Friday's Top Five Lessons Learned

Friday's Top Five Lessons Learned

I’m trying something new.  My Moleskine notebook’s filled with random thoughts, devotionals, leadership lessons and principles, and inspirational thoughts from the Holy Spirit.  Every Friday, I’ve decided to share my “Top 5” lessons learned, ideas, and leadership principles with my blog family.

Here what’s swirling around in my mind:

  1. No matter how many sermons or Bible studies I lead, people won’t grow unless they have a desire to grow.  The saying is true: “You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make them drink.”
  2. John Maxwell says: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!”  That’s true: Most African-Americans want to be able to touch their pastor & know that he loves them.
  3. Build bridges before you ask for anything.  People won’t readily commit until they can trust you.  The only way to build trust is through time and consistency.
  4. Great visions from God force you to ask the types of questions that lead to greater dependence on God.
  5. My days are filled with meaningful work for which I have a sustainable passion.

Question: What did you learn this week?

Friday's Top Five Lessons Learned

Free Your Mind (What I'm Thinking)

Tonight, I’m having great difficulty focusing my attention on what I must complete.  My mind’s racing with so many thoughts, so I decided to stop working and free my mind.

Here’s some thoughts that have been running around my head this week:

  1. I love my wife – she’s the glue that holds it all together!
  2. Today my 2nd mom lost her mom & I had to hold it together & serve the family. I confess: I cried in the car.
  3. More and more, I realized that I need to be around visionaries and dreamers.  People that only think here and now drain me.
  4. Im beginning to sense, “We Cant Stay Here.”
  5. I need to get away to pray, think, plan, & prepare for what God has in store for Mars Hill.
  6. Here’s what’s coming soon @ Mars Hill: Website redesign integrating our social media strategy, an Internet Campus where you can view our services via On Demand style, Podcasting via iTunes, & Renovation of our facilities to reflect our unique way of doing ministry.
  7. I’m starting a Men’s mentoring group. I will disciple 8-12 men for one year.  I will coach them in ALL areas of their lives to become men of influence! I’m TOTALLY excited about this!!!
  8. Our choir held an anniversary concert for my wife & I (11th year pastoring) and they did an OUTSTANDING job. They can really sing…I mean really sing.
  9. I love my church & believe I have the best job in the world!
  10. God is shifting our church & I’m sensing that some won’t be able to handle the shift because of denominational loyalty.
  11. Spiritual warfare is increasing.  The enemy is not happy about life change!
  12. Sometimes I feel we’re too Full Gospel to be Baptist…Too Baptist to be Full Gospel.
  13. Here’s a thought: Drop ALL the labels & be BIBLICAL. Yea, I like that!
  14. Ministry can be frustrating – but it’s a good frustration!
  15. I’m considering getting an MBA. Why? I believe it’ll help our church as we expand the reach of our ministry though multiple campuses.
  16. Over the past couple of years, I’ve come to understand more and more that the local church really matters.  Social work and missions that isn’t connected to a local church isn’t going to accomplish anything long-term.

Whew, it’s out & maybe I can get back to work!