Why What You Do First Determines What’s Blessed

Why What You Do First Determines What’s Blessed

“I feel it is better to begin with God, to see His face first, to get my soul near him before it is near another.” E.M. Bounds

If you were to open any dictionary and look up “Godly Woman”, I’m willing to suggest that my mother, Margaret Stowers’ picture would accompany the definition.

Why would I say this? Well, she understood the wisdom of “firsts”, giving God the first of everything – in all areas of life. My mother believed in giving God the first hour of the day, the first day of the week, and the first dime of every dollar.

My Mom Gave God The First Hour of the Day

My mom believed that the bridge to success is better crossed in the morning, the best part of uninterrupted time. This was her time to talk to God through prayer, read and reflect on Scripture, and listen to God’s voice.

That’s right, the wife of a pastor didn’t read the newspaper, talk on the phone, or turn on the television. She would wake up, shower, make coffee, and spend the first hour of her day with God.

Today, my mother is no longer with us, she’s with God. But, even today, one of my clearest memories of her is her morning rhythm. Years later, as I reflect, her example inspires me to form a similar habit and make it a part off my daily rhythm.

If you’re thinking you can just as easily connect with God any time of the day, you’re right, you could. You could connect at noon, in the afternoon, or before you go to bed. But, nothing puts an exclamation point on the day like giving God the first hour of our day.

My Mom Gave God The First Day of the Week

Along with giving God the first hour of her day, my mom also believed in and practiced giving back to God the first day of each week. She went to church! Attending wasn’t optional, it was a priority in the Stowers household. Unfortunately, Sunday is now an extension of the weekend and we can hardly distinguish it from Saturday.

Church attendance is declining and it’s a trend that’s not going away. It’s accelerating. Leadership coach and blogger Carey Neiuwhof writes extensively on church trends and attendance and lists 10 Reasons Even Committed Church Members Are Attending Less. Topping Carey’s list is:

1) Greater Affluence – money gives people options,

2) Higher Focus on Children’s Activities – more kids are playing sports and doing it on Sunday, and

3) Blended Parent Families – when custody is shared in a family situation, ‘perfect’ attendance for a kid or teen might be 26 Sundays a year.

You can read the rest of Carey’s post here.

You Didn’t Come This Far To Only Come This Far

You Didn’t Come This Far To Only Come This Far

Once, a traveler decided to pack for every possibility on their first trip abroad. They started with essentials but soon added items for unforeseen circumstances.

As they journeyed, the burden of their heavy luggage became apparent, hindering their movement and enjoyment. Eventually, they realized that by trying to prepare for everything, they were actually enjoying less.

The lesson was clear: simplicity often leads to a richer experience.

As we transition into today's blog post, let's consider how this applies to our lives. Much like the traveler, we often encumber ourselves with worries and material burdens. This story isn't just about travel; it's a metaphor for life, urging us to focus on what truly matters and let go of the rest. 

As we stand at the beginning of 2024, it’s time for transformation. Last year likely held disappointments and setbacks, but you didn’t come this far to only come this far. 

The question is, are you ready to step into it?

 Last year likely held disappointments and setbacks, but you didn’t come this far to only come this far.

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Taking Stock: What to Leave Behind from 2023

I get it—the weights of the past year are heavy. Every letdown added a stone to the backpack you’re carrying. Anxiety about the future built a fog obscuring where God wants to lead you. Bad habits and false narratives locked you into ruts that feel inescapable.

As you reflect, what specifically do you need to leave behind in 2023? Here are some ideas:

  • Regrets and disappointments that hold you in the past instead of moving you into the future. Every perceived failure feels like a brick weighing down your backpack. But God sees them as stepping stones, not stumbling blocks.
  • Worries and anxiety that obscure where God is leading rather than trusting His perfect timing. The fog of uncertainty tempts us to stand still rather than take steps of faith.
  • Destructive habits and narratives that chain you in place rather than freeing you to grow. Comparison, scarcity mindsets, compromise – these shackles often deceive us into thinking we can’t change.

Naming these weights provides freedom to drop them so you can travel light into the year ahead. Ask God to highlight what you need to leave behind right now. Journal it, pray over it, and then picture placing it at the foot of the cross.

As you reflect, what specifically do you need to leave behind in 2023?

