The 2nd Greatest Story Ever Told!

The 2nd Greatest Story Ever Told!

Skeptics may debate the validity of Scripture or argue the existence of God, but no one can deny your personal experiences with Him.  When you tell your story of how God has worked a miracle in your life, or how he has blessed you, transformed you, lifted and encouraged you, perhaps even broken and healed you, no one can argue or debate it.  You go beyond the realm of knowledge into the realm of relationship with God.

Today, I challenged our congregation to tell the 2nd greatest story ever – THEIR STORY!  Additionally, I challenged them to write it & share with others how God transformed their lives.  You don’t have to attend Mars Hill to write your story.  In fact, I challenge you to join us and tell the world about Christ’s transforming power!

Here’s how you do it:

Writing Your Story

Will you accept the challenge?

The 2nd Greatest Story Ever Told!

What Ticks Me Off During Worship

Have you ever been distracted at church even when you came wanting to worship God? Distractions during worship can minimize the powerful impact worship can have. We are easily distracted people. Upon further reflection, I’ve come to believe we have a very low tolerance for distractions (including pastors).  Additionally, I’ve discovered that pastoring a large church presents its fair amount of distractions and challenges.  It has been said that “confession is good for the soul.”  Therefore, it’s confession time for me.

One of the greatest distractions for me: CELL PHONES.

Each week during the sermon I hear cell phones ringing.  I wonder how many of these calls have been emergencies?

Let me guess – PROBABLY ZERO!


Cell phones are a great tool for communication but please consider how important it is to get that “important” phone call during church, a movie or anything else where the phone can be a horrible distraction to others.  God may speak to you during worship; however, he won’t call you on your cell phone.  Here are some alternatives; silent/vibrate mode, off button or leave the darn thing in your car.

While you’re at it go ahead and take the Bluetooth earpiece out of your ear…
it looks ridiculous during worship.

The 2nd Greatest Story Ever Told!

Reflections on Sunday's Worship Experience

Yesterday’s worship experience was truly special!  Life Development (Mars Hill’s nursery, children, & youth ministries) took time to honor our fathers by sharing their gifts, talents, and abilities with the entire congregation.  One read a special tribute (Daquan); Another performed Unforgettable (Jasmine); while another played the violin (Vincent).  All were truly amazing and I’m so proud of Daquan, Vincent, and Jasmine.  You’re all heroes in my book!

  1. The Mars Hill Gladiator Drill Team (Senior and Junior Team) competed in Houston, TX at the National Missionary Baptist of America’s Annual Congress.  BOTH ROCKED THE HOUSE and brought home 2 FIRST PLACE TROPHIES!
  2. Before the message, members of our Drill team marched their trophies down the center aisle for all to see and received a standing ovation!  GO GLADIATORS!!!
  3. Again, the worship experience was awe-inspiring.  Our Praise & Worship Teams led worship at 8AM & 10:30AM and ministered with power under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
  4. We saw 10 people (4 gave their lives to Christ) connect with our church family…this NEVER GETS OLD since our mission is to turn the unchurched into fully devoted followers of Christ.
  5. God is absolutely BLOWING my mind with thoughts and ideas about this fall – MARS HILL fasten your seat belts and prepare yourselves for an incredible ride.


The series, Can You See Him just may go down in history as one of the most thought-provoking series of all time!  Yesterday’s message, Can You See Him In Your Struggles, caused people to look inwardly and see if the cause of their most recent struggle was a SELF-INFLICTED STRUGGLE.

Andy Stanley says, “there’s often a tension between where we want to end up in life and the path we choose to get there.”  We fail to see that having good intentions won’t necessarily get us to the place where God wants us to be.  Personally, I believe God gave us principles to follow and when we violate them we suffer the consequences.

Scriptures teaches, A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it (Proverbs 22:3).  Let me say it differently: Wise people (prudent) see danger (struggles) and take precautions.  On the other hand, fools (the simple) goes on blindly and suffer the consequences of their unwise choices.

In short, the simple get to the point when all their options are bad.

