I am surprised and humbled by the overwhelming response to this week’s post, “Humbling Lessons In Change & Transition.”  If you missed it, you can read it HERE.

 (Sanctuary renovation – 2011)

In 2011, I shared some new and exciting changes at Mars Hill Baptist Church.  But as exciting as that vision of building was, we know now that in the process we left some people behind. There were parts of the process where as leaders we simply dropped the ball.  I believe you can learn a lot from your failures if you’re willing to admit and learn from them.

(Sanctuary renovation – 2011)

First, I learned  how buildings house memories.  Therefore, it is wise not to erase their significance. Parents have introduced their children to the church and sat Sunday after Sunday in the pews together. Others have said goodbye to loved ones and those last few words in that place were significant.  In addition to learning the significance of buildings, I also learned how change can happen quickly but, transition often follows more slowly. 


We also assumed that most people would be able to accept the changes as easily as we did. We were only looking ahead of us, we weren’t looking around.  What we didn’t realize is that while change happens instantly, transition follows more slowly. Different personalities adapt to change in different ways and in their own time.

 (People writing their prayer requests on the stage – 2011)

For most people change is difficult and for others it’s plain scary. As leaders we should have invested more in individual relationships to help people understand and accept the transition.  To go back to the lake fishing example mentioned earlier: If the leaders had stayed on the shore instead of going ahead in their boat, they could have helped and encouraged those that were uncertain about going fishing. Sometimes there is more serving involved in leadership than leading.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement: “change happens quickly, but transition follows more slowly? 

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