Monday Reflections on Sunday's Services

Monday Reflections on Sunday's Services


Sunday services are over, but, my mind is STILL spinning…

  1. I honestly feel that this weekends services were the most amazing services we’ve ever had since I became pastor in 1999.
  2. Our total church attendance was over 2,500 for the first time in the history of our church!
  3. I preached about God’s historical bailouts & (The Full Coverage Plan, The “I AM” Plan, The Provision Plan) & closed with The Greatest Bailout that ever happened – The Resurrection Plan!
  4. Our NEW & IMPROVED Video Venue Service had over 220 for the first time today!  I want to thank all the ushers, greeters, deacons, ministers, and security who served in our Video Venue – YOU ARE SIMPLY THE BEST!
  5. Our 100-voice choir was OFF THE CHAIN as they slammed Donald Lawrence’s “Matthew 28.”
  6. Honestly, I believe Mars Hill has the best Worship & Fine Arts Ministry – PERIOD!  There are churches with larger ministries & celebrity musicians & personalities.  However, I’ll take our anointing over any celebrity!
  7. Folks…what happened yesterday at our church IS NOT NORMAL…it wasn’t a “nice service”…it was a move of God!  I’ve honestly never been a part of something like what happened today…and it’s only the beginning.
  8. Religion is all about what we do to get to God…Christianity is all about what God did to get to us!
  9. THAT is one of the problems with church today…we’ve became “normal” when the call of Christ on our lives is to change the world-“normal” people can’t do that!
  10. We will continue this series on Sunday…expecting/praying for God to do amazing things AGAIN!

AND…to My Mars Hill Family…a personal note…

Reality is this…satan got his butt kicked this weekend!  Hell is going to be less crowded!  People crossed over from death to life.  The way a community is changed is by the church preaching AND living the Gospel…and I believe we are going to continue to see Jesus do the unexplainable and undeniable…and we, His church, will continue to become unstoppable!

He’s alive-we win…now all we need to do is continually run up the score!!!

I LOVE you guys…I LOVE our church…I LOVE serving here…there is NOTHING ELSE on the planet I would rather do!  I’m bought in!!!

I can’t wait to see what happens next!

Monday Reflections on Sunday's Services

2 Days Until The Bailout!


Free-wheeling capitalism has always been the heart of the US Economy but the recent $700 billion bailout, a level of government intervention not seen since the Great Depression, is hardly unprecedented.  Historically, the Federal Government has not only taken stakes in banks, steel mills, and coal mines but have even seized control of everything from railways to savings and loans.  Unfortunately, when it comes to you and I, we would be hard pressed to make their list.  Consequently, If you STILL believe the government will bail you out – think again!

As Believers, we’ve already received our bailout!

So what does the bailout mean for me?  The word power occurs 57 times in the New Testament.  It is a word used to describe the most powerful bailout that ever happened, an event that separated A.D. from B.C.  That event was the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  Consequently, that resurrection power is available to change your life! So, please join us this Easter at the Mars Hill Baptist Church and experience a heartfelt worship experience coupled with a timely Word from God.  Additionally, we will unveil our “new & improved” video venue which is additional worship experience using video technology to reproduce our live worship experience.

Easter Weekend Schedule

Good Friday

Friday, April 10, 2009
12 Noon & 6:30PM


Sunday, April 12, 2009
8:00 AM & 10:30 AM (Live)
8:00 AM & 10:30 AM (Video Venue)

Monday Reflections on Sunday's Services

Jungle Fever: Dressed to Impress


Call me a walking contradiction:

A free-thinking, contemporary urban Renaissance man tied to a symbol of traditionalism.

But with custom comes assurance that grows with affirmation.  After the fickleness of the 70’s, greed of the 80’s, and the truth-twisting of the 90’s, I came to see the wisdom of our elders’ beliefs — that wearing fine clothes, from head to toe, was how mortals showed reverence to God.

So, why dress up for church?

Genesis 35:1-3 may shed some light on the subject.  It is possible that as Jacob began this faith-journey to Bethel with God, he recognized how much God had done for him, and how much he needed God! His response was to take everyone with him on this faith-journey, so they could experience God for themselves. “Get rid of the strange gods you have with you. Make yourselves pure” implies the need to be united in “coming clean” before God. “For all have sinned…” (Romans 3:23).  Many then had “household idols” with them that they depended on, as well as God.  They did not trust God alone. “Change your clothes” implies a change of heart toward sin.  It was to be a reflection of what had taken place on the “inside.”


