A Sure Way To Empower Women

A Sure Way To Empower Women

Is it possible to have a two-day hangover?  I’m here to tell you that IT IS!

What an incredible weekend at Mars Hill as we celebrated Mother’s Day in a very special way.  We kicked off our celebration on Friday with thousands attending our “Women’s Only” Worship Empowerment Service.   We reminded women that they are a “Fragrance of Beauty” and gave gift bags to them as they entered our worship center.

Their gift bags contained the following items:

  1. A Compact mirror – to remind them they’re beautifully created in God’s Image
  2. An Emory board – to remind them how God has the ability to file away the rough edges
  3. A packet of Kleenex – to remind them that God can wipe away every tear

Additionally, the service included:

  1. Women’s Praise Team
  2. Women’s Dance Group
  3. An all Women’s Band
  4. A Woman Sound Engineer, & Camera/ Video Operator

In short, women were empowered to DO IT ALL & had fun doing it!

Yvette Williams gave a powerful testimony that had everyone sitting on the edge of their seats.  1st Lady Shauntai Stowers gave a riveting introduction that literally brought the ladies to their feet (maybe she should’ve gave the message).  I preached “As Is” from John 4 which told the story of The Woman at the Well.  The point of the story is how Jesus accepts our condition “as is.”  We don’t have to cover up, make excuses, or hide behind shame. It was truly an inspiring message.

The evening concluded with prizes given to the woman who had the most guests in attendance. The winner’s prize: Dinner for two with my wife & I.  Shauntai and I are looking forward to this special event.

Here are a few of the many comments I received:

“It was indeed AWESOME, the devil tried to keep me home, but I’m glad I came…”

“AWESOME indeed…had a life-transforming experience”

“Pastor thanks for delivering a message from God that encouraged and ministered to women…that we can meet God just as we are…The women in attendance needed that…”

“Pastor thank you for seeing the need & delivering a dose of medication that was so necessary! I am more empowered today than I was on yesterday.”

“I came to the service expecting & ready to receive and I got WAY MORE!”

In closing, I want to publicly thank our staff & the hundreds of volunteers who gave their time & talents!

A Sure Way To Empower Women

What You See Is Not Always There

I’M BACK! I took a much needed break from blogging to focus on our Easter Weekend Worship Experiences and it was AWESOME!  I just put the finishing touches on my new series: “Supernatural.”

Read on…

What you see is not all there is. The Bible says, “We are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world…” (Eph 6:12, NLT).  Scripture says, “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.  The weapons that we fight with are not the weapons of the world.”  Though we live in a physical world, there is another world.

The Lord’s Shifting…Are You Spiritually Ready?

There is a spirit world, where there is a war raging.  There is the Kingdom of Light versus the kingdom of darkness.  And when we engage in the spiritual battle, we don’t fight with the weapons of this world.  Tonight during Bible Study I’ll share a preview of my forthcoming series “Supernatural.”

Here’s a brief overview:

Is the third Person of the Trinity a distant Mystery, a vague cosmic Force?

Many believers acknowledge Him as a component of faith – but perhaps not as a reality in their daily spiritual walk.  Yet the Bible is clear: the Holy Spirit is a vital, equal part of God, promised by the father to all Christians

In “Supernatural – Walking in the Spirit,” I’ll reveal the inner workings of the Spirit with simple, straightforward wisdom.  During this series you can better experience this awesome gift of God and learn how the Holy Spirit helps us during this war.

You’ll discover:

Spiritual Warfare
Angels & Demons
What Holiness is – and is Not
Seven Works of the Holy Spirit in Your Life
Three Potentials God Desires You to Develop
How to Remain Full of the Holy Spirit
Four Great Questions to Ask God Everyday

If you are faltering, or easily fall prey to temptation, maybe you’ve forgotten to rely upon the Power of the Holy Spirit and begun to rely only on yourself.  The Christian life is meant to be increasingly dependent on His power working within you.

Are you spiritually prepared for warfare?

A Sure Way To Empower Women

Easter Resurrection Weekend @ Mars Hill!

Wow!  There’s something INCREDIBLE going on @ Mars Hill!  It’s in the atmosphere & all I can say, “It’s a move of God!”  We’re busy attending to last minute details in order to offer THREE excellent worship experiences for the broken, battered, & bruised!  Please join us and experience “Resurrection Power” this Easter!

