Another Awesome Worship Experience

Another Awesome Worship Experience


Yesterday I ended the series "Gametime" with the message, "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire" (Nehemiah 6:1-5).  I confess, this is now my favorite message so far.  Personally, I believe this series was more than just a teaching series where I speak and the audience takes notes, no – it was more "prophetic." 

By "prophetic" two elements must be involved: truth spoken with power.  A word becomes "prophetic" when becomes so powerful that it it’s hearers are compelled to prompt action.  A prophetic word is like a proverbial rock in your shoe, it bothers you and you can’t ignore it.  A prophetic word "stays" with you until you decide to do something about.  I’ve heard sermons that left me feeling good, but, didn’t prompt me to action.  I’ve heard so-called "deep" sermons that left me saying, "huh."  However, I’ve heard very few sermons that bothered me so much that I had to do something about it.  That’s a prophetic word!

When a prophetic word is spoken listeners receive a "Rhema Word."  When
a person receives a "Rhema" word, the Holy Spirit gives special
illumination to the hearer with specific application. This begins a person’s transformation.

"Gametime" was all about discovering God’s Will and getting involved in it!  I taught on:

1.  God’s Providential Will (things He’s going to do regardless of us – like sending Jesus)
2.  God’s Moral Will (things He clearly told us "to-do" & "not-to-do"


3.  Within His Providential & Moral Will, you’ll find His personal will for your life.

Last Sunday I gave a biblical shortcut for those who need to know God’s will in a hurry.  Click here if you want to know too!

That’s all for now…stay tuned more to come later today!!!


Another Awesome Worship Experience

What an AWESOME Worship Experience Today!


I am almost positive that I do not have the words to describe what has
taken place this year at Mars HillGod has BLOWN ME AWAY…there is no way that
any one person OR group of people can take credit for what we’ve
seen…only Jesus could have done this. 

Here are some of the highlights
from today…

1. We honored both our "Founding" Members & "Pioneer" Members today with an "All-Access" VIP Pass to our 45th Anniversary Celebration Events.   We shot a commemorative DVD which chronicled the history of our church’s three locations: 3311 W. Roosevelt Rd, 2809 W. Harrison St, and 5916 W. Lake Street.  People laughed and wept as they saw how our church struggled during our early years.

2.  Personally, I thought the music today was INCREDIBLE!  The choir was outstanding and allowed God to use them to minister.  The band was OFF DA CHAIN – I believe we have the BEST BAND in the world.  If you don’t believe me, just come and experience it for yourself. 

3.  I kicked-off a new series called "Gametime."  A series is designed to help those interested in discovering God’s personal will for their lives.  Today, I taught how God’s will involves three spheres:

GOD’S PROVIDENTIAL WILL (things He’s going to do regardless)

GOD’S MORAL WILL (the do’s & dont’s clearly outlined in Scripture)

GOD’S PERSONAL WILL (what He wants to do through us specifically)

God wants a yes first!