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Charting the Course: What to Carry with You into 2024

While reflection helps us let go of the past, we also need vision for the future. In God’s Word we find the map to move forward even while we leave weights behind.

Isaiah 43 says not to dwell on the past or what was. God is doing a new thing! So what should you carry with you into the new year?


Disappointment morphs into purpose when we grasp God’s forward-looking plans for our lives. Orient your daily actions around contributing to God’s larger story in 2024. Begin and end each day asking, “How can I join what God is doing around me today?”


Worry shifts into patience and trust in God’s timing, which is always perfect. Move from passive waiting into active trust that God sees the full picture. When anxious thoughts arise, replace them with promises of God’s sovereignty from Scripture.


Destructive patterns transform into courage when we walk in step with the Spirit. Keep taking risks to grow in 2024, even if you have to whisper “try again” to yourself at the end of hard days. Write down 2-3 courage goals for the year related to relationships, work, fitness, etc.


Weed out harmful words and sow the language of love through little acts of service. Fill your heart and calendar with kindness. Perform one loving act daily for a week. Then make it a habit all year long.


Cling to the anchor for your soul—the promise that with Christ, your best is yet to come in the year ahead. Memorize motivational verses to renew your hope when doubts creep in.

These signposts show we’re on the road of transformation with Jesus. Let them guide you into breakthroughs in the coming year.

Isaiah 43 says not to dwell on the past or what was. God is doing a new thing! So what should you carry with you into the new year?

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Embracing The Journey

Our God specializes in making all things new. He has a blank canvas waiting for you in 2024! Will it take work to realize God's vision? Absolutely.

Changing deep-rooted habits requires discipline, courage, and perseverance. But we don't labor alone. God paves the path through Scripture, mentors, and the everyday nudging of the Holy Spirit if we listen.

While I don’t know all that’s ahead for you, I know this, friend: the God who began a good work in you is faithful to carry it on to completion. This year holds something new - a chapter filled with blessings and divine appointments.

Step into it with courage and expectation, trusting the Author to guide your steps. God is already crafting the story.

Say yes to the journey!

This post was inspired by last Sunday's message "You Didn’t Come This Far To Only Come This Far," which explores how we can leave behind weights and walk in renewal during this season of new beginnings. If you missed it, you can catch the full sermon here on YouTube.

Changing deep-rooted habits requires discipline, courage, and perseverance.

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🔮 THE BREAKDOWN of The Power of ‘We’ Is Greater Than ‘Me’: Unlocking The Strength of Unity 🔄 🎙️

🔮 THE BREAKDOWN of The Power of ‘We’ Is Greater Than ‘Me’: Unlocking The Strength of Unity 🔄 🎙️

Message Rewind

The Breakdown of
The Power of ‘We’ Is Greater Than ‘Me’: Unlocking The Strength of Unity

Happy Monday Reader,

In the latest edition of “The Breakdown,” we dive into a compelling discourse on balancing tradition with innovation in our faith journey. How can we blend cherished traditions with the ever-evolving digital age to reach hearts far and wide?

Discover how being authentic online can forge connections and bring those distant from God closer. This issue challenges us to embrace the past while shaping our future in Christ.

Explore the power of meaningful digital interactions in our mission to spread love and hope! 🔗💌🌍

🎉 Dive into the magic of “The Breakdown | Sermon Rewind” with me! 🚀📖

Have you ever had that Sunday sermon touch your soul, only to feel its essence fade away by mid-week? 🌅 We’re about to change that!

Introducing… 🥁 The Breakdown | Sermon Rewind! It is a unique way to keep the Sunday spirit alive and kicking all week. 🌟

Imagine this: That powerful sermon? It’s now your daily compass, guiding you through life’s highs and lows. 🧭✨

📌 Here’s “The Rewind” Rundown:

1️⃣ Every Monday, await a curated newsletter, distilling the essence of Sunday’s sermon. 💌

2️⃣ Dive deep into its teachings, reflections, and actionable insights. Make that message a part of your daily mantra! 🌊📜

3️⃣ Engage in soulful discussions, share your revelations, and lift each other throughout the week. 🌐💬

This isn’t just an experiment. It’s a movement. A journey to enrich our minds, fortify our online tribe, and create waves of positive change. 🌍💡

Let’s not just be Sunday-inspired. Let’s be everyday-inspired! Join the journey, and let’s elevate together! 🤗

🎥 Watch the Replay of The Power of ‘We’ Is Greater Than ‘Me’: Unlocking The Strength of Unity

video preview

Sermon Overview

I am excited to recap last Sunday’s sermon.

