The Price of Pleasure: How Ministry Pornography Destroys Your Church

The Price of Pleasure: How Ministry Pornography Destroys Your Church

Lately, a lot of “so called” experts believe the church is in decline. I don’t.

As a result, there are plenty of conferences offering their latest and greatest pitch to stop the church’s decline. Each year we’re invited to hear “celebrity” pastors share God’s plan for the church and how we ought to adopt it and be large and successful like them. Frankly, I’m surprised that there hasn’t been a venue to really address how and why churches grow.

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Many pastors & church leaders make their annual pilgrimage to Catalyst, Saddleback Church, Willowcreek Association’s Leadership Summit, North Point’s Drive Conference, Greater St. Steven FGBC, The Potter’s House, etc. and come away excited and delusional with unrealistic expectations. Ed Stetzer calls it ministry pornography. (more…)

The Absolute Worst Place to Place Confidence

The Absolute Worst Place to Place Confidence

Self-confidence is one of today’s most popular subjects. Conferences, seminars, workshops, and best selling authors tell us that the key to success is to be self-confident.  Consequently, we’re encouraged to live boldly, think big, and craft BHAG’s (Big Hairy Audacious Goals).


Confident people inspire confidence in others: their audience, their peers, their bosses, their customers, and their friends.  And gaining the confidence of others is one of the key ways in which a self-confident person finds success.  Having self-confidence is even finding its way into church life.  How so?   (more…)

The Absolute Worst Place to Place Confidence

3 Solid Reasons Why You Should Go To Church

Some believe the local church is dead and that her best days are behind her. The church is not dead, its alive. Her best days are now and ahead. I believe, as Bill Hybels says, “the local church is the hope of the world.”

I grew up attending church. Many of my earliest memories are times spent at the Mars Hill Baptist Church of Chicago, with church people, or in church services. So when I meet people who aren’t regular attenders it’s a surprise to find that sometimes they don’t know why you might be a part of it.

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Why go to church? What’s the benefit of attending regularly? When you understand the “why” it makes it easier to understand the “when” and “where.” (more…)

The Absolute Worst Place to Place Confidence

How Digital Discipleship Changes The Game

Spiritual growth is not automatic. If it were, every person who is born again would progress along a certain path and at some point automatically “arrive” spiritually. Instead, just like physical growth, spiritual growth is a gradual process of development.

If you’ve been at Mars Hill Baptist Church long, you know how important  practical teaching is to our church.  Our goal is simple.  We begin by identifying what is important for people to know.  Practical teaching reveals where we are and where we need to go.  We want the message to come alive so we added REWIND.

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REWIND is weekly email designed for us to look back to Sunday’s message and allow God’s Spirit to prompt us in areas that need to change in our lives (before we shelve the thoughts in the archives of our mind).  There are three sections to it: (more…)

The Absolute Worst Place to Place Confidence

New Series – “All Things New”

God designed us in such a way that we are really just a big bundle of appetites, expectations, and desires.  Appetites include security, an appetite for love, an appetite to be respected, to be cherished, and to feel successful.  God designed to have appetites, but each one of our appetites creates tension. The reason you feel tension in your life, is because one or more of your appetites are clamoring for MORE.

Your ability or inability to manage your appetites will determine the direction of your life.  That’s why I decided to begin 2015 with a new series called “All Things New.” On Sunday, January 4, 2015 (8AM or 10:30AM), I’m kicking off this series discussing the tension you face in your pursuit of MORE. Together we’ll look at the Story of Jacob and Esau and discover how uncontrolled appetites can lead to destruction (Genesis 25). Grab a friend and meet us at Mars Hill Baptist Church. You’ll leave stronger, better, and wiser.

The Absolute Worst Place to Place Confidence

3 Keys To Getting Through Dry Seasons

Let me be honest with you…the desert IS NOT a fun place.  It’s dry, lonely, and HOT!

Everyone goes through dry seasons. Be honest, you can recall times when you didn’t feel “spiritually high,” You attend church weekly, go to Sunday School or Bible Study, perhaps you even study your Bible, but God feels a lot more like a distant relative than somebody you’re connected to.  The toughest season, and one that so many Christians seem to fight through, is the dry season–the desert months. During this season our relationship with God feels distant but lifeless. Again I repeat, everyone goes through desert seasons.


When I sense God is distant, I cringe when people tell me to “pray more” or “have more faith.” Really? That’s the best you have when you see I’m thirsty! When you go through your desert season, here are 3 key truths you can hold on to: (more…)