The Real Reason Why You Worry (and How to Stop)

The Real Reason Why You Worry (and How to Stop)

A few months ago, I flew to Orange County, CA.  On my return flight, I experienced turbulence somewhere over the Colorado Rockies.  Sensing my nervousness, my seat mate looked at me and said, “Do not be worried, if it is your time, it is your time.” Really?  You mean to tell me that is the best thing you can say?

He gave me absolutely no comfort!  I have never received comfort from people who say, “If it is your time, it is your time.”  It does not matter if you are in a car, or on a bus or plane, if it is your time, it is your time.  What if it is the pilot’s time?  It may not be my time but it is the pilot’s time.  The truth is, at some point, we all worry.

The Real Reason Why You Worry (more…)

4 Keys to Navigating Spiritually Dry Seasons

4 Keys to Navigating Spiritually Dry Seasons

Be honest.  Has there ever been a time when you could not hear God’s voice?

Have you ever experienced a period of spiritual dryness?  A place some call the desert.  Let me be honest with you…the desert IS NOT a fun place.  It is dry, lonely, and HOT!

If you ever had a desert experience and are now past it, stop what you are doing and praise God.  If, however, you are approaching or are in a desert season, then maybe today’s post can help you get through it.

spiritually dry seasons

Everyone goes through a desert or spiritually dry seasons. Be honest, you can recall times when you did not feel “spiritually connected.” You attend church weekly, go to a Bible study or your small group, perhaps you even study your Bible, but God feels a lot more like a distant relative than somebody you are connected to. (more…)

The Real Reason You’re Not Successful

The Real Reason You’re Not Successful

Google is amazing. Some love it. Some hate it.

I confess: Google is my trump card when I need to know something really fast. Recently, I searched “top skills you need to be successful” and I was blown away. I quickly discovered:

  1. Everyone has their own definition of success
  2. Everyone has their own list on what it takes to be successful
  3. Most results centered on power, prestige, possessions, and popularity
  4. Now I understand why we are confused

How would you define success? A lot of my Google search results considers power, possessions, prosperity, and prestige to be the highest of goals. It is true…God blesses some people with positions of power or wealth.

Success (more…)

Feeling Stuck? 3 Steps to Getting Unstuck

Feeling Stuck? 3 Steps to Getting Unstuck

You have a deadline looming.

However, instead of doing your work, you are fiddling with miscellaneous things like checking email, social media, watching videos, surfing blogs and forums. You know you should be working, but you just don’t feel like doing anything.

I’m guilty of it. Even when I don’t want to do it, it creeps up. Now time passes. Ten minutes turns into thirty minutes. Thirty minutes turns into hours and before we know it, the task we set out to do doesn’t get done. Now we’re stressed out because there’s another unfinished task on our todo list. Bummer!

Getting Unstuck (more…)

Feeling Stuck? 3 Steps to Getting Unstuck

Give Me 10 Minutes — And You’ll Discover What To Do When People Won’t Change

How often have you wanted to change other people so they’d be better?

Have you ever noticed it’s hard to change habitual behavior?  As a pastor, leader, and life coach, my mission is to help people achieve positive change in behavior: for themselves, their family, and their leadership teams.

Research shows that successful people, who embrace change, have a strong sense of self-determination. Simply put, their mindset says, “I am doing, what I am doing because I choose to, not “I am doing what I am doing because I have to.”

Resist Change 0

Since I help people embrace and navigate change, I wrestle with the tension change brings to individuals and organizations. I hear it all the time: “I want to grow. I just don’t want to change.”  How do you respond when people want to grow, but not change?

If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit


Feeling Stuck? 3 Steps to Getting Unstuck

The Biggest Mistake We Don’t Even Know We’re Making

After a long day at the office, sometimes I sit back and watch TV.  Recently, I found myself channel-surfing for about 15 minutes.  I was amazed at how many of the ads were about getting in shape.  Here are some of the exact phrases I heard: 

  • “Six-second abs.” 
  • “Easy shaper.” 
  • “Incredible — a miracle!” 
  • “It feels terrific! Let us show you how easy it is!” 
  • “Quickly turn your flabby abs into that sexy six-pack!” 

Where did we ever get the crazy idea that getting in shape is supposed to be quick and easy?  Why do we think that there will be almost no cost?  Why are we surprised when working out turns out to be hard and healthy foods don’t really taste that good?  It’s because we think easy and simple are synonymous.  Wrong!

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Photo courtesy of



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