The sermon begins with me emphasizing the importance of deepening relationships within the church community. I encouraged the congregation to move beyond surface-level connections and instead cultivate genuine love and concern for one another.

Next, I shared my experience of needing people in their lives, comparing it to the necessity of oxygen for survival and thriving. Greatness is not achieved alone but through building greatness together.

Additionally, I emphasize the importance of bearing one another’s burdens and walking together in the faith journey. I reference Galatians 6:2, which instructs believers to share each other’s burdens, stating that by doing so, they obey the law of Christ.

Finally, I illustrate the idea of unity and community by using the analogy of moving a couch. It is easier to move a heavy object when multiple people are involved, emphasizing the need for collaboration and working together.

I reference Acts chapter 2, where the early believers met together, shared everything they had and supported one another in their needs. I highlight the joy and generosity that characterized their community and how their unity attracted others to join them.

Lastly, I shared the story of Moses and Aaron during the battle against the Amalekites. When Moses grew tired, Aaron and Hur propped up his hands, and as long as his hands were held up, the Israelites prevailed.

Remember, no one makes it all by themselves. Galatians 6:2 encourages believers to share each other’s burdens and obey the law of Christ. I conclude by emphasizing the importance of being in tune with and supporting each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Key takeaways (YouTube Timestamps)

  1. The sermon emphasizes the power of “we” versus “me” and the importance of working together. It is mentioned in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 that two people are better off than one because they can help each other succeed. (Timestamp: 0:44-1:21)
  2. The sermon discusses how, even in basketball, great players like Michael Jordan and LeBron James needed a team around them to achieve success. It is emphasized that Michael Jordan had Scottie Pippen and Dennis Rodman by his side, while LeBron James had Dwayne Wade & Kyrie Irving supporting him. The point being made is that no one achieves greatness alone. (Timestamp: 3:30-7:00)
  3. The sermon highlights the importance of community and the beauty of shared burdens. Galatians 6:2 is referenced, which encourages believers to share each other’s burdens and obey the law of Christ. It is emphasized that God designed us to walk the journey together and to support one another. (Timestamp: 13:14-14:44)
  4. The sermon challenges listeners to reflect on the depth of their relationships within their church community. It suggests moving beyond surface-level connections and striving for genuine love and concern for one another. The goal is to deepen at least one relationship by going deeper and supporting one another. (Timestamp: 14:45-16:07)
  5. The sermon encourages listeners to be part of a small group in the church. The speaker mentions the positive impact of groups on individuals’ lives as they provide support, prayer, and service to one another. It is recommended for those who have not yet joined a group to consider doing so and experience the benefits of walking together with others. (Timestamp: 18:30-20:00)

Daily Devotional

Day 1: The Power of We

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Reflection: Recognizing the strength and success found in unity and collaboration.

Devotional: Reflect on Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, which highlights the power of two people working together. Consider the examples in the sermon, such as Michael Jordan and his teammates, emphasizing the significance of teamwork in achieving greatness. Take a moment to pray, thanking God for the relationships and collaborations in your life. Ask Him to reveal how you can actively seek unity and cooperation with others for mutual success.

Day 2: Building Bridges, Not Walls

Scripture: Acts 2:42-47

Reflection: Embracing community and the benefits of being part of a unified body.

Devotional: Read Acts 2:42-47, where the early believers gathered, shared possessions, and supported one another. Reflect on the blessings and unity they experienced as a community. Take time to thank God for the community He has placed you in, whether it is your church or a group of like-minded believers. Pray for a heart that actively seeks to contribute to the well-being and unity of your community.

Day 3: The Strength in Support

Scripture: Galatians 6:2

Reflection: Bearing one another’s burdens and supporting fellow believers.

Devotional: Meditate on Galatians 6:2, which encourages us to share each other’s burdens and obey the law of Christ. Consider how you have seen the support of others in your own life. Take time to pray for those struggling or in need, asking God for wisdom and guidance on how you can come alongside them in support. Ask God to deepen your compassion and willingness to help others carry their burdens.

