Measure twice, cut once…this old carpenter’s adage isn’t just about saving resources. It’s also about saving time!
In carpentry, measure twice cut once means you’ve only got one shot at cutting a sheet of drywall. Therefore, be positive you have the right measurement or you could end up with too short of a piece. When a sheet of drywall is cut to the wrong length, it’s hard to find another use for it. Additionally, it’s impossible to regain the lost time. Consequently, the more valuable the materials and time-consuming the process, the more important it is to get it right the first time! As a young man, my father pounded this into my head – “always double check all of your measurements just to be safe.”
You measure and “cut” into your resources every day – your time, your team, your money, or your church. So getting it right the first time is critical. Before committing yourself to a course of action, take time and analyze the costs and benefits (measure twice, cut once). If you’re recommending something new, research the impact it will have on other people, your church, your company, department, or group. In each case, “measuring twice” (by making sure you’ve gotten all the information you need before you spend resources) you’ll actually save time, energy, and money.
Have you ever had to do something over because you didn’t measure twice? If so, what did you learn?