When it comes to getting ahead financially, it pays to have a trusted circle of advisers to lean on.  For the past two weeks, I’ve shared the necessity of expanding your network of friends to include a few financial friends.  These friends will help guide you to reach your financial goals.  You can think of these friends as your personal board of directors or your dream team.  Today, I’d like to suggest a sixth financial friend:

A “Proven” Real Estate Agent

The recent economic downturn forced many agents out of business looking to make a quick buck.  If you intend to build wealth and leave a legacy, gone are the days when you can call your novice cousin, uncle, or high school friend to help your purchase or sale property.  Times have changed and with so much uncertainty in the real estate market, it’s important to have a proven agent in your network who has the expertise to help you achieve your property ownership goals.

Who Should I Call?

“Take some time to find an agent who knows the market you are interested in and has experience in the specific type of deals you want to make,” says Vicki Lee Parker, writer for Black Enterprise Magazine.  Before deciding which agents to interview, do your homework!  The top agent in your city may not be the best choice for marketing your particular home.  Your choice should depend on which agent is most successful in attracting buyers to homes similar to yours in price and amenities.  Some agents specialize in luxury homes, some in downtown condos, and some in a particular subdivision or price point.  To optimize your selling success, choose an agent who is successful in selling homes similar to yours.  Check out these questions before you list your home.

Do you have a “proven” real estate agent on speed dial?

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