Day 4: Strengthening Relationships

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Reflection: Deepening relationships within the church community and promoting encouragement.

Devotional: Read 1 Thessalonians 5:11, which encourages us to encourage and build up one another. Reflect on the relationships within your church community and evaluate their depth and level of encouragement. Pray for wisdom and discernment in nurturing these relationships and being a source of encouragement to others. Ask God to guide you in deepening at least one relationship this week for mutual spiritual growth and mutual support.

Day 5: Going Further, Faster Together

Scripture: Hebrews 10:24-25

Reflection: The importance of gathering and spurring one another on faith.

Devotional: Reflect on Hebrews 10:24-25, which encourages us to gather together and spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Consider the impact of corporate worship and fellowship on your spiritual journey. Pray for a heart actively participating in the church’s life, seeking opportunities to encourage and uplift others. Ask God to guide you in finding ways to contribute to the collective faith community and to experience the more significant spiritual growth that comes from gathering and supporting one another. Throughout this week, reflect on each day’s theme and scripture. Seek God’s guidance in deepening relationships, embracing unity, and actively supporting and encouraging fellow believers. May you grow in understanding the power of communal faith and experience the blessings that come from walking the journey of faith together.

📢 Did You Enjoy This Week’s Sermon Rewind?

Let’s make every day a #SundayFunday filled with motivation and purpose! 🎉🎯

What do you think about The Breakdown | Sunday’s Rewind? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Thank you again for joining The Breakdown | Message Rewind. I look forward to embarking on this exciting journey with you!

To a more productive you,

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Continuing the Legacy: The Next Chapter of Mars Hill Revealed! 🎁

Continuing the Legacy: The Next Chapter of Mars Hill Revealed! 🎁

Welcome back to the unfolding story of Mars Hill Baptist Church, a sanctuary that has stood as a beacon of faith, hope, and community in the heart of Chicago for over six decades. 

If you joined us for Part 1, you already know Mars Hill is no ordinary church. It’s a living testament to what can be achieved when a community comes together, united by faith and driven by a vision

As we dive into Part 2 of this compelling series, prepare to be inspired by the church’s innovative outreach, transformative leadership, and bold steps into the future. 

Whether you’re a long-time member or new to our community, what you’re about to read will deepen your understanding of Mars Hill’s enduring legacy and its exciting path forward.

Mars Hill Baptist Church: Continuing the Legacy

In our previous post, we embarked on a journey through the early days of Mars Hill Baptist Church, a sanctuary of faith, hope, and community nestled in the heart of Chicago. As we delve deeper into this continuation, we’ll uncover more facets of this remarkable institution, highlighting its growth, outreach, and the modern touches that make it a beacon in Chicago’s religious landscape.

Innovative Outreach: Beyond the Church Walls 

Mars Hill’s vision has always transcended its physical boundaries. One of its groundbreaking initiatives was the bus ministry, a transformative outreach inspired by Jack Hyles and the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana. This wasn’t merely a transport service; it was a mission to bring children from the inner city to Sunday school, planting seeds of faith and hope. By 1982, Mars Hill’s commitment to education and community led to the inception of a school, resulting in a surge in membership, reaching about 850 souls by 1992.

Transition and Transformation: A New Era 

The dawn of the late 1990s heralded a significant transition for Mars Hill. With the leadership baton passed, Clarence E. Stowers, Jr., the founder’s son, emerged as a beacon of youthful energy and innovation. The untimely passing of Rev. Stowers Sr. in 1999 propelled the younger Stowers into leadership, marking a revitalization, growth, and transformation period for Mars Hill.

Diversifying Ministries: Catering to a Dynamic Congregation 

Mars Hill expanded its horizons under Clarence E. Stowers, Jr.’s visionary leadership. By spring 2001, the church had birthed several new ministries. Mars Hill was moving from the Basketball ministry for sports enthusiasts to the Music ministry for budding talents. One standout event was the “Taste of Mars Hill,” a testament to Mars Hill’s commitment to community, faith, and fellowship.