On Sunday mornings all over the Chicagoland area, a parade of the sharp dressed men and women can be seen on street corners in the Austin neighborhood, at bus stops in Bronzeville, and in soul food restaurants after morning service.  Dress is usually more formal for Black Christians when they attend worship or other religious gatherings.  Many white Christians seem to like to dress informally, wearing even jeans or shorts to Sunday morning church services.  This is very foreign and can be demeaning in the eyes of some Black Christians.

I see God’s house as a place that gives African Americans hope in times of despair.  Additionally, it is the dream of heavenly salvation that sustained us for so long and deserves our respect in spite of its weaknesses.  Therefore, I decided to wear suits to personally show my reverence to God.

What’s your take?

Monday Reflections on Sunday's Services

Jungle Fever: The Most Segregated Hour

Racism still exists (even in the church)
That’s right, I said it!

Americans may be poised to elect an African-American as president, but it’s segregation as usual in U.S. churches, according to the scholars.  Only about 5 percent of the nation’s churches are racially integrated, and half of them are in the process of becoming all-black or all-white, says Curtiss Paul DeYoung, co-author of United by Faith, a book that examines interracial churches in the United States.


Personally, I do not believe integrated churches work.
(when they are led by Black pastors)


Monday Reflections on Sunday's Services

Who's Got Jungle Fever?


In 1991, Spike Lee released his fifth feature-length film Jungle Fever.  The plot centers on the interracial romance between a successfully married Black, played by Wesley Snipes, and an Italian woman played by Anabella Sciorra.  The lovers come under intense pressure from their friends and family as a result of their interracial relationship.  It’s no secret that even today, interracial relationships are still under intense scrutiny – even when it comes to attending church.

For most of white America, the black church is an alien segment of the nation’s culture, hidden behind the plain facades of large brick churches, the rude clapboard of country chapels, the salvation-emblazoned windows of tattered storefronts.  It is a montage of impressions, some real, some misleading the low-moaning spirituals, the clapping and the shouted amens; the phenomenon of a Bishop TD Jakes and the curious charisma once possessed the Rev. Adam Clayton Powell; the prophetic, nation-shaking philosophy of a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the pragmatic, neighborhood-building politics of a Rev. Jesse Jackson.


Monday Reflections on Sunday's Services

Please Pray for Me…


9 Reasons I'm Starting Not to Like "SOME CHRISTIANS"

  1. They consistently seem angry, bitter, and worried. I thought Christians were supposed to reflect joy and kindness and peace.
  2. They don’t dream big dreams. That seems odd given
    the fact that we’re supposedly worshiping a God who is “able to
    accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare ask or hope.”
  3. They don’t like it when other people or ministries experience success.
    Think about it. There are Christians who would be overwhelmed with joy
    if Mars Hill experienced fewer salvations, fewer baptisms and our
    attendance dropped.
  4. They use prayer as an excuse for inaction. They’re waiting for God to do his thing, but they aren’t willing to step out in faith and obedience.
  5. They’re more concerned with the BMW next door than the lost person who drives it.
    Most Christians are jealous of people with money. They’re willing to sacrifice time
    and money for those without it, but they’re satisfied to let “rich”
    people go to Hell.
  6. They would rather people live life without Jesus than give up their personal preferences.
    What happens when your preferred teacher doesn’t teach? What happens
    when your preferred worship leader doesn’t lead? What happens when you
    don’t like the music?
  7. They are fake. They dress up a certain way on Sunday and they live as completely different people the rest of the week.
  8. They think they’re better than other people. That’s why they create rules to follow. It helps differentiate why they are holy while others are not.
  9. They’re comfortable with mediocrity. Doesn’t
    matter where. Think Christian music and movies. Think how we invest our
    time and money. You don’t seriously think God deserves our best do you?

The reality is that I’ve sinned in just about every one of these
areas. It pains me to say that, but it’s true. If people hear the
Gospel and reject Jesus, that’s one thing. If I’m the barrier to people
accepting Christ because of me and my sin, that’s a completely
different deal. Fortunately, God’s much bigger than my stupidity.

When does your humanness get in the way of people knowing the hope,
forgiveness and love of Jesus? Does your life make people curious about
the claims of Jesus or does it make them flee? What would you add to
the list?