With 2009 destined to be a tough year for a lot of people, I thought now would be the perfect time to review Marcus Buckingham's book , The Truth About You which aims to empower you to enjoy higher satisfaction and performance in life and work.

If you are someone who still is not sure what to do with your life, then this is probably a great book for you to pick up.  It includes a DVD, the book and a notepad, all of which make for a very interactive experience.  If you are already in tune with your strengths and how you want to spend your life, and you are one of the 2 out of 10 people Marcus mentions that get to play to their strengths at work, then there are still some solid nuggets in the book for you as well.

The book discusses how successful people can build their dream jobs. The philosophy of the book revolves around 3 myths that hold you back from building your own dream job.

"Your strengths aren't what you're good at, and your weaknesses aren't what you're bad at." 

“When it comes to the job, the 'what' always trumps the 'why' or the 'who'."

“You'll never turn your weaknesses into strengths.”

It also explains the differences in your strengths versus your weaknesses in a way that you probably have not thought about. Ensuing chapters provide 5 pieces of advice (a chapter for each) to stay on your strength path and succeed in both work and life.

In short, if you're really yearning to discover more about your strengths or weaknesses, give this book a try.  Pick the book up and read it. Then give it away to a young person preparing for a new career path. And then treat yourself to a new copy.

To read the first 12 pages click “read” on the widget below:



Disclaimer: I was given this book by the publisher, Thomas Nelson, as part of a program for book reviewers, but given no direction to follow nor compensation for this review.

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