Embracing Modernity: A Progressive Approach 

While Mars Hill Baptist Church is steeped in tradition, it has always been forward-thinking. Recognizing the evolving dynamics of worship and the diverse needs of its congregation, the church made bold moves. Shorter, concise services were introduced, and the traditional pulpit was removed, symbolizing Mars Hill’s commitment to blending tradition with modern worship methods.

Looking Ahead: The Dawn of Mars Hill Anywhere 

Mars Hill recognized the need to evolve as the world became more interconnected and digital. The church began envisioning a model to cater to its in-person congregation and growing online community. This vision led to “Mars Hill Anywhere,” a hybrid church model that seamlessly blends physical and digital worship experiences. This innovative approach ensures that no matter where someone is, they can be a part of the Mars Hill community, partaking in worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth.

Conclusion: A Legacy Continued and a Glimpse into the Future 

As we wrap up this second installment on Mars Hill Baptist Church, it’s evident that its journey is a harmonious blend of tradition, innovation, faith, and community outreach. From its humble beginnings in 1963 to its current hybrid model, Mars Hill continues to inspire and nurture souls.

Stay tuned for Part 3, where we’ll delve deeper into the evolution of “Mars Hill Anywhere” and explore how the church has seamlessly transitioned into a hybrid model, catering to its in-person and online communities.

For a deeper dive into Mars Hill Baptist Church and its myriad programs and initiatives, visit ​www.marshillchicago.org​.

Celebrating Six Decades of Faithful Service

As we reflect on the remarkable 60-year journey of Mars Hill Baptist Church, it’s evident that our legacy is not just built on bricks and mortar but on faith, dedication, and community. Our history is a tapestry of countless stories, prayers, and miracles; each of you is an integral thread.

This Sunday, we commemorate our past and ignite our future. Whether you’ve been with us since day one or just getting to know us, we invite you to be part of this milestone celebration.

Join us in person or tune in online at 10:30 AM Central for our 60th-anniversary service. Let’s honor the legacy, celebrate the present, and anticipate the boundless possibilities that await.

Key Dates and Links:

⏰: ​Next In-Person Service is Sunday, October 8, 2023, at 10:30 AM Central​ @ 7941 47th St. McCook, IL 10:30 AM 

📺: YouTube (ClarenceStowersTV)

🖥: My Facebook Creator Page

🖥: Facebook Live (Mars Hill Chicago’s Page)

🐦: Twitter (@MarsHillBC)

💕 Support Us –  Click here to support Mars Hill and help us continue reaching people worldwide

📲: Text MHGIVE from your phone/mobile device to 33777, follow the prompts, and give. 

🎯:  Join our Facebook Group.

We eagerly anticipate the joy of worshiping with you online on Sunday, October 8, 2023, at 10:30 AM Central. 

Remember, regardless of how you choose to participate—whether in person or online—the power of our collective worship transcends physical boundaries, uniting us as one body in Christ.

Be there. Be part of the legacy. Let’s write the next chapter of Mars Hill together.

Let’s celebrate!

The Resilient Journey of Clarence E. Stowers, Sr.: A Tribute to Black Excellence

The Resilient Journey of Clarence E. Stowers, Sr.: A Tribute to Black Excellence

Black History Month is a time for us to celebrate the incredible contributions that Black individuals have made to society throughout history.

As Black History Month comes to a close, I hope that my series has been informative and inspiring.

Through highlighting the stories of influential Black individuals, we can gain a better understanding of their impact and significance. If you missed any of the previous installments, don't worry! You can find 3 Unknown Truths of Black History That Will Change Your Perspective Forever - Part 1, Celebrating the Past, Embracing the Future: The Significance of Black History Month - Part 2, and Unsung Heroes: Honoring The Legacy of 5 Unsung Heroes of Black History - Part 3 right here to catch up

From the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. to the contributions of Black scientists and artists, these articles showcase the incredible achievements and resilience of the Black community. Let us continue to honor and celebrate these stories beyond Black History Month and work towards a more just and equitable society for all. 

As we take a moment to reflect on the legacy of those who have paved the way for us, I am proud to share the story of my father, Clarence E. Stowers, Sr. His life is a testament to the resilience, determination, and faith that have defined Black excellence throughout history.

