How To Get You Going

How To Get You Going

Bruno Mars is not alone when he wakes up singing,

Oh, today I don’t feel like doing anything. I just want to lay in my bed.

Let’s face it – some days it’s harder than others to drag ourselves out of bed & jumpstart our day. I call it winning “World War Me.” It’s the ongoing battle of the will within us to overcome that internal naysayer that says “just forget about it and stay in bed.”

What motivates you? What makes you wake up every day, rush to work irrespective of various problems, challenges, and setbacks?



Intrinsic Motivation

People are motivated either internally (Intrinsic Motivation) or externally (Extrinsic Motivation). People who are motivitated internally have internal desire which fuels their passion. For them, play is work and work is play. Ask someone who’s motivated internally “why do you do what you do,” they’ll tell you “it’s because I love what I do.”

Extrinsic Motivation

Just as some are motivated internally, some are motivated by external factors. Every four years the world watches the very best athletes compete for a gold medal while representing their respective countries. That’s why atheltes work hard and push their bodies to the limits hoping to win a World Series, NBA Champtionship, or the Super Bowl. The idea that he or she is the best in the world, and has the endorsements – and bling in the form of rings and medals to show for it – is the reward that comes at the end of a hard-won battle.

Are you looking to get (and stay) motivated? To get you on the right track, consider Lifehack’s following tips: (more…)

How To Get You Going

Do You Keep a Praise File?

Happy Hump Day!

Sometimes life is lonely and filled with pitfalls, discouragement and rejection. When those dark days roll around and I need a boost, I open my praise file & remember what God has done for me.

Praise File

Instead of keeping failure and negative files, keep a praise file. Refer to it often but don’t get lost in past glory— keep it around for when you need the lift.

What’s in your file?

How To Get You Going

Boring Is No Fun


Boring is predictable.  Boring is no fun.  The boring slot is already taken so go ahead create something that will make the world awesome!

Stop blaming your circumstances on others.  Stop whining.  Stop complaining.  Stop blaming others for the decisions you’ve made.  As Dr. Mike Murdock says, “never complain about what you permit.”

Your present circumstances are existing with your permission. Your toleration of them breathes life and longevity into them. Intolerance of your present will create a different future. Nothing will really change in your life until you cannot tolerate the present any longer.

Thanks Kid President – you encouraged me & I’m paying it forward and encouraging others.

How To Get You Going

The One Thing Wise People Never Do

Today’s TV shows don’t compare to “old-school” TV shows.  If you were to search the gazillion cable channels, what you will find are reality shows depicting sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

lone ranger

Growing up, one of my favorite “old school” TV shows was the Lone Ranger.  He was a fictional character, a masked ex-Texas Ranger who, with his Native American companion, Tonto, fights injustice in the American Old West.  Although I loved the show, I was somewhat puzzled by the show’s title – The Lone Ranger.  He wasn’t alone he had Tonto.

Go figure.

If the Lone Ranger had Tonto assisting him, why do most people try to figure out life’s problems on their own?  Why do some insist on taking the “Lone Ranger” approach to solving life’s most difficult challenges?  Since life’s filled with many twists and turns, it’s wise to recruit other wise people to help you conquer life’s challenges.

Wise People Never Attack Difficult Problems Alone

One of the greatest resources we have is the people God places in our lives.  If you ask around, I’d be willing to suggest that someone in your circle has “been there, done that.”  I can’t imagine going after a problem without the advice of the wise men & women God has placed around me.  The next time you’re faced with a difficult problem, don’t attempt to solve it alone.  Instead, ask: “Who can I recruit to help me solve this problem.

Who’s your Tonto?

How To Get You Going

Don’t Make Another New Year’s Resolution

How many times have you said, this year will be different? As you prepare for your New Year’s Resolutions, I thought you might enjoy knowing about them according to the University of Scranton, Journal of Clinical Psychology.

New Year’s Resolution Statistics

  • Percentage of Americans who usually make New Year’s resolutions: 45%
  • Percentage of Americans who never make New Year’s resolutions: 38%
  • Percentage of Americans who are successful in achieving New Year’s Resolutions: 8%
  • People in their 20’s who achieve the resolutions: 39%
  • People over 50 who achieve their resolutions: 14%

living in focus_t_nv

What’s The Point

People make New Year’s Resolutions are 10 times more likely to achieve their goals than those who don’t make any resolutions.  In 2013, let’s try something radical – don’t make a New Year’s Resolution!


How To Get You Going

Sacrifices Leaders Make – Part 2

Successful leaders don’t rest on their laurels, because leadership is not a title on a business card.  Leadership is a living process – and that means growth, according to Ken Blanchard & Mark Miller in Great Leaders Grow.  Ask any leader “what it takes to become a great leader” and I guarantee you sacrifice is right at the top of every successful leader’s list.

My previous post suggests, as a leader you sacrifice your time.  In case you missed it, you can read it HERE.  I once heard someone say, “in order to go up, you must be willing to give up something.”  A true leader will sacrifice their personal agenda for the sake of an organization’s goals. In addition to sacrificing time, as a leader you sacrifice your energy.

draining energy

The task of being an effective leader requires diligent effort and sacrifice. The principles of servant hearted leadership encourage an aspiring leader to invest themselves in others. This means that you need to pour energy into your team and organization. As a result there will be many emotional, mental and physical demands on you.

When preparing for leadership, know that you will have to sacrifice your energy. To counter this, find ways in which you can keep your energy levels up so that you can remain effective as a leader. Physical fitness has great benefits and is one way in which you can keep your energy resources renewed. The important thing is that you be prepared. Don’t underestimate the sacrifice of energy that leadership requires.

What do you do to keep your energy levels up?

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