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Welcome back to my blog!

This is my personal blog. It is focused on “empowering people to live an abundant life.” My mission is to help you connect life’s dots while passionately pursuing your purpose. I write on personal development, leadership, finance, relationships, inspiration, and motivation. On occasion, I write about stuff that doesn’t fit neatly into one of these categories.

welcome back

My goal is to create insightful, relevant content that you can put to work in your personal and professional life. If you are in a position of leadership—or aspire to be—then this blog is for you. I typically post two to three times a week. To make sure you don’t miss my newest posts, you can subscribe via RSS feed

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The Number One Rule of Dating (Break it & You'll Regret It)!

The beauty and challenge of pastoring an urban, thriving, and large congregation are the number of singles who attend.

Our church is filled with people who’ve never been married, recently divorced, and widows.  Since I counsel them all, most are eager to get back into the game before they’re healthy and ready.  Since I’m a pastor, I approach dating from a biblical perspective and having a relationship with God is a given.  However, since I like to keep it real and relevant, I decided to strip away the layers and give it to you – “straight up – no chaser.”

If you’re dating…considering dating…I advise you to NEVER break this rule for anyone:

If a man or woman doesn’t like you for who you are, just stop.

Why?  If you have to change who you are to attract, or keep them, you are cheating both yourself and them.

Whoop, there it is (Man, I’m showing my age).  What are your thoughts?  Sound off?

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Why Are Churches Still Segregated In 2010?

A couple of years ago, I wrote a blog series entitled “Jungle Fever.” This series took a look at the racial differences between African-American and White churches.  This series touched on how churches are still segregated and it appears this dynamic won’t change soon.  Additionally, I shared the differences between black preachers and white preachers.  Finally, I touched on how remarkably different blacks and whites dress when they attend worship.  It was a great series that generated several comments.  You can read more about it HERE.

There are many reasons why Sunday mornings continue to be the most segregated day of the week.  This video excerpt from the documentary, “Baptists and Racism,” attempts to address some of them.

Why do you think the Body of Christ remains segregated so many decades after the civil rights movement?  In my opinion, any time you call upon the majority group to divest themselves of power and influence, you’ll have fear, insecurity, and skepticism.  In short, they’ll passively sabotage any progress towards inclusion and multiculturalism.

Question: What do you believe are the fundamental reasons churches are segregated?

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Vital Connections: Financial Friends We All Need – Part 7

For the past two weeks, I’ve shared the importance of reaching out to expand your network of trusted advisors.  Included in the mix are: 1) A Personal Banker or Branch Manager;  2) Mortgage Broker, 3) A Fee-Based Financial Planner; 4) An Insurance Agent, 5) A Certified Public Accountant (CPA); and 6) A “Proven” Real Estate Agent.

In my opinion you should have them on speed dial if you desire to build wealth and leave a lasting legacy.  Your aim should be to develop a team that understands your financial goals and advise with a human touch.  Today, I’d like you to consider adding a seventh and final financial friend:

An Estate Planning Attorney

I Don’t Have Enough Money…

Wrong!  People often think of estate planning, wills, and trusts as tools and services for the wealthy.  Not so!  Why?  The laws governing wills and trusts affect the wealthy, middle-class, and the working class.  Additionally, there’s a lot of confusion surrounding wills and trusts.  People, they are not synonymous.  “A will controls your assets in your individual name when you die, but a trust is used to hold your assets during your lifetime,” according to Vicki Lee Parker, writer for Black Enterprise Magazine.

As a pastor of a thriving church, I can’t tell you how many family fights I had to mediate because no one took the time to consult an estate planning attorney.  Today, many siblings and relatives do not speak because no one took time to plan accordingly.  Since each state has different laws regarding inheritance, your estate shouldn’t be left to the state or do-it-yourself wills.  “An estate planning attorney can help you set up a trust that offers more flexibility and control over how your assets are managed after you die,” says Steve Hartnett, an estate planning attorney in San Diego and associate director of education at the American Academy of Estate Planing.

I Confess…

As I conclude this series, I want inform you that I practice what I preach.  I have six of the seven financial friends on speed dial and I’m currently interviewing estate planning attorneys.  I plan to make my decison by the end of September and will keep you posted.  Thanks for reading and reflecting on my blog posts and my prayers are with you as you assemble your team!

Did I miss anyone?  Who do you have on your team that I missed?

Hello world!

Vital Connections: Financial Friends We All Need – Part 6

When it comes to getting ahead financially, it pays to have a trusted circle of advisers to lean on.  For the past two weeks, I’ve shared the necessity of expanding your network of friends to include a few financial friends.  These friends will help guide you to reach your financial goals.  You can think of these friends as your personal board of directors or your dream team.  Today, I’d like to suggest a sixth financial friend:

A “Proven” Real Estate Agent

The recent economic downturn forced many agents out of business looking to make a quick buck.  If you intend to build wealth and leave a legacy, gone are the days when you can call your novice cousin, uncle, or high school friend to help your purchase or sale property.  Times have changed and with so much uncertainty in the real estate market, it’s important to have a proven agent in your network who has the expertise to help you achieve your property ownership goals.

Who Should I Call?

“Take some time to find an agent who knows the market you are interested in and has experience in the specific type of deals you want to make,” says Vicki Lee Parker, writer for Black Enterprise Magazine.  Before deciding which agents to interview, do your homework!  The top agent in your city may not be the best choice for marketing your particular home.  Your choice should depend on which agent is most successful in attracting buyers to homes similar to yours in price and amenities.  Some agents specialize in luxury homes, some in downtown condos, and some in a particular subdivision or price point.  To optimize your selling success, choose an agent who is successful in selling homes similar to yours.  Check out these questions before you list your home.

Do you have a “proven” real estate agent on speed dial?

Hello world!

Vital Connections: Financial Friends We All Need – Part 5

Last week I encouraged you to considered adding the following financial friends to your network: 1) A Personal Banker or Branch Manager;  2) Mortgage Broker, 3) A Fee-Based Financial Planner; and 4) An Insurance Agent.  These are the financial friends you should have on speed dial if you desire to build wealth and leave a lasting legacy.  Your aim should be to develop a team that understands your financial goals and advise with a human touch.  Today, I’d like you to consider adding a fifth financial friend:

A Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

“What’s a CPA”

It has been said that “the only thing certain in life are death and taxes.”  As your wealth increases, you will require the services of CPA.  There are many rules and regulations regarding individual taxes and if you don’t have a skilled CPA, you will find yourself in a lot of trouble.  A good CPA will inform you of the best tax position and legal protection you’ll need to protect you from potential liabilities.  The tax codes are complex and change yearly.  Therefore, it’s practically impossible for the average person to keep pace with the most recent updates.

“I Do My Own Taxes”

While preparing your own tax returns my save you money, but, is it wise?  While most computer tax software programs ask questions in order to identify your best tax strategy, they are not helpful when you’re presented questions you don’t understand.  A CPA who knows your income history can help you understand what taxes you’re paying and why.

How are you doing assembling your team?