What To Do When Stuff Doesn’t Work Out
It is easy to stay motivated when everything is going well, but what happens when setbacks occur? What happens when your “well thought out” plans don’t work out, or your world get turned upside down by events beyond your control, what do you do?
You can cry.
You can crawl into a hole.
You can give up.
Or you can try again.
Napoleon Hill once said:
One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat.

Life Lessons From America’s Hottest TV Show – Scandal
Scandal + Facebook is equal to The Wells in Jesus’ day…the place where everyone gathered to catch up on what’s happening. Since Jesus met the woman at the well, I’m following his cue. Last week, I decided to have some fun & teach life lessons during Scandal’s return. What began as a joke, turn into something special.
Here’s my first installment of Life’s Lesson’s from Scandal:
- Scandalous Lesson #1: Power is a lot like real estate. It’s all about location, location, location. The closer you are to the source, the higher your property value.
- Scandalous Lesson #2: Friends make the worst enemies. Ask Vice President Sally…Fitz would’ve saw that coming if he wasn’t slobbing Olivia down.
- Scandalous Lesson #3: Love makes you do crazy things. I’m pretty good at this 😀
- Scandalous Lesson #4: There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong. Or, the sort of pain that’s causes suffering….Olivia’s dad is wallowing in the latter.
- Scandalous Lesson #5: Here’s what Olivia’s dad was really saying: After all, we are nothing more or less than what we choose to allow others to reduce us to. Also, when the horse is dead (Pres. Fitz); dismount & move on.
- Scandalous Lesson #6: The story of Quinn teaches what happens when you’re gifted, but not wise. You can be the smartest in the room & have no clue how to apply what you know. That takes wisdom.
- Scandalous Lesson #7: Everyone needs a Huck in their lives…that crazy/genius person who’ll knock down ANYTHING & ANYONE who tries to harm you. Like Jesus, everyone needs a Peter in their circle.
- Scandalous Lesson #8: Here’s what Millie was really saying: “After they’re finished playing, they almost always come back home.”
- Scandalous Lesson #9: Olivia & Fitz please read Jeremiah 17:9; 29:11. The head has to legislate the heart because it has the ability to lead us down wrong paths. The heart blinds to what we MUST do…not what we WANT to do.
- Scandalous Lesson #10: Pastors must not insulate or isolate themselves from culture.
We must engage in culture. Jesus would do that. We must meet people where they are & help them discover their path to an abundant life. That’s why I’m watching #Scandal

Greatest Sermon Ever Preached – That's My King!!!
As a preacher’s kid (P.K) & pastor, I’ve heard many great messages throughout my lifetime. Some messages were quick cures for insomnia while others made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Dr. S.M. Lockridge preached a sermon 25 years ago that rocked my world!
That’s My King from Dustin Bankord on Vimeo.
Dr. Shadrach Meshach (S.M.) Lockridge (March 7, 1913 – April 4, 2000) was the Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, a prominent African-American congregation located in San Diego, CA.

Character: The Foundation of Leadership
King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived provides an excellent jumping off point for developing the character qualities essential to good leadership. Leaders cultivate character by acquiring wisdom and understanding (Proverbs 2:1-11). Of course, those possessions don’t come without a price. They require the kind of dedicated and patient labor exercised in raising godly children. Leaders must diligently “search” for the wisdom that is buried within God’s Word like diamonds covered by layers of earth and rock.
How leaders deal with the circumstances of life reveals much about their character.
Consequently, that means using the right tools and exercising patience and diligence as we spend time immersed within this life-changing book. The writer uses words that call his readers to energetic and passionate action. Take a moment to reread verses 1-4 and note the quality of effort Solomon is talking about here.
As we dig, we must ask God to provide us with insight and understanding. Ultimately, only God can open our eyes to see spiritual truth and then enable us to apply that truth to our lives (see Ephesians 1:18). As God fills our minds with wisdom, our character will develop so that we’ll possess the ability to consistently make right choices – choices that are just, fair, and moral.
As we seek to possess God’s wisdom we’ll be able to move beyond simply expressing the vision and values of a leader. We’ll possess the kind of character which lofty visions and values flow. Our character will be truly godly, so that others will delight in following us.
1. Character is more than TALK.
Anyone can say they have integrity, but action is the real indicator of character. Your character determines who you are and determines what you see.
2. Talent is a Gift, but Character is a CHOICE.
We don’t get to choose our parents, circumstances of our birth and upbringing, But we do choose our character.
3. Character brings with LASTING SUCCESS with people.
True leadership involves others and people do not trust leaders whose character they know to be flawed.
4. Leaders cannot rise above the LIMITATIONS of their character.
Steven Berglas, a psychologist at Harvard Medical School and author of The Success Syndrome, says that people who achieve great heights but lack the bedrock of character to sustain them through the stress are headed for disaster.
He believes they are destined for one or more of the four A’s: ARROGANCE ALONENESS ADVENTURE-SEEKING (IN A DESTRUCTIVE WAY), OR ADULTERY.