ultimately lies with you, and it is crucial to take ownership of your journey to accomplish your dreams.


One action step based on this quote would be to dedicate time to reflecting on your aspirations and developing a clear vision of what you want to achieve.

Write down your specific goals and create a detailed roadmap outlining the necessary steps.

By actively engaging in this process, you demonstrate your commitment to taking charge of your life and shaping your future according to your desires and ambitions.

That’s it for this week’s 1% Better Newsletter 🙂

As we wrap up this month’s newsletter, I hope that the stories and insights we’ve shared have been informative and thought-provoking.

My goal is to engage you in the critical discussions that affect our society and to inspire action in addressing these issues.

From the controversial expulsion of lawmakers in Tennessee to the pressing concerns surrounding retirement savings, we strive to bring attention to the challenges we face together.

I encourage you to reflect on the quotes we’ve shared and consider the action steps we’ve suggested to make a positive impact in your own life and the lives of those around you.

Through awareness and action, we can foster change, promote understanding, and work towards a brighter future for all.

Thank you for joining us on this journey, and we look forward to connecting with you again in our next newsletter.

In the meantime, please feel free to share your thoughts, questions, or feedback with us, as we always appreciate hearing from our valued readers.

Until next time, stay curious, stay informed, and stay inspired!

Here’s to your success,

Clarence E. Stowers, Jr.

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PO Box 6159, River Forest, IL 60305

🙏 Holy Week & Easter Service: Join Us for a Meaningful Experience!

🙏 Holy Week & Easter Service: Join Us for a Meaningful Experience!

We are excited to invite you to our Easter Sunday (April 9 at 10:30 AM Central In-Person or Online).

Join us for Easter service!

I invite you to join us for Easter service this Sunday, April 9, 2023. Easter is a special time to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and rose again to give us eternal life.

Whether you are a regular attendee or a first-time visitor, we would love to have you with us for this joyous occasion. You can choose to attend in person or online, depending on your preference and comfort level.

Either way, you will experience uplifting worship, inspiring messages, and a warm community of believers.

If you prefer to attend online, you can watch our live stream on our website or Facebook page. You can also interact with other online attendees through our chat feature and request prayer from our online pastors.

We encourage you to invite your friends and family to join you online.

No matter how you choose to attend, we believe that God has something special for you this Easter.

We pray that you will encounter His love, grace, and power freshly. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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[YouTube Channel Update] Level Up: Equipping You to Get 1% Better in Life

I am excited to share my new promotional video on boosting your productivity and getting more done quickly. This video is part of my YouTube channel, “Level Up Equipping You to Get 1% Better in Life.”

Suppose you want to learn how to improve every aspect of your life, from personal skills to finances to health and relationships.

In that case, you will love my channel. I post weekly videos with practical tips, insights, and strategies to help you reach your full potential and achieve your goals.

To watch my new promotional video, click on the link below. And remember to subscribe to my channel and hit the bell icon to get notified of new videos. I appreciate your support, and I hope you enjoy the video.

Thank you for being a part of our journey to success. We look forward to continuing to share more exciting updates with you.

​May God bless you and keep you,

Clarence E. Stowers, Jr.

🙏 Holy Week & Easter Service: Join Us for a Meaningful Experience!

🧭 Unlock the Secrets to Overcoming Life’s Challenges with These 3 Must-Read Articles and a Mind-Blowing TED Talk! 📚🌟

Happy Monday!

Welcome to this week’s edition of “Get 1% Better Newsletter,” where we delve into the intricate maze of life’s challenges and obstacles.

In a world filled with complexities, it’s easy to find ourselves facing adversity, justifying our failures, or struggling to admit when we’re wrong. Sometimes, we even attempt to explain our thoughts to those with no intention of understanding.

Through thought-provoking quotes and insightful discussions, we aim to help you navigate these challenges with mindfulness, self-reflection, and empathy.

In this week’s issue, we highlight three fascinating articles that tackle pressing issues in today’s society: the dire state of pastor burnout, the staggering cost of raising a child in America, and the fight against ageism in job hunting for people in their 50s.

Additionally, we invite you to listen to an eye-opening TED Talk that explores the potential future of a jobless society due to advancements in automation and artificial intelligence.

