Are YOU There Yet?

Are YOU There Yet?

In 2005, Ice Cube (Nick) and Nia Long (Suzanne) starred in the hit comedy movie, “Are We There Yet?” Nick’s attracted to Suzanne and offers to drive her two very annoying children from Portland to Vancouver.  The trip’s a disaster from the outset as the three face numerous mishaps while entertaining the nagging question, “Are we there yet?”  As a parent who’s gone on numerous road trips with children, they have trouble understanding distance and how much time it takes to actually get ‘there.’

In his book, “Maximize The Moment,” Bishop T.D. Jakes references a “place called there.”  It’s not a neighborhood.  You can’t find it on a map.  Money, education, or influence can’t get you there.  There is the place God intended for us to be spiritually, relationally, financially, etc.  It’s God’s destiny for us and once you’ve been touched by destiny, your relentless pursuit begins.


Are YOU There Yet?

Excellence Is Overrated

Consider this statement:

It doesn’t have to be perfect for God to bless it.

As I read Scripture, I can’t find any instance where conditions were perfect before God blessed it.  Abraham didn’t have all the answers when asked to sacrifice his son Isaac…he proceeded anyway.  Moses had a speech problem and was insecure about his leadership abilities…he proceeded anyway.  Nehemiah certainly didn’t know how the building project would turn out, but he proceeded anyway.  Are you noticing a pattern here?

Why The Big Push For Excellence?

Every generation is quick to point out the hypocrisy of the one that preceded it.  The generation born just after WWII began rejecting the values of their parents during the ’60s.  Now it’s their kids’ turn.  Today’s young adults see a generation of baby-boomer Christians that has striven for “excellence” in every part of church life.  Boomers proclaimed in the 1980s that image is everything, and their churches have reflected that cultural trend.


Are YOU There Yet?

Friday's Top 5 Economic Trends That'll Effect You Personally

I want to begin 2011 not by reflecting on the past, but looking towards the future of life as I see it. You’ve probably noticed I’m a technically progressive pastor/leader who keeps his ear to the ground. It’s my job to be a modern day Son of Issachar – one who “discerns the times & knows what to do.”  (1 Chronicles 12:32)

Whenever we go through a major change in our culture, it seems we have to adjust to ‘the new normal.’ And today is no exception — as the U.S. economy struggles to recover from the financial crisis, Americans are being forced to reckon with more ‘new normals’ than we’d like.

Here are some of my predictions for 2011 and years to come:

  1. (more…)
Are YOU There Yet?

Ya Miss Me?

That’s right – I’m back!

Two weeks ago I blogged on “Investigating Christmas.”  It was informative, concise, and though-provoking (at least that what my readers thought).  After Christmas I took a break from blogging to spend time with my family, fix a few things around the house (ok, I paid someone to do it – I supervised), and work under the hood of my blog/website.

There were several changes made to my blog (all under the hood) and it’s much faster and stable.  Although you can’t see the changes, trust me: they were significant.  Once again a BIG THUMBS UP to the coldest blog designers Arcane Palette!  Chris really came through BIG TIME getting THIS SITE up and running in a SHORT amount of time.  If you’re considering starting a blog, I HIGHLY recommend you connect with the folks at Arcane Palette.

I have the greatest members in the world!

Monday, I was in official recovery mode from Sunday’s CRAZY/INSANE worship experiences!  While recovering, I received a phone call from Rolanda (a member) and she shared an amazing idea (thanks Ro).  Our church’s focus this year is three. sixty. five.  What does that mean?  I’m challenging our members to ‘BE’ the church 365 days a year instead of 52 weeks each Sunday.

Rolanda challenged me to share an encouraging word to our members EACH DAY this year and I gladly accepted her challenge (my sheep know my voice).  Additionally, I decided to use this blog, Facebook, & Twitter to accomplish the aforementioned.  Therefore, if you are not following me, please do so & encourage others to do the same.

three. sixty. five. day 1

Let’s start with this premise: THERE’S NOBODY GREATER THAN JESUS!

There’s POWER in your PRAISE!  Sometimes we must ‘STOP FIGHTING’ our battles and PRAISE HIM in the midst of our battles.  God says, “He will fight for us and He releases His Power and Provision on our behalf.”

Are YOU There Yet?

Looking For A Resolution – Get Salty In 2011

Today, we are literally five days away from a New Year, a new season, and new opportunities.  Without question many view this past year as one filled with struggle, sadness, and maybe even a sense of unfulfilled expectations.  However, you already claimed 2011 as your year and your moment.  You’ve seen change, tasted change, and decided you like what you’ve seen and tasted.  How do you plan to change your world, the one in which you live?  Allow me to cut across the yard and tell you how – GET SALTY!

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.  Matthew 5:13

Jesus referred to His followers, as the salt of the earth and the light of the world.  Salt is a necessary mineral, without it we die. Too much of it and we also die.


Are YOU There Yet?

I'm Done…I Give Up

There’s an old saying:  Winners never quit and quitters never win.  Wrong!  What if I told you that successful people quit ALL THE TIME.  Would you believe me?  If not, I challenge you to keep reading.

Every new business, project, career, or ministry starts out exciting and fun.  Eventually it gets harder and less fun, until it hits a low point (really hard), and it’s not much fun at all.  Consequently, you find yourself asking if the goal is even worth the hassle.

According to bestselling author Seth Godin, what really sets successful people apart from everyone else is the ability to escape dead ends quickly, while staying focused and motivated when it really counts.  He calls it “The Dip.” Successful people quit fast, quit often, and quit without guilt-until they commit to beating the right Dip for the right reasons.


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