Sacrifices Every Leader Makes

Sacrifices Every Leader Makes

If something is gained by personal sacrifice, how much more valuable is it to you?

An athlete crossing the finish line for their first marathon appreciates that all the time and effort put in to training has been worth it. The same can be said for life. While the idea of sacrifice especially on a personal level makes most people uncomfortable, it is essential if you are to build strong character.


As a leader you will have many responsibilities and be faced with many challenges. It will require a depth of character to achieve your goals.  Character is often molded through challenges. As a leader there are three common areas of your life that you may need to sacrifice. Think of them as character building exercises rather than sacrifices and you can become an influential leader.

 As a Leader you sacrifice your Time.

A true leader will sacrifice their personal agenda for the sake of an organization’s goals. People will require meetings with you. They will need your input when making decisions and all of this demands your time. Many CEO’s are in the habit of working long hours. They know that they have to sacrifice their time in order to help the organization succeed. Of course a wise leader will balance this with a need for rest. But as a general rule a leader often has to sacrifice their personal time for an organization.

In addition to sacrificing your time, on my next post I’ll share the second sacrifice leaders must make – their energy.  Stay tuned!

Have you ever had to sacrifice your time?  If so, how?

Sacrifices Every Leader Makes

The Real Revolution Will Be An Evolution

As the election season comes to a close, whoever wins will make history.  We will elect an African-American to a second term or a Mormon as president.  Both President Obama & Governor Romney talk about change and how they will implement those changes.  Both have a vision on how to get America back on track and believe it wholeheartedly.

dont forget to vote wide t nv

However, what they both fail to articulate is how change involves loss, sacrifice, and pain.  That is the hard part.  Why?  Deep change requires that people change the way they think.  When people change the way they think, it changes how they feel.  When people change how they feel, they change the way they act/behave.  Therefore, when both candidates call for change, what they are calling for is a revolution.   (more…)

Sacrifices Every Leader Makes

The ONE Trait All Leaders (Should) Have In Common

Jesus was an innovative teacher who taught in an innovative way.  He came on the scene to explain God to a group of people who were confused about God.  They saw God as as distant, demanding, and unapproachable.  Therefore, Jesus used word pictures, parables, and fatherly imagery to show how God desires a relationship with His people. Jesus’ innovative way of teaching upset the status quo and ultimately played a part in His crucifixion and death.

What’s the lesson:  Innovation is costly!

Jeff Bezos, CEO of recently shared his approach to innovation—both how to do it and how to stay focused when critics question high-risk projects.  You can read the entire article HERE.

He said:

I believe you have to be willing to be misunderstood if you’re going to innovate. That’s actually a serious point. If you’re going to do something that’s never been done before – which is basically what innovation is – people are going to misunderstand it just because it’s new.

Jeff Bezos, Founder & CEO of ( April 17, 2008)

I agree with Bezos’ thoughts on innovation and see why most leaders play it safe and copy others.  Innovators drink from the fountain of being misunderstood while ultimately paving the way for others.

Question: Do you agree or disagree with Jeff Bezos’ statement?

Sacrifices Every Leader Makes

Would You Invest In You, Inc.?

I recently heard someone say, “Life is a cruel joke and I ain’t laughing.”  I agree wholeheartedly.  In fact, the majority would agree that life comes at you fast, doesn’t play fair, and is downright unpredictable!  Wouldn’t you agree?  Since life doesn’t play fair, why should you?  If you plan to excel, you’d better learn how to “hack” life and make it work for you.  Hack life, what in the world is that?  “A life hack a clever solution to a tricky problem,” according to


Sacrifices Every Leader Makes

The Number One Rule of Dating (Break it & You'll Regret It)!

The beauty and challenge of pastoring an urban, thriving, and large congregation are the number of singles who attend.

Our church is filled with people who’ve never been married, recently divorced, and widows.  Since I counsel them all, most are eager to get back into the game before they’re healthy and ready.  Since I’m a pastor, I approach dating from a biblical perspective and having a relationship with God is a given.  However, since I like to keep it real and relevant, I decided to strip away the layers and give it to you – “straight up – no chaser.”

If you’re dating…considering dating…I advise you to NEVER break this rule for anyone:

If a man or woman doesn’t like you for who you are, just stop.

Why?  If you have to change who you are to attract, or keep them, you are cheating both yourself and them.

Whoop, there it is (Man, I’m showing my age).  What are your thoughts?  Sound off?

Sacrifices Every Leader Makes

Getting To The Next Level – Pt. 3

It appears I hit the right nerve judging from your response to “Getting To The Next Level.”  Thank you for sharing the articles with others via Facebook and Twitter. I’m humbled and happy that others are able to experience what you have.  If you haven’t read Part 1 and Part 2, you can read them HERE and HERE.

Getting to the next level is a GOD-THING and not OUR-THING.  He alone determines who’s prepared and elevates them at the appropriated time.  No better person illustrates this important principle like Joshua.

According to The Book of Numbers, Moses and Aaron had disqualified themselves from entering the land of promise when they had failed to honor the Lord by striking the rock at Meribah in the Desert of Zin (Numbers 20:12). Aaron had already died (Numbers 20:27-29) but the Lord now allowed Moses a glimpse of Canaan from afar. Rather than lapsing into self-pity as a lesser man might have done, Moses expressed his concern that Israel have a good leader to take his place.


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