Humility increases our appreciation for God. To respect God’s majesty, we must compare ourself to his greatness. When we look at creation, we often feel small by comparison. To feel small is a healthy way to get back to reality, but God does not want us to dwell on our smallness. Humility means proper respect for God, not self-depreciation.

In 2011 saw some exciting changes at the Mars Hill Baptist Church. But as exciting as that vision of building was, we know now that in the process we left some people behind. There were parts of the process where as leaders we simply dropped the ball. During this three-part series, my purpose was to share three humbling lessons learned. If you missed reading Part 1 and Part 2, you can read them HERE and HERE.

(Sanctuary Renovation – 2011)

So, what did I learn?

First, I learned how buildings house memories. Therefore, it is wise not to erase their significance. Different personalities adapt to change in different ways and in their own time. In addition to learning the significance of buildings, I also learned how change can happen quickly but, transition often follows more slowly. Today, I’m excited to share the final lesson – A new vision – even a God given one – requires careful communication.

LESSON 3: A New Vision – Even a God-given One – Requires Careful Communication

In Genesis 37-51, the story of Joseph as a young boy tells of how God gave him visions and dreams of being a great leader. Joseph related his dreams to his brothers directly and this angered them. As a result they sold him off as a slave. We know that as the story unfolds that the visions came true, yet in the moment the brothers couldn’t understand how that might ever come to be.

As leaders at Mars Hill we had our vision fixed firmly on the future, and in the process we overlooked how some people may feel about the changes that were taking place.  The leaders could have taken more time to share and communicate more details of the vision and how it would affect and involve individuals. This may have helped people accept the changes more easily. As we move forward in this transition phase at Mars Hill the leaders are committed to building relationships with people. Specifically where people feel that they have been excluded or left behind, we want to rebuild those bridges and include you in our community once again.  There is so much for everyone to learn through this transition. Join with us in the journey.

 (Renovation Complete – 2011)

In closing, humility is a fascinating word. Why? It challenges our pride and clarifies our dependence on God. Obedience to God begins with humility. We must believe that His way is better than our own. We may not always understand His ways of working, but by humbly obeying, we will receive his blessings. We must remember:

  1. God’s ways are best;
  2. God wants our obedience more than anything else; and
  3. God can use anything to accomplish his purposes.

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From Rubble to Renewal: The Nehemiah Strategy for Modern Times


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