Welcome to Session 2: The Power of Being a Servant-Leader.  I’m excited about the concept of hosting an Online School of Leadership.  What’s great about this school is that no matter where you are in the world, all you need to do is log on to this blog and elevate your leadership skills.  Last week we learned how being a servant is the best kept leadership secret.  If you missed it, you can read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 now.

The Power of Being a Servant-Leader

The term servant-leader probably conjures up images of someone who is always walking behind others, picking up after them and simply playing a supporting role. But just because you support and serve those you lead, doesn’t mean you are a doormat or any less of leader. It is probably the idea that a leader should have an elevated rather than serving position that hinders us from really understanding what being a servant-leader is about.

Think about epic stories like Braveheart. In the movie you see Mel Gibson as the lead character who is spurring his followers on to fight for freedom. But he doesn’t sit back and direct the battle from a distant hill. He is there in the front lines with his men, serving them in battle, fighting alongside them and yet still leading them. This is a powerful image of a servant-leader.  Because of his servant heart, his men stood toe-toe with him until the very end.

Did you enjoy today’s session?

Join me tomorrow as I discuss King Saul who vividly portrays the consequences of not having a Servant-Leader’s attitude.

Chapter One
From Rubble to Renewal: The Nehemiah Strategy for Modern Times


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Chapter 1: Assessing the Ruins: 
Contemplating Our Personal Jerusalems


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