Conventional wisdom says you need a mentor to help you get to where you desire to be.  This conclusion, however, is based on a faulty assumption.  The sources of this wisdom confused coincidence with a cause.  No doubt many successful people have had mentors, but, knowing that doesn’t prove the person succeeded because of their mentors.  For all we know, they might have succeeded in spite of them.

The reason that many successful people had mentors is that people destined to succeed ATTRACT all kings of people, including mentors.  They attract mentors, fans, followers, and even HATERS.  So the way to attract a mentor is to display those traits that will lead you to success anyway.  Like begets like.  Birds of a feather flock together.  Will a mentor lead you there?  Perhaps.  Will one help you in some smaller way?  No Doubt.

Here’s my advice: Don’t seek just ONE mentor.  Instead, focus on doing the things that might attract people, including mentors.  If you do find a mentor, make sure you include others.  Remember, mentors are people, people are fallible, and even gifted doctors misdiagnose.  Fortunately in many of those cases, the patient sought second and third opinions.  YOU SHOULD TOO!

Having just one mentor is overrated;
having several is not.

What do you think?  Do you agree or disagree?

FYI: I thinking about starting a mentoring group this Spring.  If you are interested and live in the greater Chicago area—please email me ( and I will outline the details for you.

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From Rubble to Renewal: The Nehemiah Strategy for Modern Times


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