Happy Friday!

Last week I shared “The ONE Mistake Nearly All Leaders Make” (failing to discern their culture).  Failing to discern your culture could prove fatal.  Yesterday, I shared how “A Culture of Service Makes a Great Leader.” You can read more about it HERE. Today, I conclude this series sharing the characteristics that reflect a true leadership culture.

What Characteristics reflect a True Leadership Culture?

The culture of true leadership is something that can be easily learned. As a leader you start with yourself.  Examine your heart and discern what leadership culture you currently subscribe to. Are you willing to serve others? Or do you value and hold on to your title of leader a little too dearly? The culture of true leadership focuses on the followers more than the leader. One purpose of the leader is to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the team and build on them. In this way they develop a culture of growth in the organization.

Additionally, a true leadership culture trains people so they can fulfill their potential. It empowers people to become future leaders. When this culture is fostered in an organization, goals are achieved, people are motivated and leaders have an influence that is natural. They are not leaders because of a title or a paycheck. They are leaders because they have the respect of the people that work under them. True leaders embrace the culture of service.

Further Reading Inspiration and References:

Scripture verses:

Other Reading:

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From Rubble to Renewal: The Nehemiah Strategy for Modern Times


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