Here’s something you don’t hear at most conferences and seminars: Behind every opportunity are obstacles.

In 1999, I was installed as pastor of the Mars Hill Baptist Church of Chicago.  However, as is so often the case, this opportunity came disguised as a seemingly insurmountable obstacle.  I succeeded my father, Dr. Clarence E. Stowers, Sr. as pastor.  I inherited a traditional baptist church that had plateaued.

Based on almost every metric available, I knew I had to do something fast or else our attendance would decline. The optimistic side of me was determined to turn our church around. Therefore, in 2000, I attended the Purpose Driven Church Conference and worked hard to formulate and cast a new vision for the Mars Hill Baptist Church of Chicago.

I restructured our church, hired staff, and with fresh enthusiasm, we were off to a great start. I anticipated smooth sailing ahead.  What I didn’t anticipate is that everyone wants change until it affects them personally.  Why?  Growth is uncomfortable and requires change.

Those Who are Comfortable Do Not Grow

Most people are creatures of habit and like predicability.  They may preach the need for change and rally support behind it.  However, when change knocks at their door, most balk because it often requires them to do something.  That’s when I discovered that people are anxious to improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.

Why?  Remaining in a comfort zone encourages people to do the BARE MINIMUM.  Thus, their only goal is to keep things the same way they’ve always been.  To become successful (according to your predetermined standards of success) you must be willing to push yourself outside your safety zone over and over again.  Additionally, you must plan to escape from the “Prison of Comfort.”

Challenges and obstacles are all a very necessary part of any success journey. Ask any super achiever, who has achieved their success, despite having overcome numerous challenges and obstacles, along their path to success.

If they could go back and do it all over again, but this time around, they could avoid the greatest challenge, they faced the first time round. Ninety nine out of one hundred of them would invariably say that they would leave things exactly the way they were, as the challenges they faced and overcame, were often the very catalyst behind their success.

Your Comfort Zone May Be Holding You Back

Pushing your limits is like stretching your body.  You will know it’s working when you start to feel uncomfortable.  When you feel that twinge, be assured that you are inching your way closer to your ultimate goal.  Let this be the year you decide to break free from the “Prison of Comfort.”

I know you may be afraid, but, I’m encouraging you to be bold and courageous.  I once heard someone say, “Courage is not the absence of fear.  It’s moving ahead in spite of your fears.”  If you have dreams, goals, or aspirations, you need to grow to achieve them.

What would you do if you knew for sure that you would not fail?

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From Rubble to Renewal: The Nehemiah Strategy for Modern Times


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Chapter 1: Assessing the Ruins:

Contemplating Our Personal Jerusalems


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