by Clarence E. Stowers | Nov 12, 2012 | Empowerment, Encouragement, Goals, Leadership
An encouraging word has the power to move mountains, yet harsh words can just as quickly kill ideas, motivation and inspiration. In The Message Bible puts it aptly: “Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or truth – you choose” (Proverbs 18:21). Encouraging your team is an integral part of being an effective leader.

You need to be conscious of your words and constantly check to see if you are giving criticism in an encouraging way. Remember that part of a leader’s mandate is to build up the people that they lead. Some people are natural encouragers. Others have to work at developing skills of encouragement. The important thing is that you are conscious of the importance of encouraging the people you lead.
How do you rate yourself (A, B, C, D, or F)?
by Clarence E. Stowers | May 12, 2011 | 2011, Accountability, Decisions, Empowerment, Excellence, Goals, Self-Leadership, Vision
I recently heard someone say, “Life is a cruel joke and I ain’t laughing.” I agree wholeheartedly. In fact, the majority would agree that life comes at you fast, doesn’t play fair, and is downright unpredictable! Wouldn’t you agree? Since life doesn’t play fair, why should you? If you plan to excel, you’d better learn how to “hack” life and make it work for you. Hack life, what in the world is that? “A life hack a clever solution to a tricky problem,” according to

by Clarence E. Stowers | Apr 6, 2011 | Decisions, Empowerment, Goals, Leadership, Self-Leadership, Success, Vision
It appears I hit the right nerve judging from your response to “Getting To The Next Level.” Thank you for sharing the articles with others via Facebook and Twitter. I’m humbled and happy that others are able to experience what you have. If you haven’t read Part 1 and Part 2, you can read them HERE and HERE.
Getting to the next level is a GOD-THING and not OUR-THING. He alone determines who’s prepared and elevates them at the appropriated time. No better person illustrates this important principle like Joshua.

According to The Book of Numbers, Moses and Aaron had disqualified themselves from entering the land of promise when they had failed to honor the Lord by striking the rock at Meribah in the Desert of Zin (Numbers 20:12). Aaron had already died (Numbers 20:27-29) but the Lord now allowed Moses a glimpse of Canaan from afar. Rather than lapsing into self-pity as a lesser man might have done, Moses expressed his concern that Israel have a good leader to take his place.
by Clarence E. Stowers | Apr 5, 2011 | Decisions, Empowerment, Goals, Leadership, Self-Leadership, Vision
Yesterday’s post on getting to the next level created a lot of interest. Although it’s not reflected in the comments section, I received several encouraging emails and text messages from people aspiring to get to the next level. If you missed it, you can read it HERE.
When mentioning next-level leadership you may have the image of climbing a ladder to the top. It may feel good to have a position of prominence. However, next- level leadership is not about promotion. It is about preparedness. Guess what: God alone decides who’s prepared and ready to go to the next level.
Don’t demand an audience with the king or push for a place among the great. It’s better to wait for an invitation to the head table than to be sent away in public disgrace. Just because you’ve seen something, (Proverbs 25:6-7 New Living Translation).

I love The Book of Proverbs because it contains nuggets of wisdom applicable to all. Proverbs 25:6-7 tells us: Don’t push your way into a situation. Wait for the invitation. If you belong there, it will come. Go ahead and re-read that statement…If you belong there, God will make provisions for it to happen. In the meantime, the question remains unanswered: How a Next-Level approach affects your Leadership?
by Clarence E. Stowers | Apr 4, 2011 | Decisions, Empowerment, Goals, Leadership, Self-Leadership, Vision
No matter what you’re doing, there comes a time when you are going to want to take things up a notch. Maybe it’s your career — even if things are going along fine right now, ultimately you’d like to get a promotion, increase your client base, or reach a larger audience. “Getting started with anything can be a struggle, but once you reach a certain level of success, it can be hard to figure out how to make whatever it is you do truly remarkable,” according to Lifehack.
Leadership books, blogs, conferences, and websites mainly talk about getting to the next level. If you buy their book, read their blogs (including mine), attend their conferences, and peruse their websites – you’re well on your way to getting ‘there.’ Everyone desires to get to the next level, but many don’t know how. Unfortunately, there’s no silver bullet that works for everyone. Today I’d like to share what kind of leadership is required to get to the next level.

What is the Next Level of Leadership?
by Clarence E. Stowers | Feb 22, 2011 | Decisions, Empowerment, Goals, Leadership, Money and Finance, Self-Leadership
Last week I stopped by Jimmy John’s in Oak Park, IL to grab some lunch. While eating, I noticed a sign on the wall that read: “Warren Buffet’s list of 10 Rules for Getting Rich.” Instead of ripping the sign off the wall and risking felony charges for theft and vandalism, I whipped out my iPad (never leave home without it) and typed the rules while enjoying a #4 Turkey Tom Sandwich with Honey Dijon mustard.

The rules were simple, yet profound. Here’s Warren Buffet’s 10 Rules for Getting Rich in its entirety (Source: Jimmy John’s Wall – Oak Park, IL):
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