Join us on this journey of self-discovery and growth as we strive to become more resilient and compassionate individuals in the face of life’s challenges.

3 Fascinating Articles I Read Last Week

5 Shocking Realities About the Real State of Pastor Burnout

In today’s fast-paced world, pastor burnout has become a pervasive and alarming issue that requires immediate attention.

This growing problem affects numerous pastors, who find themselves grappling with unrealistic expectations, a lack of support, financial pressures, and an unhealthy work-life balance.

In Carey Nieuwhof’s article, he takes a deep dive into the worrying problem of pastor burnout, shedding light on the difficult realities many pastors face and providing a glimpse into the obstacles they have to overcome. The key points are as follows:

  1. Pastor burnout is a widespread problem, with the majority of pastors feeling overwhelmed by their work and struggling with the emotional toll of their responsibilities.
  2. Pastors often face unrealistic expectations from their congregation, which can lead to a sense of failure and increased stress. This burden can result in physical, emotional, and spiritual exhaustion, contributing to burnout.
  3. Many pastors lack adequate support systems, often feeling isolated and without a safe space to share their struggles. This absence of support compounds the stress and emotional strain they experience.
  4. Financial challenges are a common issue for pastors, with many feeling underpaid and burdened by the financial needs of their families and ministries. These pressures can exacerbate the risk of burnout.
  5. Pastors often struggle to establish healthy boundaries, leading to an unhealthy work-life balance. This lack of balance can result in neglected relationships and personal well-being, further increasing the likelihood of burnout.

In conclusion, the article highlights the serious issue of pastor burnout and the various factors that contribute to it, such as unrealistic expectations, lack of support, financial challenges, and poor work-life balance.

To address this problem, it is essential for pastors and their congregations to acknowledge and understand these realities and work together to create a more sustainable and supportive environment.

Send a prayer up for your pastor!

The Staggering Cost of Raising a Child in America

It now costs $310,000 to raise a child: “Something has to give.”

The CBS News article highlights the financial burden of raising a child in America, emphasizing the high costs parents face to ensure their child’s well-being. The key points are as follows:

  1. A recent report reveals that raising a child from birth to 18 in the U.S. costs approximately $310,000. This figure accounts for housing, food, transportation, education, and other essentials but does not include the cost of college tuition.
  2. The cost of childcare has become a significant concern for many families. Depending on the state, childcare expenses can range from $9,100 to $23,600 annually, often rivaling the cost of housing as the most significant household expense.
  3. The financial pressure of raising a child is felt more acutely by lower-income households, who often face difficult decisions regarding their child’s education, healthcare, and other necessities.
  4. Government policies like the expanded Child Tax Credit have provided some relief to families, but further action is needed to address the escalating costs of childcare and other essentials.
  5. The article also highlights the need for employers to consider more family-friendly policies, such as offering paid parental leave and flexible work arrangements, to help alleviate the financial burden on parents.

In conclusion, the article emphasizes the significant costs associated with raising a child in America and calls for more comprehensive solutions from both the government and employers to support families in managing these expenses.

Overcoming Ageism in Job Hunting for People in Their 50s

Looking for a job when you’re in your 50s is sobering. ‘People don’t want to see their moms in the office,’ one friend told me.

The HuffPost article addresses the challenges faced by individuals in their 50s who have been laid off and are searching for new employment opportunities, particularly highlighting the issue of ageism. The key points are as follows:

  1. Ageism is a prevalent problem in the job market, with older workers often being perceived as less adaptable, less technologically proficient, and more expensive to employ. This discrimination makes it difficult for laid-off individuals in their 50s to secure new job opportunities.
  2. To combat ageism, older job seekers should focus on their transferable skills and experiences, emphasizing their adaptability, problem-solving abilities, and leadership qualities.
  3. Networking plays a crucial role in job hunting at any age, but it is particularly important for older job seekers who may have more extensive connections. Leveraging personal and professional networks can lead to new opportunities and help overcome age-related biases.
  4. Staying current with industry trends and technology is essential for older job seekers to demonstrate their willingness to learn and adapt, challenging the stereotype of being technologically inept.
  5. It is important for job seekers in their 50s to maintain a positive attitude and remain persistent in their job search. Emphasizing the value of their experience and skills can help them stand out to potential employers and counteract ageism.