Fleeing the Segregated South: The Beginning of a Remarkable Journey

When my father fled the segregated South at the age of 17, he was doing so to protect his brothers and himself from an angry white mob. This experience was a traumatic one, but it also served as a defining moment in his life.

He knew that he had to take action to protect himself and his loved ones, and in doing so, he set himself on a path that would lead to remarkable achievements.

After fleeing the segregated South and establishing himself in Chicago, my father worked tirelessly to build a new life for himself. He was determined to create a better future, one where he could thrive and succeed despite the adversity he had faced.

After some time in Chicago, he decided to return to Tennessee to bring Margaret Stowers, my mother back with him to Chicago.

I am proud to share the story of my father, Clarence E. Stowers, Sr. His life is a testament to the resilience, determination, and faith that have defined Black excellence throughout history.

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Together, my parents began to build a family and a community that would touch countless lives. It was in Chicago that they built the foundation for the remarkable work that they would go on to accomplish, from founding Mars Hill Baptist Church of Chicago to establishing Mars Hill School.

Through their commitment to faith, family, and community, they were able to create opportunities for others and to make a lasting impact on the world. 

My father's decision to flee the segregated South was a courageous one, and it set him on a path of resilience, determination, and faith.

He refused to let the injustices of the world define him, and he sought to create a better future for himself and his loved ones. Through his hard work and dedication, he was able to build a life that was defined by love, family, and community.

Today, my father's legacy continues to inspire me and others. His journey serves as a reminder that we can overcome even the toughest obstacles when we have faith in ourselves and a commitment to creating a better future. I am grateful to have been a witness to his remarkable journey, and I am honored to carry on his legacy.

Today, my father's legacy continues to inspire me and others. His journey serves as a reminder that we can overcome even the toughest obstacles when we have faith in ourselves and a commitment to creating a better future.

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Building a Life and a Legacy

The story of my parents is one of resilience, determination, and faith.

Together, they raised five fantastic children, instilling in us the values of family, hard work, and a commitment to creating a better world. But their impact went far beyond our family.

Together, they built Mars Hill Baptist Church of Chicago, a multi-generational, global ministry that has touched the lives of countless people. In 2023, we will be celebrating 60 years of ministry, a testament to their enduring legacy.

My father's commitment to education was another cornerstone of his work. He established Mars Hill School, which educated some of Chicago's elite students who have gone on to achieve great things.

Through his commitment to education, he sought to create opportunities for others and to break down the barriers that had held so many back. It was a reflection of his deep-rooted belief in the power of knowledge and the importance of creating a better future for all.

The journey of my parents is one that has had a profound impact on my life and the lives of countless others. It is a story of faith, family, and community, and it serves as a powerful reminder of what can be accomplished through hard work, determination, and a commitment to creating a better world.

As we celebrate their legacy, let us be inspired to carry on their work and to build a brighter future for generations to come.

My father's commitment to education was another cornerstone of his work. He established Mars Hill School, which educated some of Chicago's elite students who have gone on to achieve great things.

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Growing up, my parents were dedicated to creating opportunities for others and breaking down barriers. They established Mars Hill Anywhere and my father worked tirelessly to ensure Black people had access to housing, banking, and jobs - showing their unwavering commitment to justice and equality.

A Commitment to Justice and Equality

Throughout his life, my father was a tireless advocate for justice and equality.

His commitment to creating a more equitable society was reflected in all aspects of his work, from his efforts to establish Mars Hill Anywhere to his commitment to education.

But perhaps what I am most proud of is his unwavering dedication to ensuring that Black people had access to housing, banking, and jobs.

My father owned property, housing, and businesses to create opportunities for others and to ensure that Black people had a place to bank, live, and work. It was a reflection of his deep-rooted belief in the importance of creating a more just and equitable society, one where all individuals had the opportunity to thrive and succeed

As my father knew, the work he was doing would outlive him. He set up Clarence E. Stowers Jr. to continue his legacy, knowing that the commitment to justice and equality was something that needed to be carried on.

Today, his work continues to inspire us to create a better world, one where all individuals have the opportunity to thrive and succeed, regardless of their background or circumstances.

My father's commitment to justice and equality is a reminder of the importance of standing up for what is right and creating a more equitable society. As we celebrate his legacy, let us be inspired to carry on his work and to create a brighter future for generations to come.

