by Clarence E. Stowers | Jan 1, 2015 | Decisions, Empowerment, Goals, Leadership, Motivation, Resolutions, Self-Leadership, Success, Vision
Most people don’t take into account how many mistakes account for success. For some there is the idea that if you fail it’s the end: The end of the world, the end of the opportunity, the end to your chances for success. In reality the opposite is true. Mistakes are good for you because mistakes provide the biggest opportunity for growth, learning and development.
Why Mistakes Can Be Good for You
The only complete mistake is the mistake from which we learn nothing. Jacob Braude
Of all the great scientific breakthroughs, inventions or discoveries, not one of them achieved success on the first attempt. In fact when Thomas Edison was ridiculed for his more than 200 failed attempts to create a light bulb, his response was not full of self-pity or anger. Instead in his defense, he simply stated that he’d learned more than 200 ways of how not to do it. For Thomas Edison every mistake was a learning opportunity. How many of us could do the same?
There is a tendency when we make mistakes to get mad at ourselves. We tell ourselves that we should have known better, been more careful or thought it through more. But in reality we will never know it all. Making mistakes is simply part of living. The bible tells us that much: “For we know in part……but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears.” 1 Cor 13:9,10.
So if in this life it is a certain thing that we will never know it all, how can we expect to not make mistakes? Think about that for a minute. (more…)
by Clarence E. Stowers | Apr 29, 2014 | Decisions, Empowerment, Goals, Motivation, Self-Leadership, Success
The easiest thing to say is often the most complex thing to do.
No matter what you’re doing, there comes a time when you are going to want to take things up a notch. Many want to get to the next level but are clueless about what it takes. Again, the easiest thing to say is often the most complex thing to do.

Getting to the next level requires a plan, sacrifice, skill, mental toughness, & hard work. Getting to next level is not the only goal – staying there is the goal. Getting to the next and not staying there is like buying your dream home with no money left to furnish it. What do you have to do to take your game, your career, your product, or your life to the next level? Getting & staying on the next level hinges on knowing the answers to two questions:
- Where do you want to go
- How are you going to get there?
Like I said, The easiest thing to say is often the most complex thing to do.
by Clarence E. Stowers | Mar 4, 2014 | Accountability, Decisions, Empowerment, Encouragement, Goals, Motivation, Self-Leadership, Success
It is not easy to accept that things haven’t worked out as planned.
So how do you deal with it? To start, it’s okay to take some time to deal with the disappointment. Whether we like to admit it or not we are all emotional beings. We all experience some despair when setbacks occur. That’s quite normal.
Take some time to reflect, even grieve so that you can move on. The important thing is that taking the time to deal with your emotions is the first step. And step implies that you are moving forward, not staying where you are.

The problem is that too often people get stuck in that emotional state. Instead of merely reflecting and then moving on they get stuck there. They stew over the fact that things haven’t worked out. They focus on what hasn’t happened, what has been lost instead of trying to move forward. When you get stuck here that’s when bitterness sets in. Bitterness is easy. It doesn’t require thought, movement or progress. It just requires you to sit and stew. (more…)
by Clarence E. Stowers | Feb 26, 2014 | Decisions, Empowerment, Goals, Motivation, Self-Leadership, Success, Vision
Success rarely happens without the occasional setback.
So what happens to our carefully scripted lives when things don’t go according to plan? Does that mean that we won’t ever find success? Or does it perhaps have another purpose?

Think about this for a moment. If life was a straight line that started when you’re born and ended when you die and there was no deviation from that straight line – What would life be like? Some might say it would be perfect or smooth. Others would say boring. You see life is never a straight line, no matter how much we’d like it to be.
There is nothing permanent, except change. (more…)
by Clarence E. Stowers | Feb 21, 2014 | Decisions, Goals, Money and Finance, Motivation, Self-Leadership, Success
Now that I have your attention…
If you’re looking for a hook-up, shortcut, or another get-rich-scheme, STOP READING NOW!
Are you still with me? If so, let’s proceed. I’m not a late night infomercial salesman. But, if you’re looking for wise advice on being smart with money, then let’s explore what being rich is all about.
First, let’s clarify by what I mean by “rich,” as this is a subjective term. It’s an ever-moving target. It’s like trying to nail jello to the wall. Defining“rich” is as personal as taste preferences of food or fashion. Many times, even when you are considered by others to be rich, you don’t think of yourself that way. Why? It’s all about perspective. The problem is you don’t “feel” rich. For the sake of this post, I won’t define rich…I’m leaving that task to you. I will, however, share three tips that’ll help you “feel” rich regardless of your income.
by Clarence E. Stowers | Feb 17, 2014 | Decisions, Encouragement, Goals, Motivation, Success
Let’s face it…Setbacks can be disheartening.
They can leave us feeling disempowered and discouraged. Mostly setbacks can leave us feeling as though we have no real control over our lives. Yet there are some people who are successful despite the challenges and setbacks they experience. What is their secret?

The difference is that successful people have a different perspective on setbacks. While they realize that they can’t always control the world around them, they can control how they respond to circumstances. In other words, successful people use setbacks to gain perspective when they encounter circumstances beyond their control. They see setbacks as an opportunity to REFOCUS and find an EVEN BETTER WAY to meet their goals. Setbacks don’t stop them, they simply slow them down for a short period of time.
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not you’ll find an excuse. – Unknown (more…)