Evaluate the path you’re on since it’ll ultimately determine your destination.  Remember, you can have every good intention on becoming healthy, ending bad relationships, or getting your finances in order.  However, good intentions are not enough!

What changes do you need to make today?

The 2nd Greatest Story Ever Told!

Can You See Him Today?

When you hear the phrase “God is closer than you think,” what comes to mind?  Personally, I’m overwhelmed with a sense of joy and confidence!


The Bible is filled with examples of an intimate God keenly interested in connecting with ordinary people.   He promises to be with us.  He says He will personally guide us.  Yet somehow, intimacy with God eludes us.   I believe my new series Can You See Him struck a nerve with God’s people.   This series shows how you can enjoy a vibrant, moment-by-moment relationship with your heavenly Father.  Not some abstract theological concept, but an intimate connection with a personal God.

Sunday’s message, Seeing is Believing (Acts 9:1-17) traced the Apostle Paul’s conversion experience.   Paul was hell-bent on destroying Christians and Christianity.   While on the Road to Damascus, he sees a light brighter than the sun and ultimately looses his sight for three days (Acts 9:1-4).  When Jesus asks: “Why are you persecuting me?” Saul responds by asking, “Who are you, Lord?” For me it’s comforting to know, regardless of where you are in life:


Here’s a popular saying: “If you take one step towards God, He’ll take two steps towards you.”   NOPE, that’s not in the Scriptures.   Truth is, we’re utterly lost (Romans 3:23; 5:8) and God sends The Spirit to “quicken” or awake us to SEE we’re lost and in need of a savior.  I’m glad God chose to initiate Paul’s salvation and ours.   Remember, no one would ever expect Paul to become a Christian and his conversion experience shows why it’s important to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-40).

Thirsty for more…tune it tomorrow for Part 2…

The 2nd Greatest Story Ever Told!

Reflections on Sunday's Service

We had another incredible worship experience this past Sunday!  I started a new series entitled: “Can You See Him?”  Life usually sets us on a path that’s almost robotic and we forget to see God in all things – the good, the tragic, or even the mundane.


As the two disciples traveled to Jerusalem, Christ came along side them and began walking and talking to them (Luke 24:13-35).  In fact, He was close, but they couldn’t see Him.  Additionally, He was there before they even realized they needed Him!  The two travelers were sad because their Messiah was crucified and what they had hoped for (a reigning king to overthrow Rome) didn’t happen as they wished.  The same could be said about us.  We live our lives framed by the reality of five words: “I had hope…but instead.”

  1. “I had hoped I’d be married; but instead I’m still single.”
  2. “I had hoped for a job after college; but instead there aren’t many viable options.”
  3. “I had hoped we’d live together in retirement; but instead he became terminally ill.”

Although it’s comforting to know that God is with us before we need Him.  It’s equally comforting to know when He reveals Himself to us it’s not to inform, but to CONFIRM.  Jesus confirmed He was the resurrected Messiah when He sat at the table and broke the bread (Luke 9:13-17; 22:17-19; 24:28-31a).  The two disciples may not have recognized Jesus’ face, but, they recognized his actions!  How were they able to see?


Intimacy with God allows you to notice the details – the small things others often miss.  As Jesus opend the Scriptures to them, their eyes were opened and they recognized Him.  Becasue they could see they know themselves that Jesus was alive!


I invite you to join our congregation in studying this passage together.  The following questions were taken from Sunday’s outline and I invite you to “dig deeper” with us.  Please feel free to post your thoughts, comments, or questions and we learn together in community.

  1. Sometimes it is easier to see God’s work as you reflect back over your life. Encourage others with an example of how you can see God at work through a challenge from the past.
  2. The two men’s eyes were opened to see Jesus in their midst. Describe a time that you’ve had a spiritual awakening. How did God give you “eyes to see” something you missed before.
  3. You (or someone you know) may be in the middle of a painful season where it is more difficult to see God at work. Take time to pray for each other and ask God to give you eyes to see His hand in your lives.