I want to begin 2011 not by reflecting on the past, but looking towards the future of life as I see it. You’ve probably noticed I’m a technically progressive pastor/leader who keeps his ear to the ground. It’s my job to be a modern day Son of Issachar – one who “discerns the times & knows what to do.”  (1 Chronicles 12:32)

Whenever we go through a major change in our culture, it seems we have to adjust to ‘the new normal.’ And today is no exception — as the U.S. economy struggles to recover from the financial crisis, Americans are being forced to reckon with more ‘new normals’ than we’d like.

Here are some of my predictions for 2011 and years to come:

  1. New Normal is Here To Stay (at least for a while) – Thanks to the recent economic & global crisis, the days of easy credit and a lifestyle of hyper-consumption are long gone (at least for a while). We’re back to the days of our grandparents who saved ‘CASH’ for big-ticket items. What’s the message: STACK YOUR CASH. Think Post-Great Depression living!
  2. Financially…We’re On Our Own – The government’s broke. Your state is broke. Your municipality is probably broke. What does this mean? If they can’t pay their bills, where do you think they’ll get the money to pay them? YOU (think taxes)! Therefore, it’s time to take control of your finances and HERE’S where you begin!  Additionally, don’t buy things you don’t need.  Remember, if you can’t pay cash for it – put it down.   If you can’t afford it – walk away.  Finally, if it doesn’t make you or your family smarter – you don’t need it. What’s the message: Think wisely before you buy!
  3. Get a GOOD Education – 1) Go to school for something that you are good at; 2) Something that has good/strong medium-long term security (no offense…don’t expect liberal arts degree to do much); 3) Don’t go to law school because there are too many lawyers; 4) If you enter the teaching sector, the health professions, engineering, mechanics/trades, police officer, anything where there has always historically been a demand for in any society — go for it.
  4. Credit Card Companies ARE NOT On Your Side – Anyone who desires to take money out of my pocket is my ENEMY!   Therefore, pay off high interest debt first over investing.  A 20% credit card interest rate is still going to make you go more in debt than a high rate 12% mutual fund/stocks.
  5. Think Of Yourself & Family As A Business – Why?  Long-term unemployment appears as if it’ll hang around for a while.  With the jobless rate standing stubbornly close to 10%, it’s tough not to wonder if high unemployment could be a long-term fixture of the American economy.  With little to no hiring in the private sector, it almost seems like the only new jobs out there are — well, the one you create for yourself.

What do you think about my predictions?

Did I miss anything?

Is there something you’d like to add?

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