An Inheritance of Black Excellence

As we celebrate Black History Month, it is important to reflect on the legacy of those who have come before us and to be inspired to create a brighter future for generations to come.

For me, that legacy is embodied in my father, who left an inheritance to his children's children. His commitment to creating a better world is a reminder of the power of determination, resilience, and faith.

My father was a champion of justice and equality, and his commitment to education, family, and community inspired countless people. His tireless efforts to break down barriers and create opportunities for others embodied the spirit of black excellence, and I am honored to carry on his legacy.

My father was a champion of justice and equality, and his commitment to education, family, and community inspired countless people. His tireless efforts to break down barriers and create opportunities for others embodied the spirit of black excellence, and I am honored to carry on his legacy.

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Final Thoughts

As we celebrate Black History Month, let us be inspired by the legacy of those who have come before us. Let us remember the struggles and the triumphs, and let us be motivated to create a better world for all individuals. Through our commitment to justice, equality, and community, we can build a brighter future for generations to come, one that embodies the spirit of black excellence that has inspired us for so long.

The story of my father, Clarence E. Stowers, Sr., is a powerful example of what can be accomplished through resilience, determination, and faith. From fleeing the segregated South to establishing a new life in Chicago, he built a remarkable legacy that continues to inspire us today.

Through his commitment to education, justice, equality, and community, my father touched countless lives and created opportunities for others. His unwavering dedication to creating a better world is a reminder of the power of determination and resilience in the face of adversity. As we celebrate his legacy, let us be inspired to carry on his work and to create a brighter future for generations to come.

Key Takeaways

  1. Resilience, determination, and faith are key to overcoming adversity and building a better future.
  2. The legacy of those who have come before us is a powerful reminder of the progress that can be made through hard work and dedication.
  3. Through our commitment to education, justice, equality, and community, we can create a brighter future for all individuals, embodying the spirit of black excellence that has inspired us for so long.
Unsung Heroes: Honoring The Legacy of 5 Unsung Heroes of Black History

Unsung Heroes: Honoring The Legacy of 5 Unsung Heroes of Black History

Many untold stories enrich the diversity of black history. However, widespread celebrations of the struggles and achievements of prominent figures like the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela and numerous other essential but lesser-known figures have also made their mark on black history in unique ways.

In this article, we will uncover five hidden gems of black history, shining a light on some of the lesser-known stories that have helped shape the course of history.

Starting with the story of Robert Purvis, an abolitionist, and activist who worked hard to end slavery, we will learn more about the lives of five lesser-known black figures who made a lasting impact in their fields.

Robert Purvis: Abolitionist and Activist

Robert Purvis was an American abolitionist and activist who played a significant role in the Underground Railroad, a network of secret routes and safe houses that helped escaped enslaved people reach freedom.

Purvis was born in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1810. He became well-known in Philadelphia as a leader of the movement to end slavery. He worked to end slavery through political activism and lobbying. He was also a close ally of William Still, a fellow abolitionist and "conductor" on the Underground Railroad. 

Even though people were against him and tried to hurt him, Purvis kept fighting to end slavery until he died in 1898. As we move on from Robert Purvis, we come to the story of Biddy Mason, a formerly enslaved person who became famous as a businesswoman and giver of money.

Robert Purvis was an American abolitionist and activist who played a significant role in the Underground Railroad, a network of secret routes and safe houses that helped escaped enslaved people reach freedom.

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Biddy Mason: Entrepreneur and Philanthropist

Biddy Mason was once enslaved. In the 1800s, she moved to Los Angeles, became a successful businesswoman, and gave money to good causes. Born in Georgia in 1818, Mason was brought to California as an enslaved person and worked as a nurse and midwife.

After gaining her freedom in 1856, she used her nursing skills and entrepreneurial spirit to build a substantial real estate portfolio and become one of the wealthiest African American women of her time.

Mason was also a deeply religious Christian who used her money to help many good causes, like starting the First African Methodist Episcopal Church of Los Angeles. Biddy Mason became a successful businesswoman and civic leader in 19th-century Los Angeles.

She built on her success as a formerly enslaved person, nurse, and midwife. Like Robert Church Sr. in Memphis, Tennessee, she was also generous and entrepreneurial.

