As I shared over the past few weeks, at Mars Hill, we have been trying to get our minds and hearts around some of the data that points to unmet expectations.  What do you do when not as many people are inviting their friends…not as many are growing in Christ…not as many are tithing…not as many are reading their Bible…not as many are attending…and not as many are being baptized?

These questions are very real for us right now, and over the next few days I will share some of the stages of unmet expectations I have recently experienced…


At some point, we MUST decide to lead. We stop blaming, questioning, justifying or redefining–and we hunker down and lead through the crisis.  We figure out what is wrong and we get on our faces before God, and we begin to fix it.  We face the really tough data and talk about the facts of our situation which might be embarrasing or self-condemning.  We acknowledge where we are wrong and we get risky and determine to try some stuff to get back on track.  We stick our necks out and cancel some stuff that has perceived success, and add some stuff that has no historical track record.  We work through the feeling of failure, the muddy conversations and awkward staff meetings.  We don't jump ship because the waters are suddenly rocky.  No, instead we rally the troops, and we do what leaders do in times of crisis…we lead.

Anyone else identify with any of these stages of unmet expectations?

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From Rubble to Renewal: The Nehemiah Strategy for Modern Times


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Chapter 1: Assessing the Ruins:

Contemplating Our Personal Jerusalems


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