Good Friday Worship @ Mars Hill!

Friday, April 2, 2010 @ 7pm

Mars Hill Baptist Church

5916 W. Lake Street

Chicago, IL 60644


Good Friday is the Friday immediately preceding Easter Sunday.  It is celebrated traditionally as the day on which Jesus was crucified.  Why is Good Friday referred to as “good”?  What the Jewish authorities and Romans did to Jesus was definitely not good (see Matthew chapters 26-27).  However, the results of Christ’s death are very good!

Tonight’s message: “One Tough Week”

Come Alive This Easter @ Mars Hill!

Sunday, April 4, 2010




Mars Hill Baptist Church

5916 W. Lake Street

Chicago, IL 60644


I’m starting a brand new series this Easter called, “Cheaters.”  Why the title “Cheaters?”  Everyday, we face a variety of responsibilities and opportunities: work..family..hobbies…sports leagues…community events…the list is endless. Each of these things competes for out most valuable resource, OUR TIME. To give each of these the time it deserves or demands would require more time than we have. So, we cheat. We give up something in hopes of gaining something else of greater value.  So, we cheat!  Come hear a life changing message that’ll cause you to reevaluate everything you do!  As a matter of fact, grab three friends and bring them with you and discuss how you’ll “cheat.”  Trust me, this series will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

Sunday’s message: “What’s My Number?”

What are your plans this weekend?

A Sure Way To Empower Women

I Confess: "I'm A Cheater"


Now that I have your attention…the fact that you decided to continue reading after insulting you is an indication that you are a person of profound courage.  For almost everyone, the words “cheater” or “cheating” has negative connotations, especially if you’ve ever been cheated.  Students cheat in school.  Adults cheat on their income taxes.  Husbands cheat on their wives.  Wives cheat on their husbands.  Most of us at one time or another has cheated!

When we cheat, we chose to give up one thing in hopes of gaining something else of greater value.  As I stated before, we’re all cheaters.  Daily we make decisions to give up one thing in order to gain something else.  Everyday we face a variety of responsibilities and opportunities: work…family…hobbies…fraternities & sororities…social clubs…sports leagues…the list is endless.  Each competes for our most valuable resource, OUR TIME.  But to give each of these the time it demands or deserves would require more time than we have.  So we cheat.

I invite you to join us this Easter as I begin a new series called “Cheaters.”  Trust me, you will not want to miss a single weekend!

WEEK ONE (Easter Weekend)
MESSAGE: “What’s My Number?” (Psalm 90:10; Proverbs 3:5-6)

This message seeks to remind people that the time with their children and loved ones will pass before they know it.  Therefore, it is wise to prioritize our time and spend it with the people who matter most!  We will have special giveaways for those in attendance.

Our Services:

Wednesday, March 31, 2010 @ 7pm
Good Friday, April 2, 2010 @ 7pm
Sunday, April 4, 2010 @ 8am
Sunday, April 4, 2010 @ 10:30am

See you there!

A Sure Way To Empower Women

The 2nd Greatest Story Ever Told!

Skeptics may debate the validity of Scripture or argue the existence of God, but no one can deny your personal experiences with Him.  When you tell your story of how God has worked a miracle in your life, or how he has blessed you, transformed you, lifted and encouraged you, perhaps even broken and healed you, no one can argue or debate it.  You go beyond the realm of knowledge into the realm of relationship with God.

Today, I challenged our congregation to tell the 2nd greatest story ever – THEIR STORY!  Additionally, I challenged them to write it & share with others how God transformed their lives.  You don’t have to attend Mars Hill to write your story.  In fact, I challenge you to join us and tell the world about Christ’s transforming power!

Here’s how you do it:

Writing Your Story

Will you accept the challenge?

A Sure Way To Empower Women

Hope In The Midst of Tragedy

To My Mars Hill Family:

Our leaders met this past Thursday to discuss and discern what God would have us to do corporately regarding the tragedy that rocked Haiti.  Although there are some conservative Christians labeling this as “God’s judgment,” we, however will take the high road & pray prayers bold enough to “WAKE… GOD UP.”   Please click the link for more information & join us!

MHBC Response to Haiti Tragedy 2010

What specifically will you do to respond to this tragedy?

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