Biddy Mason was once enslaved. In the 1800s, she moved to Los Angeles, became a successful businesswoman, and gave money to good causes. Born in Georgia in 1818, Mason was brought to California as an enslaved person and worked as a nurse and midwife.

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Robert Church Sr.: Businessman and Civic Leader

Robert Church Sr. was a businessman and civic leader who played a pivotal role in the growth and development of Memphis, Tennessee, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Born in slavery in 1839, Church worked his way up from humble beginnings to become one of the city's most influential figures.

He was a successful entrepreneur who owned several businesses, including a hotel, a theater, and a park. He was also a philanthropist who gave generously to various causes, including education and housing for African Americans. 

Church was also a political activist who used his influence to advocate for civil rights and worked to bridge the divide between black and white communities in Memphis.

Benjamin "Pap" Singleton was a leader in the Great Migration. He inspired and guided hundreds of African Americans to move to the North in search of new economic and political opportunities. He did this by carrying on the work of Robert Church Sr., who worked to bring black and white communities together.

Robert Church Sr. was a businessman and civic leader who played a pivotal role in the growth and development of Memphis, Tennessee, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

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Benjamin "Pap" Singleton: Pioneer of the Great Migration

Benjamin "Pap" Singleton was a formerly enslaved person who became a pioneering figure in the Great Migration, the movement of African Americans from the rural South to the urban North in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Born in Kentucky in 1809, Singleton was enslaved until the end of the Civil War. Upon gaining his freedom, he relocated to Tennessee, advocating for black land ownership. He moved to Kansas, started a few towns only for black people, and helped hundreds of other African Americans move north. 

Singleton's work gave African Americans new economic and political opportunities. It made it easier for future generations to follow their dreams.

While Benjamin "Pap" Singleton was paving the way for African Americans in the Great Migration, Zora Neale Hurston made her mark as a writer, anthropologist, and folklorist, preserving and celebrating the rich cultural heritage of African Americans through her work.

Benjamin "Pap" Singleton was a formerly enslaved person who became a pioneering figure in the Great Migration, the movement of African Americans from the rural South to the urban North in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

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Zora Neale Hurston: Writer, Anthropologist, and Folklorist

Zora Neale Hurston was a talented writer, anthropologist, and folklorist who did much for African American culture and literature.

Born in Alabama in 1891, she was exposed to the rich oral tradition of African American folk culture in her small all-black community in Florida, where she grew up. This experience affected her later work as an anthropologist, where she tried to record and keep African American stories, customs, and beliefs.

As a writer, Hurston is most famous for her novel "Their Eyes Were Watching God," which was published in 1937. This book is a classic of African American literature, taught in many schools and colleges.

Hurston's writing is known for being lyrical and full of imagination. It also celebrates African American folk culture and traditions.

In addition to her writing, Hurston was also a pioneering anthropologist. She did a lot of fieldwork in the American South, the Caribbean, and Haiti. She talked to African Americans and people from other groups to get their stories, songs, and beliefs. Her work in anthropology was vital and helped make it possible to study African American culture and folklore.

Along with Robert Purvis, Biddy Mason, Robert Church Sr., and Benjamin "Pap" Singleton, Hurston is a testament to the rich tapestry of black history, made up of the lives and contributions of people who have helped shape the course of history and left a legacy for future generations to cherish.

Zora Neale Hurston was a talented writer, anthropologist, and folklorist who did much for African American culture and literature.

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In the end, black history is a rich tapestry made up of the lives and contributions of many people, some of whom are well-known and some are not. The five "hidden gems" of black history that this article discusses are just a few examples of how black people have made significant contributions to history.

From Robert Purvis, an abolitionist, and activist who worked to end slavery, to Biddy Mason, an entrepreneurial philanthropist, to Robert Church Sr., a businessman and civic leader, to Benjamin "Pap" Singleton, a pioneer of the Great Migration, and finally to Zora Neale Hurston, a talented writer, anthropologist, and folklorist, each of these figures helped to shape the course of history and make a lasting impact in their respective fields.

Even though they faced problems and setbacks, these people kept going. They left a legacy that continues to inspire people today.

Black history is a rich tapestry made up of the lives and contributions of many people, some of whom are well-known and some are not.

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