I would like for you all to say hello to my guest blogger Chandra Ivy-Oliver.  Along with others, she took the challenge to offer practical steps to help others struggling with revenge.

Dr. David Hawkins, author of ‘Dealing With the Crazy Makers in Your Life’ says “People come in all shapes and sizes. I have no problem with that. However, when these people are in my life, and they are bona fide, dyed in the wool, Certifiable Crazy Makers, I’m no longer as friendly or hospitable.  Click here to read the how he deals with these people.    

Dr. David Hawkins
The Relationship Doctor

Chandra’s Response to What if its family that keeps hurting you?

I believe in giving chances, not just a second chance, but chances. God had given us chance after chance when we hurt or do wrong, because I know he has done it for me. But I would start off by telling the person that is doing the hurt, how they act or react is hurting your relationship. The person doing the hurt will always blame it on you, not because it’s really your fault, but because you are the reasonable and considerate person trying to make thing right or easier.

Ex: It’s just like having a toddler with a tantrum, you keep giving in and he or she will keep acting out. Family can be the same way, there is that one person who keeps hurting you, but they only do it in public where they can front on you, then when your home or on the phone, they apologize and want forgiveness. And you accept the apology, because you want to be like Christ and forgive. If it keeps happening you need to talk to God, remain prayerful, calm, firm and clear. Reading your Bible while dealing with this hurt. Colossians 3: 8-25 helps you clearly understand.

Thanks Chandra, you hit the nail on the head!

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