What happens when you combine trust, faith, and hope? They produce grit. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, grit in the context of behavior is defined as “firmness of character; indomitable spirit.” In light of the recent deaths of Alton...
my Blog
Get 1% Better every day
If you’re anything like me, then the chances are that you’ve had your fair share of struggles as a leader. These obstacles can be frustrating but in reality, aren’t so much an issue to overcome rather than the everyday bumps in our careers and personal lives; this is what I write about on my blog.
The Dark Side of Success
There's a dark side of success and many don't like talking about it. It can leave you feeling empty. If you're not careful, it can lure you into a false mindset that says, “since I'm so awesome, I can do anything.” The more successful you are, the more opportunities...
It’s What You Don’t See That Matters Most
We’re all living and working in an increasingly fast-paced and ever-changing world. Succeeding and excelling in today's world requires you to consider certain traits to be effective. In order to thrive in a fast-changing world, effective leaders make and implement...
Pivot: How One Simple Word Can Change Your Life
Starting something new is much easier than transitioning something established. Currently, I serve as lead pastor of the Mars Hill Baptist Church of Chicago. I succeeded my father, the late Rev. Dr. Clarence E. Stowers, Sr. who served for thirty-six years. The church...
The Real Reason Why Every Moment Matters
Every so often something or someone comes along and changes your life forever. It happened to me. I'm learning that all successful people live by this principle: Edit as you go. Remember, life is about seizing opportunities and moments. And if you never make changes,...
Pause, Stop, and Refresh
"The best leaders understand the difference between a tension you manage versus a tension you resolve," according to Andy Stanley. Leadership isn't easy. Every decision you make earns the favor of some and the disfavor of others. Some are happy and others are not....
How To Livestream Using Facebook Live in 10 Minutes or Less
I have a confession: I'm a certified geek pastor and make no apologies. I'll admit, I wasn't happy when Facebook made live streaming available to celebrities and those with verified pages (pages with those little round, blue checkmarks right next to their names)....
How to Make The Sermon Stick Past Sunday
Leading a church in Chicago, IL is tough. It’s even tougher during our brutal winters. So what does a pastor to do when the temperature dips below zero, and the wind chill factor dips to double digits? Cancel service? Oh no! We’re the City of Broad Shoulders, and we...
Work On It – Not In It
This is a Periscope replay of the #MotivationalMoment. Sometimes life's consuming, taking up all of your time, thoughts and energy. Do you want more success in life? Do you think you'll have to work harder to get it? In this special edition, you'll discover why...
What’s in a Name?
When someone asks, "what's the name of the church you pastor" and I respond, “Mars Hill," three things happen: A blank stare They ask: "Are you affiliated with the church that disbanded in Seattle, WA?" (NO! We were Mars Hill before they were) They ask: "Are you...
Bold Prayers: How to Pray With Confidence and Expectation
Imagine opening a door to a world where your prayers reach the heavens and return to you with answers and miracles beyond your wildest dreams. Bold Prayers: How to Pray with Confidence and Expectation is not merely a book; it’s a journey into the heart of faith, where fears are conquered and dreams are realized. Through the pages of this transformative guide, you will learn to speak to the Divine and do so with a boldness that beckons remarkable changes in your life.