All I can say about this weekend is "OH MY GOD."  This weekend we made history @ Mars Hill by offering a Saturday worship option and two Sunday options @ 8AM & 10AM.  Seeing over 3,000 people at church this weekend pumped me up as well…who would
have thought that something like this could ever happen in Austin on the Westside of Chicago…OTHER THAN GOD!  🙂  In addition to thousands in attendance, I’m told our overflows were filled to capacity as well (God, we really need a larger space).

The Worship & Fine Arts Ministry BLEW my mind…

First, the children’s choir stole the show and ministered during our 10AM service.  Thanks 1st Lady, Ella, & Philip for preparing our children to minister in excellence!  Next, the choir/praise team/praise ensemble performed ”Before The Throne” which rocked the congregation by incorporating praise dancers, video, and still photos which told the resurrection story.  I must say it was pure poetry in motion.  Honestly, I believe God took the ministry to the next level musically, spiritually, and artistically.  Yea God!!!  I tip my hat to our staff, Michelle, Mark, Chuck, Carlos, Angelique, Tiaka, Chandra, The disciples, A/V, and my man Cody for the "Jesus" video remix. I’m still feeling that beat…

Regarding the message "Three Nails," it was a narrative sermon that included scenes from the Last Supper and Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.  I must say the men really played their part and took the audience there.  Thanks Ruby & Bert for making this dramatic presentation a reality.  If you would like to order a CD or DVD of this service, PLEASE CLICK HERE!

As I told the story, the crowd was truly engaged in message.  I shared with the congregation, in addition to the three "physical" nails that held Jesus to the cross, there were three "theoretical" nails that held Jesus to the cross.  If you want to know what they were, PLEASE CLICK HERE!

Personally, I’m excited about what God’s doing @ Mars Hill.  As we continue to seek God’s guidance, we’re trusting that He’ll continue to "make our paths straight." 

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