Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

I can’t believe it’s August and Summer’s almost over!  Worse, I can’t believe I haven’t updated my blog in a LONG time.

This fall, I plan to redesign my blog and came to the realization that I get more traffic (and feedback) via facebook than my current blog.  People have limited time and are mobile.  Also, many carry smart phones and constantly interact with others via facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare.  Therefore, I’m thinking that a custom facebook page could potentially replace my current blog.

Good move/Bad move?  What are your thoughts?

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

The BEST Book On Decision Making

One of the primary tasks of a leader is to make good decisions.  Good decisions require accurately processed information and technology has made ‘getting’ information easy.  Computers crunch data and give it to us in digestible bits, but the human mind must still analyze that data and make the decisions.  Because King Solomon knew that leaders must make good decisions, he urged them to attain wisdom and mental discipline.

A leader must develop a disciplined and prudent character so that they will do what’s right, just, & fair.  The rub comes when the leader doesn’t know what is just right, and fair.  That’s why Solomon cautioned that ‘inexperienced’ leaders need wisdom.  Proverbs isn’t a decision-making textbook, but this wisdom-packed book is God’s gift to help us make the best decisions possible.

Proverbs 1:1-6 informs us that the proverbs to follow will help the reader develop the mental sharpness needed to process complex information.  Even though technology helps us gather and manipulate information, a sharp mind must still apply solid logic to that information in order to make good decisions.

The proverbs help us to accomplish this goal in a godly manner.  They sharpen the mind and reveal God’s insight to ensure that our decisions may be in sync with his eternal perspective.  Therefore, I encourage to read these verses again, this time including verse 7.  Then study the Book of Proverbs as a foundation for exceptional decisions making.

Question: Have you ever made decisions without consulting God?  If so, what was the outcome?

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Measure Twice, Cut Once – IT'S TRUE!

Measure twice, cut once…this old carpenter’s adage isn’t just about saving resources.  It’s also about saving time!

In carpentry, measure twice cut once means you’ve only got one shot at cutting a sheet of drywall.  Therefore, be positive you have the right measurement or you could end up with too short of a piece.  When a sheet of drywall is cut to the wrong length, it’s hard to find another use for it.  Additionally, it’s impossible to regain the lost time.  Consequently, the more valuable the materials and time-consuming the process, the more important it is to get it right the first time!  As a young man, my father pounded this into my head – “always double check all of your measurements just to be safe.”

You measure and “cut” into your resources every day – your time, your team, your money, or your church.  So getting it right the first time is critical.  Before committing yourself to a course of action, take time and analyze the costs and benefits (measure twice, cut once).  If you’re recommending something new, research the impact it will have on other people, your church, your company, department, or group.  In each case, “measuring twice”  (by making sure you’ve gotten all the information you need before you spend resources) you’ll actually save time, energy, and money.

Have you ever had to do something over because you didn’t measure twice?  If so, what did you learn?

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

The 2nd Greatest Story Ever Told!

Skeptics may debate the validity of Scripture or argue the existence of God, but no one can deny your personal experiences with Him.  When you tell your story of how God has worked a miracle in your life, or how he has blessed you, transformed you, lifted and encouraged you, perhaps even broken and healed you, no one can argue or debate it.  You go beyond the realm of knowledge into the realm of relationship with God.

Today, I challenged our congregation to tell the 2nd greatest story ever – THEIR STORY!  Additionally, I challenged them to write it & share with others how God transformed their lives.  You don’t have to attend Mars Hill to write your story.  In fact, I challenge you to join us and tell the world about Christ’s transforming power!

Here’s how you do it:

Writing Your Story

Will you accept the challenge?

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

The REAL TRUTH About First Impressions

How many times have you met someone and immediately formed a favorable or an unfavorable opinion about them?  Honestly, we’ve all made what I’d like to call, “snap-judgments.”  Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking is written by Malcolm Gladwell on how we make decisions about people (and many other things) without full knowledge.

The author describes the main subject of his book as “thin-slicing:” our ability to gauge what is really important from a very narrow period of experience.  In other words, spontaneous decisions are often as good as—or even better than—carefully planned and considered ones.   Gladwell explains how an expert’s ability to “thin slice” can be corrupted by their likes and dislikes, prejudices and stereotypes.

Whew, that was pretty heavy.
Take a deep breath…relax…are you still with me?

Here’s what Gladwell is saying:  People rarely make decisions as a product of long deliberation.  They make take weeks to announce a decision but often make the decision in minutes, perhaps seconds.

People do not gather data to make a decision;
they often gather it to JUSTIFY their decision!

They are not accumulating understanding; they are seeking comfort and support.  Most decisions are made, and then justified, rather than the other way around.

Therefore, that leads me to one obvious implication: “First impressions are really lasting impressions.”  The first impression, with startling frequency, is also the FINAL DECISION.

The first thing to plan for is your first impression.
Why, once a mind is made up, seldom does it change.

Has anyone judged you based on their first impression?

Have you ever judged someone based on your first impression?

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

How To Get To The Next Level & Stay There!

Conventional wisdom says you need a mentor to help you get to where you desire to be.  This conclusion, however, is based on a faulty assumption.  The sources of this wisdom confused coincidence with a cause.  No doubt many successful people have had mentors, but, knowing that doesn’t prove the person succeeded because of their mentors.  For all we know, they might have succeeded in spite of them.

The reason that many successful people had mentors is that people destined to succeed ATTRACT all kings of people, including mentors.  They attract mentors, fans, followers, and even HATERS.  So the way to attract a mentor is to display those traits that will lead you to success anyway.  Like begets like.  Birds of a feather flock together.  Will a mentor lead you there?  Perhaps.  Will one help you in some smaller way?  No Doubt.

Here’s my advice: Don’t seek just ONE mentor.  Instead, focus on doing the things that might attract people, including mentors.  If you do find a mentor, make sure you include others.  Remember, mentors are people, people are fallible, and even gifted doctors misdiagnose.  Fortunately in many of those cases, the patient sought second and third opinions.  YOU SHOULD TOO!

Having just one mentor is overrated;
having several is not.

What do you think?  Do you agree or disagree?

FYI: I thinking about starting a mentoring group this Spring.  If you are interested and live in the greater Chicago area—please email me ( and I will outline the details for you.

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