In summary, the article sheds light on the issue of ageism in the job market and provides practical advice for individuals in their 50s who are seeking employment.

By focusing on their strengths, staying current with industry trends, and leveraging their networks, older job seekers can increase their chances of finding new job opportunities and overcoming age-related discrimination.

Eye-Opening TED Talk Worth Watching

In this talk, Martin Ford discusses the potential future of a jobless society due to advancements in automation and artificial intelligence.

He explains how machines are not only affecting low-wage or blue-collar jobs but also climbing the skills ladder, impacting professional jobs like accountants, financial analysts, and journalists.

Ford argues that this could lead to significant unemployment, underemployment, stagnant wages, and soaring levels of inequality, which would strain society and the economy.

To address this, he suggests exploring the idea of a universal basic income, which could be refined by incorporating incentives to encourage positive behavior such as education or community work.

3 Quotes That Caught My Attention

You will quit worrying about what others think about you when you realize how rarely they actually think about you.


This insightful quote, “You will quit worrying about what others think about you when you realize how rarely they actually think about you,” is a reminder to stop obsessing over other people’s opinions of us.

The source of this quote is difficult to pinpoint, as variations of this idea have been expressed by multiple authors and philosophers throughout history.

It is often attributed to David Foster Wallace, an American writer and essayist, although there isn’t a direct quote from his works that matches this exact phrasing.

The essence of the quote lies in the fact that people are generally preoccupied with their own lives and concerns, leaving them little time to think about others in a critical manner. It encourages us to recognize that our fears and insecurities about what others think are often unfounded and exaggerated.


One action step to take from this quote is to practice self-awareness and mindfulness. Whenever you catch yourself worrying about other people’s opinions, pause and reflect on the fact that they are most likely preoccupied with their own thoughts and concerns.

Remind yourself that you cannot control what others think and that it’s more important to focus on your own growth and well-being. Over time, this practice can help reduce anxiety and self-doubt, ultimately leading to increased self-confidence and a healthier mindset.

You don’t have to rebuild a relationship with everyone you’ve forgiven.


This quote is a reminder that forgiveness and reconciliation are not synonymous. It encourages us to differentiate between forgiveness and rebuilding a relationship.

Forgiveness is an internal process that allows us to let go of resentment, anger, and hurt, freeing ourselves from the emotional burden and making peace with the past.

However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that we must rebuild a relationship with the person we have forgiven. In some cases, it may not be in our best interest to reconnect or reestablish a relationship, particularly if it involves a history of toxicity, abuse, or repeated negative patterns.


One action step to take from this quote is to practice discernment in your relationships. When you’ve forgiven someone, evaluate whether it’s healthy and beneficial to rebuild that relationship.

Consider the dynamics of the relationship, the personal growth of both parties, and the potential consequences of reestablishing a connection. If you decide not to rebuild a relationship, remember that it doesn’t diminish the significance of your forgiveness.

Ultimately, prioritize your emotional well-being and personal growth as you navigate the complexities of forgiveness and relationships.

I’m going to let you in on a secret of life: When people know they did you wrong, they avoid you.


The quote, “I’m going to let you in on a secret of life: When people know they did you wrong, they avoid you,” serves as a reminder that individuals who have wronged others may feel guilt or shame, leading them to distance themselves from the person they have hurt.

It suggests that when people are aware of their wrongdoings, they may feel uncomfortable facing the person they have hurt, as it forces them to confront their guilt or fear of potential consequences.

As a result, they may choose to avoid the person altogether, either as a means of self-protection or to avoid facing the reality of their actions.


One action step to take from this quote is to develop empathy and understanding for both yourself and others. If you find that someone is avoiding you after a conflict or wrongdoing, recognize that their behavior might be driven by their own emotional struggles.

Instead of internalizing their avoidance as a reflection of your worth, try to view it as a manifestation of their own discomfort with their actions.

This understanding can help you maintain your own self-esteem and emotional well-being, while also fostering a more compassionate perspective towards others.

That’s it for this week’s 1% Better Newsletter 🙂

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Here’s to your success,

Clarence E. Stowers, Jr.

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Here’s to your success,

Clarence E. Stowers, Jr.
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