If you’re looking for a hook-up, shortcut, or another get-rich-scheme, STOP READING NOW!
Are you still with me? If so, let’s proceed. I’m not a late night infomercial salesman. But, if you’re looking for wise advice on being smart with money, then let’s explore what being rich is all about.
First, let’s clarify by what I mean by “rich,” as this is a subjective term. It’s an ever-moving target. It’s like trying to nail jello to the wall. Defining“rich” is as personal as taste preferences of food or fashion. Many times, even when you are considered by others to be rich, you don’t think of yourself that way. Why? It’s all about perspective. The problem is you don’t “feel” rich. For the sake of this post, I won’t define rich…I’m leaving that task to you. I will, however, share three tips that’ll help you “feel” rich regardless of your income.
Do you feel bombarded with change from every direction?
Do you feel stressed, overworked, with too little time to appreciate and enjoy life? Do you find it difficult to keep up with everything you need to do? If so, you’re not alone. Our rapidly changing world is rapidly stressing us out. What can you do to cope?
InFuture Shock, Alvin Toffler wrote that when people go through times of rapid change, they need what he calls “islands of stability.” Those are things that do not change in your life—sources of security, safe harbors and anchors for the inevitable storms.
“When the speed of change around you or an organization is faster than the speed of change within you or an organization, they becomes irrelevant,” according to Rick Warren. Staying relevant requires you to take three strategic steps. Check out Rick’s video and discover the secret to remaining relevant.
Oh, today I don’t feel like doing anything. I just want to lay in my bed.
Let’s face it – some days it’s harder than others to drag ourselves out of bed & jumpstart our day. I call it winning “World War Me.” It’s the ongoing battle of the will within us to overcome that internal naysayer that says “just forget about it and stay in bed.”
What motivates you? What makes you wake up every day, rush to work irrespective of various problems, challenges, and setbacks?
Intrinsic Motivation
People are motivated either internally (Intrinsic Motivation) or externally (Extrinsic Motivation). People who are motivitated internally have internal desire which fuels their passion. For them, play is work and work is play. Ask someone who’s motivated internally “why do you do what you do,” they’ll tell you “it’s because I love what I do.”
Extrinsic Motivation
Just as some are motivated internally, some are motivated by external factors. Every four years the world watches the very best athletes compete for a gold medal while representing their respective countries. That’s why atheltes work hard and push their bodies to the limits hoping to win a World Series, NBA Champtionship, or the Super Bowl. The idea that he or she is the best in the world, and has the endorsements – and bling in the form of rings and medals to show for it – is the reward that comes at the end of a hard-won battle.
Are you looking to get (and stay) motivated? To get you on the right track, consider Lifehack’s following tips: (more…)
Sometimes life is lonely and filled with pitfalls, discouragement and rejection. When those dark days roll around and I need a boost, I open my praise file & remember what God has done for me.
Instead of keeping failure and negative files, keep a praise file. Refer to it often but don’t get lost in past glory— keep it around for when you need the lift.
Boring is predictable. Boring is no fun. The boring slot is already taken so go ahead create something that will make the world awesome!
Stop blaming your circumstances on others. Stop whining. Stop complaining. Stop blaming others for the decisions you’ve made. As Dr. Mike Murdock says, “never complain about what you permit.”
Your present circumstances are existing with your permission. Your toleration of them breathes life and longevity into them. Intolerance of your present will create a different future. Nothing will really change in your life until you cannot tolerate the present any longer.
Thanks Kid President – you encouraged me & I’m paying it forward and encouraging others.
Today’s TV shows don’t compare to “old-school” TV shows. If you were to search the gazillion cable channels, what you will find are reality shows depicting sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
Growing up, one of my favorite “old school” TV shows was the Lone Ranger. He was a fictional character, a masked ex-Texas Ranger who, with his Native American companion, Tonto, fights injustice in the American Old West. Although I loved the show, I was somewhat puzzled by the show’s title – The Lone Ranger. He wasn’t alone he had Tonto.
Go figure.
If the Lone Ranger had Tonto assisting him, why do most people try to figure out life’s problems on their own? Why do some insist on taking the “Lone Ranger” approach to solving life’s most difficult challenges? Since life’s filled with many twists and turns, it’s wise to recruit other wise people to help you conquer life’s challenges.
Wise People Never Attack Difficult Problems Alone
One of the greatest resources we have is the people God places in our lives. If you ask around, I’d be willing to suggest that someone in your circle has “been there, done that.” I can’t imagine going after a problem without the advice of the wise men & women God has placed around me. The next time you’re faced with a difficult problem, don’t attempt to solve it alone. Instead, ask: “Who can I recruit to help me solve this problem.
Unlock the power of gratitude and transform your life with our FREE gratitude journal!
This journal is designed to help you develop a daily gratitude practice scientifically proven to improve mental and physical health, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase happiness and overall well-being.
With our gratitude journal, you'll have a dedicated space to reflect on the things you're grateful for in your life. By taking just a few minutes each day to focus on the positive, you'll cultivate a more positive outlook, attract more abundance and joy into your life, and enjoy a greater sense of inner peace and contentment.
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Clarence E. Stowers, Jr.
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