After a long day at the office, sometimes I sit back and watch TV.  Recently, I found myself channel-surfing for about 15 minutes.  I was amazed at how many of the ads were about getting in shape.  Here are some of the exact phrases I heard: 

  • “Six-second abs.” 
  • “Easy shaper.” 
  • “Incredible — a miracle!” 
  • “It feels terrific! Let us show you how easy it is!” 
  • “Quickly turn your flabby abs into that sexy six-pack!” 

Where did we ever get the crazy idea that getting in shape is supposed to be quick and easy?  Why do we think that there will be almost no cost?  Why are we surprised when working out turns out to be hard and healthy foods don’t really taste that good?  It’s because we think easy and simple are synonymous.  Wrong!

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Just Because It’s Simple Doesn’t Mean It’s Easy

The changes I help people make are generally very simple.  However, they are never easy.  Just as with diet and exercise, changing behavior involves hard work.  It takes time. “Leadership requires you to take people to destinations they would not go without your leadership,” says Carey Nieuwhof.  Just because it’s simple, doesn’t mean it’s easy.

Consequently, some leaders don’t do what’s necessary because they’re more concerned with being liked instead of leading.  Fellow blogger Carey Nieuwhof goes into greater detail about this in his blog post on 3 Hard but Powerful Truths About Likeability and Leadership.

Look in the mirror.  Not just at how you look but who you are.  If you want to be a better leader, a better professional, or just a better person — don’t kid yourself.  To achieve meaningful goals, you’ll have to pay the price.  Again, Just because it’s simple, doesn’t mean it’s easy.

There’s no product, no diet, no exercise program, and (I hate to admit it) no pastor who can make you better.  Only you can do it.  If your source of motivation doesn’t come from inside, you won’t stick with it.  This may not be infomercial material, but it’s great advice for any real achievement.  Here are 3 steps to get you going.

3 Steps to Get You Going

  1. Set One Goal. When you have too much going on, it paralyzes you and saps your energy and motivation. People tend to overestimate their abilities and take on too much. You cannot maintain energy and focus (the two most important things in accomplishing a goal) if you are trying to do two or more goals at once. It’s not possible.
  2. Find Inspiration. Inspiration, for me, comes from others who are where I’m trying to go, or who are currently doing it. I read other blogs, books, magazines. I Google my goal, and read success stories.  I constantly look for ways to improve myself.
  3. Start Small & Stick with it.  If you are having a hard time getting started, it may be because you’re thinking too big.  Instead of trying to lose 20 pounds, start with 1 pound.  Also, whatever you do, don’t give up.  Even if you aren’t motivated, don’t give up. Think of your goal as a long journey filled with many bumps in the road.  Just because you hit a bump doesn’t mean you should give up.

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