Do you ever hesitate to ask God for something big because you're afraid He won’t answer? Or perhaps, deep down, you feel unworthy of such bold requests?

Many of us find ourselves in this place of fear or doubt when it comes to our prayer life. We may be praying, but we’re praying small—safe prayers that don’t fully reflect our trust in a big God.

The truth is, the size of our prayers says a lot about the size of our faith. If we are afraid to ask for the seemingly impossible, we’re limiting what God can do in our lives.

It’s time to break through that fear and ask boldly, trusting that God is ready and able to show up in big ways.

The truth is, the size of our prayers says a lot about the size of our faith. 
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Small Prayers, Small Faith?

In Philippians 4:6, Paul reminds us not to worry but to pray about everything. Yet, how often do we limit ourselves by holding back? Many of us fear disappointment, thinking,

What if I ask for something huge and God says no?

Others may feel unworthy of receiving large blessings or are afraid to be let down. These fears often keep us praying small prayers, making sure we don’t ask for too much just in case God doesn’t come through.

But Scripture tells us something different. Ephesians 3:20 assures us that:

God "is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine."

This verse is a reminder that God is not bound by our limited perspective. He wants us to ask, and to ask big. Yet, when we don’t bring our boldest requests before Him, we miss the chance to witness His greatness.

So, here’s the challenge: If you’re not asking big, are you really trusting God to do big things?

Fear Keeps Us from Bold Prayers

Fear is a natural emotion, but when it comes to our relationship with God, fear can be crippling.

James 4:2-3 reminds us that sometimes we don’t have because we don’t ask, or we ask with the wrong motives. What keeps us from asking? Fear of rejection, feelings of unworthiness, or even doubt in God’s ability to provide.

However, bold prayers are an expression of deep trust. They acknowledge that we believe God is capable of handling the big things, even when we can’t see how it’s possible. It’s not about demanding things from God, but about coming to Him with expectancy and faith.

Bold prayers are an expression of deep trust. They acknowledge that we believe God is capable of handling the big things, even when we can’t see how it’s possible.

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Take the story of Hannah in 1 Samuel. She was barren, deeply troubled, and carrying the weight of cultural shame. Yet, in her brokenness, she boldly asked God for a son, and her prayer was not timid or vague. It was specific, faith-filled, and persistent. Despite years of disappointment, Hannah trusted that God could do the impossible—and He did.

Hannah’s bold prayer wasn’t just about her personal desire for a child. Her request played a crucial role in the destiny of Israel, as her son Samuel would go on to anoint Israel’s first kings.

Her willingness to ask for something big was part of God’s bigger plan. Her story is a reminder that our bold prayers can have far-reaching effects beyond what we can see.

Want to dive deeper into this message? Check out the full sermon, "Overcome the Fear of Asking Big in Prayer | Bold Prayers That Move Mountains" on YouTube: Watch here.

How to Overcome the Fear of Bold Prayers

So how do we overcome the fear that holds us back from asking for big things? Here are a few steps you can take:

  1. Identify Your Fear: Start by reflecting on what specific fears or doubts keep you from asking God for big things. Is it fear of disappointment? Doubt in His goodness? Write it down and confront it head-on.
  2. Ask Specifically: Bold prayers aren’t vague. They’re specific and intentional. Just as Hannah didn’t simply ask for a child—she asked for a son—you can ask for something big in your life, whether it's in your career, relationships, or personal growth. Be clear about what you need.
  3. Pray Persistently: Bold prayers require persistence. Hannah didn’t give up after her first prayer. She kept coming back to God, trusting Him even when she didn’t see immediate results. Likewise, set aside time daily to bring your requests to God, knowing that He hears you.
  4. Surrender the Outcome: Finally, bold prayers are not about demanding your way but about trusting God's plan. Once you’ve prayed, release the outcome to Him, knowing that His ways are higher than ours. Trust that whatever happens, His response will be in your best interest.

The Power of Bold Prayers

God invites us to ask boldly, and when we do, we step into a deeper relationship with Him. Our fear of asking for big things can be more significant than our faith, but it doesn’t have to be.

Remember, bold prayers are not about convincing God—they’re about convincing yourself that God is big enough to handle your requests.

Take action today: choose one bold prayer that you’ve been afraid to ask, write it down, and commit to bringing it before God daily. As Ephesians 3:20 reminds us, we serve a God who can do "immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine."

Let’s stop praying small prayers and start trusting God for big things.

Ready to take your prayer life to the next level? If you’re looking for guidance on how to pray with confidence and expectation, check out my book, Bold Prayers: How to Pray With Confidence and Expectation. It’s available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle. This resource will help you move past fear and doubt, empowering you to ask God for the big things He’s waiting to give you.

Bold prayers are not about convincing God—they’re about convincing yourself that God is big enough to handle your requests.

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